09-15-1942 - Regular c l., .- "" v- --# u v REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA RELD IN V.I .A. HALL ON SEPTEMBER 15th, 1942. Meeting called to order at 7:32 P.M. by Mayor Councilman Henry ~talnaker. ROLL CALL. lJayor Councilman. Councilman. Councilman. Clerk. Attorney. Marshall. Henry Stalnaker. O.E.Southard. George L.Bniley. Vial ter C .Fuller. J.U.Gillespie. J.S.Bates. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the regular meeting of September 1st, 1942 and the meeting of the Board of Equalization held on 3eptcmbcr 7th, 1942 were read in full, whereupon Councilman Sputhard moved that they be approved as read, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared AARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOID~TS. The following bills were read: Jacobsen M'f'g. Co. Southern Bell Telephone Co. Walter Giddens. '-tal ter Giddens. "'al ter Giddens. J.S .Bates. Fire Calls. Clerks Miss. Cash. Salaries. Henry Stalnaker. 3.00 O.E.Southard. 3.00 G~orge L.Bai~ey. 3.00 ~alter C.Fuller. 60.00 Harry A.Moore, Sept.8 to 30th 44.00 J.~.Bates, Sept.3 to 30th. 36.00 Councilman Southard moved that the bills be paid,be approved and be made a part of the minutes, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. ' $1.22 2.66 16.00 12.00 20.00 4.61 --']~OO 2.05 REPORTS OF OFFICERS. J.S.BATES .AlID HARRY A.MOORE each filed a report for work done from 8epte:nber ls t to 15th. COMMUNICATIONS . A letter dated September 15th, 1942 signed by Kathryn Wood King relating to the use by the Tm.vn of a part of her property for street and sidewalk purposes was read in full. Councibnan Southard moged that the letter be made a part of these minutes, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. ORDINANCES. Ordinal1,ce :No. 108 entitled"AN OHDINANCE VACATING mAT CERTAIN ALLEY Kl~OVVN AS "GARAGE DRIVE" IN THE TOWN OF EDGE'..ATER, FLORIDA." was read in full. Councilman Southard moved that 6rdinance No. 108 be passed upon first reading seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared C~~IED. Councilman Southard moved that the requirement of reading O~dinance No. 108 on second reading be waived and that said Ordinance be placed upon final passage, seconded by Gouncilman Bailey and 'by vote declared unanimously uARRIED . .hereupon it was moved by tlli~t Ordinance No. 108 be upon~this motion resulted ~ouncil~~ Southard, seconded by Councilman Hailey, passed and adopted and a roll call being taken as follows: Mayor ~ounciL~n. Gouncilmnn. Gouncilm::m. nenry Stalnaker. O.E.Southard. George L.Bailey. :lese l~ot votin{; les. .=-- ~ ",# ~ '-' ~ u v ~inutes of September 15th, 1942. ::?age 2. ORDINANCES. Continued. Ordinance No. 109 entitled" AN ORDI~.~JCE PHOVIDING FOR THE APPOINTME~T OF A SUPERVISOR OF STRE1nS ANI) OT~R 'l'HOROUGJjFARES IN THE TOi'lN OF EDGEV!.ATER, FLOIUDA, DE]'INING HIS DU'l'IES, FIXING HIS <..;m'iPENSATIOU, AND REPEALING ALL LAWS MID PARTS OF LAViS OF SAID TOo'1N IN COID'LICT 'r:;:"-illRE\IITH." was read in full. Councilman douthard moved that Ordinance No. 109 be passed upon first reading, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. Councibfu~n Bailey moved that the requirmnent of reading Ordinance No. 109 on second~reading be waived and that said Ordinance be ylaced upon final passage, seconded by Councilman Southard and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED. tihQreupon!.:it was moved by Councilman Bailey, seconded by Councilman Southard, that Ordinance No. 109 be passed and adopted and a roll call be~taken upon this motion resulted as follows; Mayor Councilnk~~. Henry Stalnaker. Yes. Counciblli~n. O.E.Southard. Yes. Councilman. George L.Bailey. Yes. Ordinance No. 110 entitled" AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE COMPENSATION OF THE TOWN CLERK A..lID TF.E TOWN MARdHALL OF THE TOYTN OF EDGE'dATER, FLORIDA, PRO; VIDING FOR THE DISPOSITION OF ALL FEES AND COSTS COLLECTED BY THEM, A1~ --RJ.-rp];ALING~ ALL LA.vlS OR P ARTS TF~RJ:O]' IN CONFLICT THERE.IITH." was read in full. Councilman Bailey moved that Ordinance No. 110 be passed upon first reading, seconded by Councilman Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Bailey moved that the requirement of reading Ordinance No. 110 on second reading be waived and that said Ordinance be placed upon final passage, seconded by Councilman Southard and by vote declared unanimously CAliffiIED . ljjhereupon it was moved by Councilman Stalnaker, sceonded by CouncillYk'1.n Bailey that Ordinance No. 110.be passed and adopted ahd a roll call being taken on this moyion resulted as follows; Mayor Councilman. Henry Stalnaker. Yes. Councilman. O.E.Southard. Ye.s. Councilman. George -L.Bailey. Yes. Ordinance No. III entitled "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ASSESSIJENT AND COLUCTION OF COSTS IN THE MAYOR'S CO~T OF THE TOWN OF EDGEA'I.TER, ]'LORlDA, AND THE DISPOSITION THEREOF, A1'D REPEALING ALL LA\!S OR PARTS THErt.il:O]' IN CON]'.LICT IillRE\IITH." was read in full. Councilman Bailey moved that Ordinance Ho. III be passed upon first reading, seconded by CounciDnan Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Staln~cer moved that the requirement of reading Ordinance No.lll on second reading be waivQd and that said Ordinance be placed upon final ' passage, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared Unanimously CARRIED. \.hereupon it was moved by Councilman Bailey, seconded by Councilman Southarm, that Ordinance No. 111 be passed and adopted and a roll call being taken on this motion resulted as follows~ Mn,yor Councilman. Henry ~talnaker, Councibnan. O.E.~outhard. Counci~~. George L.Bailey. Yes. Yes. Yes. Ordinance liTo. 112 entitled" An ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING REVENUE TO BE ~ COLlECTED BY THE TOYiN OJ!' EDGE\~ATER, FLORIDA, FOR THE FIciCAL, YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER Ist,1942, .Alm E1'DING SEPTEMBER 30th, 1943, TO THE VARIOUS IT.ii:ME OF THE TOW1T BlIDGBT." was read in full. Councilman Bailey moved that Ordinance No.112 be passed upon first reading, seconded by Counciblli~ Southard and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Bailey moved that the requirament of reading Ordinance No. 112 on second reading be waived and tlli'1. t said Ordinance be placed upon final passage, seconded by Councibfu'1.n Southard and by vote declared unanimously CARRIED. \.hercupon it was moved by Counciblli'1.n Stalnaker, seconded by CouncilTIk'1.ll Bailey, that Ordinance No. 112 be passed and adopted and a roll call being taken on this motion resulted as follows; :layor . ,. _ J Councilman. Henry Stalnaker. Counciln~.n. O.E.douthard. CounciD~'1.n. George L.3ailey. Yes. Yes. Yes. "" y1 " " .. ... '-' -............ ~ Q....... ~ " --- p~ ... v :':inutes of .september 15, 1942. Page 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Council reque~ted 'the:Clerk to write to Orange City and Crescent City relative to the work of Gordon 1I.Dickinson on their audits. lrr. A.R.Patch protested the price charged for the cleaning of Lot 6&8 ]'ernald and Chadwick Replat. The Clerk was instructed to send a revised bill for $2.66. llrs. Frances ..ood complained that the '"cst End of Lot 5 Mendnlls H.P. was not cleaned back 150f Mrs. Horace King requested thn t the Lot 31, BL.F, Sc::c. 2, Highland Shores Sub. be cleaned North from her North Line at least 25 feet so to safe guard her children from reptiles. This lot is ovmed by the To\vu. I.:rs. Belle .3mith complained that the water from ..oodley Ave. ran into her yard and requested that this coPdition be corrected. Mr. Moore was requested to investigate these complaints and to report. Mr. Ray Ballant~~e requested that the lots on the South side of Park Ave. be cleffiled to prevent a possible fire hazard. The Clerk was instructed to writc the ovmers and request them to clean their lots, and also to the owner of the South 130' of Lot 4 L, Ass~rs Sub. of G.Alvarez Grant to clean the I.est End of his lot. 1!r. Moore VIas instructed to repair the bridge abbutments of the bridge on Oakridge Ave. J:TE\, BUSINESS. Councilman Southard moved that the offer of ~5.00 for the horse drawn mowing machine be accepted, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Southard m~ved that the balance at the end of the Fiscal Year 'Gnding September 30th, 1942 in the .3pecial Foreclosed Property Fund be I allocated to and continued in this Fund for the fiscal year October 1st, 19~ _ to 6eptember 30th, 1943 for the purposes stated in the Resolution passed April 1st, 1941 establishing this .special Foreclosed Property ]'und, seconded byCounci~~n Bailey and by vote declared Carried. After a discussion of the milL~ge for the year 1942- this was set at 12 Mills subject to enactment of the necessary Ordinance at the next meeting of Council Counci~~n Southard rnoved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Bailey and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 9:42 P.ll. Mayor counCilroa~.~~~ -'.... Councilman - ..-. .:. - -.. ~~EST~ ~~, Town Clcrrk. CounciLman. . , -I- ~.. I. lei , ..'. /.(1; P I/U'"'c:CA...Aj(j " /1/\./"'1/:/ . . / ';/ J / 7'-' / a /;;' /, '.' {'" / / / ! 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