. '.
AUGUST 3, 1983
Chairman Bennington aalled the regular meeting to order at 7:01 P.M.,
in City Hall.
Members present: Messrs. Bennington, Opal, Chenoweth, Finn, Quaggin,
and Hillerich. Also present: Clay Henderson, Mr.. Bhide, Kay Worley,
Mr. Bernard Sikes, and secretary, Susan Mista.
Moved by Mr. Quaggin and seconded by Mr. Finn to approve the minutes of
the July 12, 1983, regular meeting and the Addendum to the July 12, 1983,
meeting. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Moved by Mr. Opal and seconded by Mr. Finn to approve the minutes of
the July 13, 1983, FEC Special Meeting. Motion CARRIED 4-1, Mr. Quaggin
voting NO because he was absent from said meeting.
Moved by Mr. Opal and seconded by Mr. Quaggin to approve the minutes of
the July 20, 1983, regular meeting. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
SP-83l3 - Leslie Ogram - Commercial, Electrical, Contracting Business
Ohairman Bennington stated that th~~e is a letter from the City Engineer
concerning this site plan. He then introduced Sam Tucker, the City
Engineer, to the members of the Board.
Chairman Bennington stated that he read the Ordinance concerning the
Flood Control and Drainage and he is not sure what it means. Mr. Tucker
asked the members to refer to page 737 in the code book concerning
flood control prevention.
Chairman Bennington advised that Mr. Tucker stated in his letter that
the water retention is adequate. There may be a problem with the Health
Department approving the septic tank. He went on to say that Mr. Tucker
stated Mr. Ogram plans on filling their land to an elevation of 10.31,
and the building south of him is 10.9. Mango Tree Drive is higher than
the existing lot elevations. Mr. Tucker said that the present elevations
are below the street levels. Chairman Bennington further added that Mr.
Tucker has stated this building is located in flood prone area, Zone A.
He stated that he understood from what he reads from the Ordinance that
if they fill their land, they may be protecting their land from flood,
however, this may create a flood in someone elses land. Mr. Tucker said
this is a possibility. He then referred to the flood prone map, showing
the areas of the city involved in this flood prone area. He said that
the entire area is subject to inundation by the 100 year flood - a flood
which would occur once in 100 years, on an average. He further stated
the reason this is very important is that the City, in passing the Ordin-
ances that are necessary, have agreed to flood insurance for the entire
city, at the rate of 25~ per hundred, with the condition that the City
will pass the necessary Ordinances to prohibit the development within the
flood prone areas in the future. He further advised that there are
limitations and qualifications on this, one of which is to build the
floor level a minimum of a foot. This area can be changed by having
the flood rate insurance people revise the map by request of the City,
or on their own.
Mr. Tucker then discussed the Edgewater Industrial Park and the fact
that they are in the flood prone area, their proposal for building up
the area to bring them above the flood level, and the people outside
this property that may be affected by this problem.
Mr. Tucker said that concerning this site plan, they should be required
to show that by building up their land they are not pushing the limit
onto someone else's property. He stated that his first recommendation
would be that every application that comes before the Board should
indicate, by the developer, whether or not the property involved is in
or outside the flood prone area.
Chairman Bennington stated that in discussing this matter with the
Building Official, Mr. Bradshaw, it is only required to build up 9'
above sea level. He questioned how they or the developer determine
that an applicant is not causing a problem for someone else. Mr. Tucker
replied that it would be the responsibility of the developer to get an
engineer to verify exactly that.
Chairman Bennington said that basically what Mr. Tucker is stating is
that any developer wanting to develop in this land has to come up with
some plan from his engineer that is acceptable to the City Engineer,
saying it is OK, you can build in that area.
Chairman Bennington advised that the Ordinance and Mr. Tucker are saying
that the purpose of this Ordinance is to restrict or prohibit uses
which are dangerous to the health safety, property due to water errosion
and flood heights or velocities and require these areas to be protected
against flood damage at the time of initial construction. Then it says
to control the alteration of the natural flood plailin and the natural
protective barriers which are involved. Control the filling, grading
and dredging in other development which may increase errosion of flood
damage. Under objectives, it says, minimize expenditure of public money
for costly flood control projects, which would mean that the City isn't
going to go in and ditch all of this area so it will not flood.
A discussion then ensued concerning the procedure for updating the
flood prone area map.
Mr. Chenoweth made a motion that Mr. Ogram be required to come up with
some plans that will satisfy our Engineer that he is not altering the
flood plane before final approval of this site plan can be given; expense
for same to be incurred by Mr. Ogram. Mr. Finn seconded the motion.
Motion CARRIED 5-0.
SP-83l4 - Talmadge Stuckey - Edgewater Park Apartments
Clay Henderson was present along with Mr. Bhide and Kay Worley of Bhide
& Hall Architects to speak to the Board concerning this site plan.
Mr. Henderson said that the members have been given copies of the revised
site plans and the letter from Mike Dunn of Briley, Wild, stating that
Bhide & Hall have cpmplied with all requirements given them concerning
this project. Chairman Bennington then read the letter from Mike Dunn
dated August 3, 1983, concerning all the problems having been corrected
and in Mr. Dunn's opinion, this site plan, with the exception of two
minor conditions that will be taken care of, should be approved for final.
Mr. Bhide advised the Board that the two minor conditions in Mr. Dunn's
letter have been altered and the corrections are indicated in the newly
revised site plans that were given to each member.
Chairman Bennington questioned what the planted buffer would be. Mr.
Henderson showed Chairman Bennington where this is indicated on the
plans. Chairman Bennington stated that the City now has a Tree Ordinance
and a Landscape Ordinance which will have to be complied with. He further
stated that not all of the Tree Ordinance will apply to this project.
He said that they can approve the plan now, pending that the Ordinances
are complied with prior to issuance of the CO's. Section F of the Tree
Ordinance should be complied with.
Mr. Chenoweth made a motion that the site plan for Edgewater Park Apart-
ments be given final approval, subject to compliance of Section F of the
Tree Ordinance and the two items in Mike Dunn's letter of August 3, 1983,
are satisfied by Mr. Dunn. Mr. Opal seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED
Planning Commission Meeting
August 3, 1983
. '. .
SP-85 - Luis C. Geil, agent for Southeast Bank
Mr. Bernard Sikes of the Southeast Bank was present concerning this matter.
Chairman Bennington stated that Mr. Sikes has submitted a letter regarding
his request concerning action taken on this site plan on 8-5-81, wherein
the bank was given a two year temporary permit to either remove the
modular structure or submit plans for a permanent building. He also stated
that the expiration date is 8-31-83, not 8-5-83.
Mr. Sikes explained that when they set up this modular structure, they
had hoped to begin construction of the permanent building within three
years, in that that was the term of the lease they had with Mr. Magnuson.
Due to the fact that Mr. Magnuson died several months ago, this property
has been put into an estate and they are in the process of negotiating
terms to purchase this land. Mr. Sikes showed the Board a blueprint of
the proposed new building, including the floor plan, parking facilities,
indicating that the new building will be constructed behind the present
structure. He further advised that the three year lease can be renewed
six times, for a total of eighteen years.
Mr. Sikes stated that he is wanting an extension of time from this Board
in order to complete negotiations on the purchase of the land. He IS
asking the Board to extend his time to August, 1984.
Mr. Opal made a motion to extend the temporary permit for one year, to
8-31-84, and no extension after that time. Mr. Quaggin seconded the
motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mr. Opal asked the Board if they couldn't get cardboard boxes to put all
the paperwork that is given them in. He stated he doesn't have enough
room for all of this information at home. Chairman Bennington suggested
that he not keep any of the paperwork, that if he needs to look something
up, he can go into City Hall and all the information he needs is on file
there. Mr. Opal said they have a budget for that. Chairman Bennington said
they will ask them if they will give you a cardboard box.
Chairman Bennington asked the Board members to refer to page 1635, Section
715.02 in the code book regarding site plan approval. He then read this
section to the Board. He stated that everything under that section comes
before the Planning Commission with the exception of duplexes and R4. Due
to the fact that several problems with the construction of duplexes exist
and the Tree Ordinance refers to the projects coming before the Planning
Commission, he feels duplexes should come before the Planning Commision
Mr. Chenoweth made a motion that the site plans for duplexes should come
before the Planning Commission for approval.
Mr. Hillerich stated that in considering the flood plane matter, he would
like to get a clear plastic over-lay of the flood prone areas to layover
the city map for reference. Chairman Bennington advised that they asked
for over-lays two years ago for sewage, water, paving and none have been
provided. Mr. Hillerich questioned the FEC project and its effect on the
flood plane. Chairman Bennington stated that the water from the FEC
project all drains north. Briley, Wild says it is sufficient, that they
will retain the water problem on site to a certain height and then it will
go into the regular drainage canal.
Chairman Bennington said they should handle the matter of the duplexes
first and then go back to the over-lays.
Mr. Finn seconded Mr. Chenoweth's motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Chairman Bennington referred back to the mylars. Mr. Hillerich stated
that the flood plane map doesn't include Wildwood. Chairman Bennington
said the problem with the Comp Plan is that when it was approved it was
not even accurate and that has been several years ago.
Mr. Opal made a motion that it be requested to City Council that they
be provided with over-lay mylars for flood plane areas, water, sewage,
PlaRning Commission Meeting
Au~ust 3. 1983
paving, and drainage canals to be shown on flood plane mylar. Mr. Finn
seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
A discussion then ensued regarding the possibility of having a map drawn
up, showing the different elevations of the land in the City.
Chairman Bennington said that the Comprehensive Plan is in dire need of
updating. He said he feels the priorities are sewage and water, roads,
recreation, industrial land use, drainage, annexation to control surrounding
land use and he said he thought they should add, along with drainage, to
establish a flood control plan. He stated he had talked to some people
about updating this Comp Plan and suggested forming an Ad Hoc Committee,
which the By-Laws say can be done, as long as someone from the Planning
Commission is on said committee. He further said the people he had talked
to that are willing to serve are Ann Thomas, Bob Howard, Terry Wadsworth,
Doris Massey, and he hppes Mr. Tucker will serve on the committee, also.
Mr. Opal said the Planning Commission can lay the ground work before an
Ad Hoc Committee needs to be formed. Chairman Bennington said to let the
committee come up with the basic Comp Plan, then it has to come back to
the Planning Commission for approval and then to Council for approval.
He asked each of the Board members if they felt such committee should be
formed and they all said yes, except Mr. Opal said no.
A discussion then ensued concerning the different areas of the Comp Plan
that need to be revised and updated, including the flood plan matter; and
various impact fees that need to be reviewed concerning new construction.
Chairman Bennington and Mr. Hillerich agreed to serve on the Ad Hoc
Committee. He asked that the Zoning Board appoint at least one member
from their Board to serve on this committee. He asked the secretary to
pick a date that will be convenient to all the members of the Committee
and advise each of said date for the first meeting.
A discussion commenced concerning the canals in the City being filled up
with debris and dirt and what can be done to correct this situation and
the problems this situation is causing.
Mr. Tucker began a discussion concerning the problems at the First Stop
Restaurant on Park Avenue, what caused the problems, how they began, what
is being done to correct same.
There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion made
by Mr. Chenoweth and seconded by Mr. Finn, the meeting was adjourned at
9:40 P.M.
Minutes submitted by:
Susan Mista
Planning Commission Meeting
August 3, 1983
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