08-18-1942 - Regular .. --;.., ,..~ ~ (.; v u.- u-" u u REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEV!ATER, FLORIDA, HELD IN V.I .A.HALL ON AUGUST 18, 1942. Meeting called to order at 7:32 P.M. by Mayor Councilman Henry Stalnaker. ROLL CALL. Mayor Councibnnn. Councilman. Councilman. Clerk. Attorney. Marshall. Henry Stalnaker. O.E.Southard. George L.Bailey. \falter C .]'uller. J.B.Gillespie. J.S .Bates. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. READING 0]' lIJITNUTES. The minutes of the meeting of August 4th, 1942 were read whereupon Council- man Bailey moved that they be approved as read, seconded by Counciln~n Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following bills were read: Jacobsen 11' f' g Company S.H.Reese. Haynes Office Machine Co. New Smyrna Hardware Co. J.S.Bates. 10,m.Allen. Salaries for August. Henry Stalnrucer. O.E.Southard. George L.Bailey. Walter C.Fuller. J.S.Bates, payable Sept. 3rd. Harry A.Moore, payable Sept.8th. Clerks Miss. Cash. H.R .Brewer. T.E.Cory. Councilman Bailey moved that the bills be approved, be paid part of the minutes, seconded by Council~n Southard and by CARRIED. $2.46 5.35 1.00 2.11 2.00 4.50 3.00 3.00 1.00 60.00 40.00 60.00 2.00 11.50 1.10 and be made a vote declared REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor . No Report. The Clerk reported having seen the Tax Assessors Office at DeLand in . ." . reference to obtaining the 1942 Valuations on Town owned lots. The call was nlade on August 13th and we were advised that these valuations would not be available for 10 days. Reported Janles H.Godward had completed his contract to purchase lots16,17 and 18 ,Block D,Sec.l,Highland Shores Sub. The ~~rshall filed a time report for Aug.lst to 15th Incl. and also a special report for Aug. 12 ,16 and 17th which report was read by the Clerk. Mr. Moore filed a time and work report for Aug.lst to 15th Incl. Councilman Bailey moved that the Clerk be authorized to purchase 1 Box of cartridges and a black jack for the Marshall, seconded by Councilman dtal- nmcer and by vote declared Carried. . REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMI TTEE . Councilmen Southard and Bailey reported that the bid of H.R.Brewer and Richard Smith was the best received for cleaning 23 lots and recommended that it be accepted. Councilman Southard moved that the bid of H.R.Brewer and Richard Smith of $80.00 for the cleaning of 23 lots be accepted, that the 61erk be authorized to pay each one $5.00 per week while they we~e working on these lots, the balance bo be paid upon completion of all the cleaning and the inspection and passing on of the work done by Mr. Harry Moore, sceonded by CounciDuan Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. L,l v "ll',..,.....~ U Minutes of August 18, 1942. Page 2. COMMUNI CATI ONE . The resignation of Edward J .Ryan,dated August 11th, 1942, as,oa member of the Board of Adjustment was read by the Clerk. Councilman Bailey moved that the resignation of V~. Ryan be accepted with regret, that the 6lerk so advise Mr. Ryan and that the Board be notified of Mr. Ryan's resignation, seconded by Councilman Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. Aletter from S.L.DeLoach, dated August 13th, 1942, in reference to the operation of a bus service in Edgewater aws read. Council instructed the Clerk to ask Mr. DeLoach to appear before Council at their meeting on September 1st, 1942. UNJn~'"ISHED BUSIlillSS. The Clerk reported that Mrs. Horace King would sign a contract to purchase the East 10' of Lots 16,17 and 18, Block A, Sec. 3, Highland Shores Sub. to take the place of the cash ~rice made in February 1942. This contract to be made for a down paymellt of $5.00 and $5.00 per month for four months the regular rate of interest to apply and the deed already executed to be del- ivered upon the completion of the contract. Council approved of this change and instructed the Mayor and Clerk to sign such a contract to purchase. NEVi BUSInESS. AResolution enti tledll DECLARING THE INTElfTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, TO VACATE It GARAGE DRIVE" IN SAID TOWN, AIID PROVIDING FOR NOTICE TO ABUTTING PROPERTY OVJNERS. " was read in full. Councilman Bailey moved the adoption of the Resolution, seconded by Council- man Stalnaker, and a roll call vote resulted as follows; 1~yor Councilman. Henry Stalnaker. Yes. Councilnmm. O.E.Southard. Not Voting. Counci~~. George L.Bailey. Yes. The Resolution was declared Adopted. A copy is attached and forms a part of these minutes. asked Councilman Southardjthat the fown 4on~t. the use qf the Town Truck in the colection of Salavage which the Citzens of Edgewater had collected at the request of a committe of Ladies, Mrs. O.E.Southard being the Chairman of the Committee. Counoi1 agreed to donate the nse of the Truck. The Clerk presented to Council " A SUGGESTED TENTATIVE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINING OCTOBER 1st, 1942. A1ID ElIDING SEPTE:MBER 30th, 1943. It This was received and ordered made a part of these minutes. After a discussion of the various items of the suggested Tentative Budget, the Clerks hours, his fees and the placing of these fees in the Salary Account, CpwLcilman Bailey moved that the Tentative Budget be adopted, that ~. it be posted and made a part of these minutes, seconded by Councilman Southard and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED. , Councilman Bailey moved that we do adjourn, seconded by Council~~n Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 9 :43 P.M. Mayor Councilman. COU=i1man.~ - ~ ATTES'l'.,: .~. /~ ;:~ Town Clerk. tv u w 'Q u o TO THE TOWN COUNC n.. OF THE T OWN OF EDGEW ATER , VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA: In aooordanoe with the law ande and provided your Clerk reports a suggested TENTATIVE BUDGET for the fisoal year begining OCTOBER 1st, 1942 and ending SEPTEMBER 30th,1943. 1. STREETS. $1400.00 2. STREET LIGHTING. $ 980.00 3. SALARIES. $1000.00 4. LB,AL AND ELECTIONS. $ 300.00 5. MAYORS coum .AND MARSHALL. $ 650.'00 6. OFF! CE EXPENDITURES. $,300.00 7. EMERGENCY. $ 350.00 8. FIRE DEPARTMENT. $ 100.00 9. LOT CLEANING. $ fD .00 10. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS. $ 100.00 11. PARKS AIID PLAYGROUNDS. $ 50 .00 TOTAL $5280.00 Respect ively Submitted, ~. II ~-C~. Town Clerk Edgewater, Florida., August 18th, 1942. -~ ..J (.) (.) TO THE T.AXl?AYERS OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA:- You a~d eaoh of you are hereby notified that the following is the estimate of neoessary and ordinary expenses and an estimate of speoial and extra- ordinary expenses oontemplated by the ~own Counoil for the Town of Edgewater, "Florida, for the fisoa1 year begining Cotober 1st, 1942 and ending S~tember 30th, 1943, 1. Stree ts, Drainage and Dooks. $1400.00 2. Stree t Lighting. $ 980.00 3. Sala.ries, $1000.00 4. Legal and Eleotions. $ 300.00 5. Mayors Court and Marshall. $ 650.00 6. Offioe Expenditures. $300.00 7. Emergenoy. $ 360.00 8. Fire Department. $ 100.00 9. Lot Cleaning. $ 50.00 10. Permanent Improvements. $ 100 .00 11. Parks and Playgrounds. $ 50.00 Total $5280.00 The foregoing estimate of neoessary and ordinary expenses and speoial and extraordinary expenses for the operation of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, for the fisoal year begining Ootober 1st, 1942 and ending September 30th, 1943, was reoeived, adopted and approved in open session of the Town Counoi1 of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, on the 18th day of AU8us~, A.D. 1942, and ordered posted in aooordanoe with the Law. ATTEST~: .~ ~~ Mayor Counoilman. " Town Clerk. u .(.) o u