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August 17, 1983
Chairman Bennington called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.,
in the conference room in City Hall.
Members present: Messrs. Bennington, Opal, Finn, Chenoweth, Hillerich,
and Quaggin. Also present: Mr. and Mrs. Garthwaite, Barbara Taylor of
the News-Journal and secretary, Susan Mista.
Moved by Mr. Chenoweth and seconded by Mr. Finn to approve the minutes
of the August 3, 1983, meeting. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mr. Opal commented on an article he saw in the newspaper concerning final
approval given to C. Leslie Ogram that was in this dates paper. He then
read the article to the Board. Chairman Bennington said that that was
the first approval. Mr. Opal said it was in todays paper. Chairman
Bennington stated that the information was old and should not have been
in this edition of the paper, it being a month ago that these matters
came before the Planning Commission.
SP-8318 - J. C. Carder - Sketch Plan Approval - Shopping Center - U.S.
1, South Jidale Place - West Side
Earl Wallace was present representing J. C. Carder.
Chairman Bennington asked which lots were involved in this project, to
which Mr. Wallace replied, 7, 8, 9, and 10.
Mr. Wallace explained that listed in the lower lefthand side of the site
plan gives the square footages, acreage, building percentages, parking;
and based on 23,680 square feet of the proposed main building, at 5.5
parking per 1,000 square feet - requires 130 parking spaces. With the
2,400 square feet of the convenience store, a 7-11 type store, based on
1 parking space for each 200 square feet, requires 12. A total of 142
parking spaces are required for the complex. Chairman Bennington stated
they have 142 parking spaces with 6 in front of the convenience store,
giving a total of 148. Mr. Wallace stated they have two loading zones,
one on each end of the parcel.
Chairman Bennington stated that he dOffinot see where it doesn't comply
with the B5 zoning, however, it does have to comply with the new Tree
and Landscape Ordlnance. Under Ordinance 83-0-12, Item F he read: On
such lots where no trees exist, native or other trees, which would be
compatible with the site in order to establish a 25% crown covering in
10 years, shall be planted prior to issuance of a certificate of occup-
ancy. Mr. Wallace commented on the Ordinance stating the plan shows
the planted buffer across the front, screen buffers on the side and
rear. On each end of each parking area is indicated a landscape plan.
Each one has 2 trees on it. Chairman Bennington stated this property
abutts all business zoning - no residential zoning.
A discussion then ensued regarding the wording in the Ordinance concern-
ing type, size and location of the plant materials required in said Ordin-
ance. Chairman Bennington stated that he comes up with 8 parking spaces
more than needed on the plans and he would like for trees to be planted,
instead of the parking spaces. He suggested the trees be added to the
planters on the edge. Mr. Wallace agreed with his suggestion.
In regards to the driveways indicated on the plans, Mr. Wallace advised
that he has been with the Department of Transpornation and they will
be extending the entrys to 14 feet with a landscape divider, rather than
a painted median.
Chairman Bennington said that it is required to have 25% crown cover and
it was his opinion that that may be difficult to do in this case. He
stated it is only 6 parking spaces, not 8, that are in excess of what
is required according to the zoning. In order to meet the requirements
of the Tree Ordnance he stated that possibly some of the building may
need to be removed. Mr. Wallace stated if you remove two parking spaces
you have 400 square feet. Chairman Bennington stated this is crown cover.
The crown of a tree. Mr. Wallace asked who will determine whether or not
it complies with the Tree Ordinance and how will it be determined. He
said that all 25% does not have to come out of the parking area, some of
the trees can be planted in the back. He asked how he could calculate
the number of trees that need to be planted to comply with the 25 foot
coverage in 10 years. He also added that most Florida evergreens will
not reach that height in 10 years. A discussion then ensued regarding
the different variety of trees that could be planted in this area.
Chairman Bennington stated that in looking at the plans, he does not
see any problems that may arise with the Department Head Supervisors.
Mr. Wallace explained the driveway entrances to the Board members, what
the plans will include, the dimensions of same, and the landscape involved.
SP-83l9 - Knight C. Smith - Sketch Plan Approval - Storage Facility
Earl Wallace was present to represent Mr. Smith concerning this project.
Chairman Bennington stated this is a storage facility to be located at
25th and Hibiscus. He asked what determines the difference between a
mini warehouse and a regular warehouse, to which Mr. Wallace replied
that the Ordinance states under definitions that a mini warehouse is
not to exceed 200 square feet. He advised there is no rear garage door
openings, strictly pedestrian traffic and hallways with exiting to meet
the limits of the fire requirements. Chairman Bennington states that
the Code says that mini warehouses can be used in B2 zoning, nothing is
mentioned about regular warehouses.
In regards to the indicated wheelchair ramps and the possible problem
they may cause with the Fire Department Supervisor regarding access to
the rear of the building in case of fire, Mr. Wallace explained
that they have allowed sufficient space for this, according to the Code.
Mr. Wallace stated that this would be built in 7 phases. No clearing
or landscaping will be done at the first phase. There are no drainage
problems connected with the first phase.
Chairman Bennington stated he could see no problems with the plan except
for the trees. Mr. Wallace questioned why trees are needed around a
warehouse. Chairman Bennington advised him that the reasons for the
trees are stated in the Ordinance.
Chairman Bennington stated that they need a formal motion concerning
the Ad Hoc Committee that they decided to form at the last meeting to
update the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Opal suggested that the Council do
the Ad Hoc Committee, any new committees.
Mr. Chenoweth made a motion to formulate an Ad Hoc Committee to review
and update the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Finn seconded the motion. Motion
CARRIED 4-1. Mr. Opal voted NO.
Planning Commission Meeting
August 17, 1983
Concerning the Planning Commission's request for overlay mylar maps,
Chairman Bennington stated that the Council asked Connie Kinsey to find
out the cost for same. Mr. Hillerich suggested that possibly students
at DBCC would prepare them. He didn't feel it would be that big of a
project, the information would come from the water and sewer departments.
A discussion then commenced concerning the Tree and Landscape Ordinance
and that possibly some guidelines need to be set up concerning these
Ordinances. Chairman Bennington stated that the Ordinance is very
specific about what can and cannot be planted and the requirements for
same. He stated that the Ordinances were written to stop people from
clearing the land before receiving a permit to do so, thereby depleting
the land of the foliage that presently exists.
A member of the audience commented on an article in the newspaper regard-
ing the water consumption used by the Edgewater residents and the fact
that the water department is estimating 800,000 gallons used per day.
A discussion then ensued concerning the problems that may exist in the
future with the growth of the city and possible wasting of water now.
Chairman Bennington asked that the Public Utilities Supervisor, Terry
Wadsworth furnish the Planning Commission with a report of the water
and sewage usage in the City.
There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion
made by Mr. Opal and seconded by Mr. Quaggin, the meeting was adjourned
at 8:25 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Susan Mista
Planning Commission Meeting
August 17, 1983
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