07-21-1942 - Regular u ~ . ~ v ".- '; '" -.--;;--'" . c u u v REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOVTir COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, ]'LORIDA, HELD IN V.I .A. HALL ON JULY 21, 1942. Meeting called to order at 7:33 P.M. by W~yor Uounci~~n Henry Stalnaker. !tOLL CALL. MAYOR COUNCILMAN. Councilman. Councilman. Clerk. Attormey. Marshall. HENRY STAL1~AKER. PRESENT. O.E .Southard. . Present. _ G.L.Bailey. Absent;. ~alter C.Fuller. Present. J.U.Gmllespie. Present. J.S.Bates. Present. READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the meeting of July 7th, 1942 were read, whereupon Council- man Southard moved that they be approved as read, seconded by uouncilman Stalnaker and by vote declared uARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following bills wore read; New Smyrna HardwarebCo. ~3.75 New Smyrna Beach News. 2.50 Industrial Marine Co.,Inc. 1.80 Ray S .Blinn. 4.62 Henry Stalnaker 3.00 O.E.oouthard. 3.00 ~alter C.Fuller. 60.00 J.S.Bates. 40.00 Harry A.~oorc. 60.00 Ulerkts ~ss. Cash. 1.50 J. U .Gilleapie. 37.50 ]'ire Calls, J.S.Bates, Fire Chief. 2.00 ~.S.Darley and Uo. 83.01 Robertson Electric Uo. 3.15 Sceitlets Filling Station 3.43 H.P .lalkinson. 6.37 u. and M. Motor Co. 10.65 Haines Office Machine Co. 9.50 Councilman Southard moved that these bills be approved, be paid and be made a part of the minutes, seconded by Councibk~ Stalnaker and by vote declared CARRIED. OFFICERS REPORTS. The Clerk made a report of ~ools unaccounted for after a check up from the Inventory of January 1st, 1940 and those tools on hand as of July 2nd, 1942 Councilman Southard moved that this list of unaccounted for tools be made a part of these minutes and that they be deducted from the fnventory of January 1st, 1940 which inventory forms a part of the minutes of January l~ 1940, seconded by Counci~~n Stalnaker and by vote declared CARRIED. The list is attached. The Marshall reported that the Fire Exting1h.isher located in the entrance lobby needed refilling but that no chemicals were available at the present. he was requested to have this done when possible. S.M.Officer Moore reported having completed the following; Repairs to Flow Well overflow pipe, bridges on Ocean Ave, ~ark Ave., Guards at Lutz Ditch on Riverside Drive, Guards on Park Ave. Bridge, Hauling Shell to various Streets and repairs to intersection of Park Ave.and Hiverside Drive. fhe ~own of Edgewater sign was ordered to be replaced at a location about 600Feet South of furgot Ave. UOMlITTTEE REPORTS. The report of Council sitting as a Committee was read by the Ulerk. fhis report listed the duties of the Marshall and those of the street Maintenance Officer. Councilman Southard moved that the report be approved and ge made a part of these minutes, seaondcd by uouncilman Stalnaker and by vote declared CARRIED. The Report is attached and forms a part of these minutes. ~ I V '" . ..-'~ . - ~ Q u v u Minutes of July 21st, 1942. Page 2. COM.MUlITCATIONS . Alettcr dated July 21, 1942 signed by ~dward J.Ryan, Zone Warden, addressed to J.cl.Bates, Marshall, was read in full. lhis letter requested the appoint- ment two special police to replace others. UNFINISHEJ) BUSINESS. The cleaning of certain lots .North and South of the Elwin Merrill property l~orth of the Volbedding property and South and lI1est of the Henwick property was discussed and reports receLved from the b~rshall and S.M. Officer. I t was decided that the Clerk should write and request: owners of property to have same cleaned to prevent a fire hazzard. as follows: Edith E. Patch, Lot 66, Fernald and Chadwick Replat. Gertrude R.Morton, Lot 67 A, Fernald and ~hadwick Replat. h.W.l~tchell, Est, Lots 72 and 72A., Fernald and ~hadwick Replat. Louiia E.Haughton, Lots 7 and 8, Haulerson Sub. S.M.Officer was to obtain prices for cleaning these lots. the Clerk reported that the .b'lashing Traffic clignals ordered the first part cf of the year had been received. hllZ was ordered to have one plaved at Ridgewood and Hamilton Boad and one at Ridgewood and lTew Hampshire Ave. the red .b'lash in each case to be on Ridge- wood Ave., it being understood that this will add one moore street light and then make a total of Fourteen (14) Street Lights. fhe repair of a bridge on Knapp Ave. was discussed and held up until the Attorney could determine whether a dock in front ~f Section 2, Highland Shore Sub. was on Wown Property. The Clerk reported the Sale of Lot 11, Block B, Section 2, Highland Shores Sub. uorE.H. and Ma~elle Lohman at Uouncil's price of ~75.00. lilEVI BUSINESS. An~application~tor~a~permit to keep bees was received from H.L.Haughton. Councilman Southard moved that the application be issued if the Marshall found that thero was no objection on tho part of the abutting property owners sceonded by CouncilIr1D.n Stalnaker o.nd..1by vote declared uARRUD. The Clerk reported that the windows on the second floor of the Hall wore in need of repairs. also that some scrcens should be replaced. uouncil appointed Mayor Stalnaker and Ulork Fuller a committe to decide what should be done. Councilman Southard moved that the ]'iro and 'theft insurance on tho Town 'fruck should be placed with R.d.Blinn at a cost not to exceed ~5.00, seconded by Councilman Stalnwcer and by vote declared CARRIED. It was decided that the Marshall, J.S.Battes should submit a bill for Gasoline and telephone the first of oach month for the previous month's expense, the total not to exceed ~12.00. uouncilman Southard moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Stalnaker and by vote declared (;1L~ED. Time 9:02 P.M. .::. -: ':::,-- ~ - "" ......, ~ ~ ~~ :-..... " -- ~ :...._- .. ATTEST: town Clerk. - j ~ . " ~ '{J u v u 'l'OWN OF EDGEWATER, FWRIDA. DUTIES OF TOWN MARSHALL L. Preserve Peace and Order at all gatherings. 2. ~nforce Ordinances of the Tovm. 3. Appearance Hond not to be less than ~lO.OO 4. Act as ::>ani tary and Real th Officer. ? Inspect the construction of all saptic tanks, and file copy of Inspection report with the Town Clerk. 6. Patrol Streets. '1. Act as Fire Chief. 8. Inspection of all old or dangerous buildings. 9. Attend all meetings of Council. 10. Report to the Mayor at such times as he may setr. 11. J!'ile with the Clerk written report on the first and fifteenth of each month of duties performed during the previous half month. 12. Custodian of all personal property of the ~own of Edgewater located outside the fovm Hall and not specifically looked after by the Street Maintenance Officer. the above duties listecl by Council si tti.t):g as a committee on July 7th, 1942. Edgewater, ~lorida, July 11th, 1942. ~ .....,... " r'- ~- - .. 'v Q u v SMALL TOOrs lThTACCOu:NTED :b'OB. OU .TtJ""LY 2nd. ~942.. -- v Checked with Inventory of ~ools as of January ~,~940 as fil~ed in m~inutes of ~ounci~ on January ~6th,~940. 3 Slingers. ~ S~uare pointed Shove~. 3 Pitch J!'o rks. ~ Brush .H..ook. ~ Pota.to Rake. ~ Garden lio e. ~ ~omp~ete Scythe and liand~e. ~ liammer. ~dgewnter, Fla. July 2~, ~942. ~,~ . .. (j o v v DUTIES OF STREET MAINTENANCE OFfiCER. 1. Custodian of all road machinery, Truck, Scraper, Power Mower, Horse drawn mower,drags and small tools. 'h\~ ~~;.~ 2. ~ork 8 hours per day, six days a week. 3. Hight time work taken out of Day Timc. 4. Glean Town owned lots. 5. Supervise cleaning Privately Owned Lots. 6. Maintain Streets and Alleys. 7. Maintain Docks. 8. Maintain Ditches. 9. Maintain Hridges. 10. Maintain Parks and Playgrounds. 11. Report to the Mayor twice a week. 12. Check and O.K. all bills for Materials used, bills to be given Ulerk. 13. written reports of work done and time spent to be filed with Clerk on the first and fifteenth of each month. 14. Attend all mectings of Council. The above duties listed by Uouncil sitting as a comnuttee on July 7th, 1942. ~dgewater, Florida, July 11th, 1942.