. ,
JANUARY 4, 1984
Chairman Bennington called the regular meeting to order at 7:04 P.M.,
in the Community Center Building.
Members present: Messrs. Bennington, Opal, Finn and Chenoweth. Mr.
Quaggin and Mr. Hillerich were absent. Also present: Dennis Fisher,
Building Official, Frank Marshall, City Engineer, Luis Geil, Earl Wallace,
one member of the press, and secretary, Susan Mista.
Concerning the approval of the minutes of the December 8, 1983, workshop,
Chairman Bennington advised that this matter would be tabled to the next
meeting since he was the only member present who attended the workshop.
Mr. Chenoweth made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 21,
1983, meeting, seconded by Mr. Finn. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
SP-8339 - Earl Wallace for Frank Hall - Shopping Plaza on U.S. 1 from
Palm Way to Pine Bluff
Earl Wallace was present to discuss the plans.
Chairman Bennington advised that this plan is before the Board for final
approval. He then read the comments from Frank Marshall concerning the
stormwater management engineering information being complete, adequate,
satisfying the Code requirements, and listing two stipulations: 1) a
berm placed on the east side of site where parking has no curb or gutter
to be shown on the plan; and 2) a letter from the owner indicating that
he will be responsible for flushing exfiltration pipes and inlets once
a year and if he does not comply with same, the City will do flushing
and charge owner with expenses.
Mr. Wallace showed a revised set of plans to the Board members, indicating
the required berm on same. He also presented a letter to the Board
members from the owner, Frank Hall, advising that he would be responsible
for flushing the exfiltration system on his property, as required by the
Code. Mr. Marshall explained that all the systems should be flushed,
probably once a year. He advised that the Edgewater Code states this
requirement under Section 9.5-61. He further advised that he would be
keeping records of all the new construction and would be notifying the
owners of this procedure when their flushing is due to ensure that this
maintenance procedure is followed through. If the owners do not comply
with this requirement, the City will flush the systems, after 30 days
notification, and the owner will be responsible for this cost.
Mr. Chenoweth made a motion to approve this site plan, subject to the
requirement that the owner comply with Section 9.5-61 of the Code con-
cerning flushing of the exfiltration system on the property. Mr. Opal
seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
SP-8354 - Coleman Construction Company - Duplex - Lot 41 & 42
La Circle
There was no one present to represent Coleman Construction Company regard-
ing this site plan.
Chairman Bennington asked the Board members if they wanted to table
this matter to the next meeting since there was no representative present.
The Board members decided to approve the plan, as submitted, that a
representative did not need to be present since this was to be constructed
in a previously approved subdivision.
Mr. Opal made a motion to approve this site plan, seconded by Mr. Finn.
Motion CARRIED 4-0.
SP-8353 - Edgewater Alliance Church - Addition - 310 N. Ridgewood Avenue
There were two members of the Church present to represent this site plan.
They did not advise the Board of their names.
One of the representatives advised the Board members that the water
retention survey would be coming in on Friday and it was his understanding
that that was all that they needed for approval. Chairman Bennington
advised that the plan does not show the street locations, parking, drain-
age, refuse, an architect's seal must be on the plans. Chairman
Bennington asked if they were given a copy of the site plan requirements
list, to which the representative advised that they were. The represent-
ative advised that a survey was furnished to the Planning secretary.
Chairman Bennington read the 11 items on the requirements list to the
representatives, advising them that these items need to be furnish~before
approval is given. The secretary showed the survey to the Board members
that was furnished by the members of the Church. None of the Board members
had been given a copy of this survey, which did address some of the items
on the site plan requirements list.
Frank Marshall advised that he had talked with Reverend Ciano about this
project and he was to have his engineer give calculations of the storm-
water retention concerning the proposed addition and the existing structure.
If there is no stormwater management system existing, the Code requires
that a system be designed to take care of it. After this information is
furnished to him, he will evaluate it and see if they are in compliance
with the Code requirements.
Dana Armstrong, a member of the audience, spoke up and stated that the
parking area and buildings occupy approximately 98% of this property.
He further stated that the parking areas are only 9' wide and there is
no place for 'the water to go down the street. He said they are not in
compliance with the Code, that they had to get a variance when the Church
was first built. A discussion then ensued concerning the parking require-
ments. Chairman Bennington said that the setbacks seemro comply with
the Code, however, there is a question about the parking.
Chairman Bennington said that the first 10' of the project must be
landscaped with a buffer, the stormwater calculations must be reviewed
and approved by the City Engineer, the parking areas must be shown -
indicating the number present and the number required in compliance with
the Code. The Tree and Landscape Ordinance must be complied with. All
of these items need to be shown on the drawing. The representative from
the Church asked what they would need to do if the parking spaces were
only 9' wide, rather than the required 10'. Chairman Bennington advised
him that they would have to go before the Board of Adjustments and ask
for a variance.
Mr. Chenoweth made a motion that this site plan be tabled until all of
the abovementioned requirements are met. Mr. Opal seconded the motion.
Motion CARRIED 4-0.
SP-8359 - Luis Geil - Addition - Industrial Building - 200 N. Flagler
Mr. Geil was present to discuss his plans.
-2- Planning Commission Meeting
January 4, 1984
Chairman Bennington read the comments from Frank Marshall, City Engineer,
which stated that he did not feel preliminary approval should be given,
the site plan is incomplete whereby no stormwater retention specifications
have been submitted with the plan.
Mr. Geil said he brought with him stormwater calculations for part of the
project for Mr. Marshall to review. The water at the present time is
draining toward the FEC property which is on the east end of the property.
Mr. Marshall advised that he had not been out to the site to review it
because he did not have enough information to do so. He also said if you
have any impervious areas, it does not allow the water to run into the
ground and provisions should be made for taking care of it. Mr. Geil
stated that the building was not worth a lot of money and they did not
wish to put too much money into the project for this reason. Mr. Marshall
said that he realized that they wanted to put as little money into it as
possible, however, some system must be devised to take care of this water.
A discussion then ensued between Mr. Geil and Mr. Marshall regarding this
stormwater retention matter.
Mr. Chenoweth made a motion to table this plan to the next meeting so
that Mr. Geil and the City Engineer can work out the problems concerning
the drainage. Mr. Opal seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Chairman Bennington read a memo from Joan Taylor, requesting that the
Board speak to Mr. Jose Solldevilla concerning his plans to open a
restaurant at 2025 South Ridgewood Avenue, which is presently a residence.
He is requesting advice as to how he can go about opening this business.
Mr. Solldevilla showed the Board members his plans on remodeling this
house to accommodate a restaurant with bathroom facilities, etc.
After a general discussion of his request, it was the opinion of the
Board members that he did not have to come before the Planning Commission
for approval, he is not altering the outside of the building, just the
inside. He was advised to comply with the building codes and present
his application to the Building Department for his permit. .
Frank Marshall advised Mr. Solldevilla to call him before he puts in his
parking spaces so that he can review his plans to be sure he is in comp-
liance with the Code requirements. Mr. Solldevilla agreed to do this.
Mr. Opal advised the Board members that he went out to the site of the
Edgewater Park Apartments and found that they have marked off the parking
spaces to be only 9' wide, rather than the 10' feet that is required by
the Code. Mr. Opal said he wanted this fact put into the records.
There being no further information to come before the Roard, upon motion
made by Mr. Finn to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Opal, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:25 P.M.
Minutes submitted by:
Susan Mista
-3- Planning Commission Meeting
January 4, 1984