Planning Commission Regular Meeting
July 12, 1983
Chairman Bennington called the regular meeting to order at 7:03 P.M.,
in City Hall.
Members present: Messrs. Bennington, Opal and Chenoweth. Also
present: Mr. Garthwaite, Mr. Wetzel, Mr. Loeffler, Mr. Geil, Mr. and
Mrs. Ogram, Councilwoman Gigi Bennington, JoAnne Prince, and secretary,
Susan Mista.
Mr. Quaggin arrived at 7:08 P.M.
Moved by Mr. Chenoweth and seconded by Mr. Opal to approve the minutes
of the June 15, 1983, meeting. Motion CARRIED 3-0.
SP-8312 - Consolidated Contractors - Paul Zimmerer
Mr. Paul Loeffl er was present representi ng Mr. Zimmerer.
Chairman Bennington asked Mr. Loeffler who R. B. Richardson is, to
which Mr. Loeffler advised he is an architect out of Sanford. Chairman
Bennington stated the seal does not say, it only has his name on it.
Mr. Loeffler said he is the draftsman, not the architect. Chairman
Bennington stated that the stamp does not indicate anything other than
the name, R. B . Richardson, not indicating who this man is or what
his title is.
Mr. Opal advised that he had to have driveway permits from the County.
Mr. Loeffler said he did not know he had to have them, but he would
get them. He stated there would be a driveway at both ends of the
Chairman Bennington referred to the department head comments, wherein
the Ch~ef of Police questioned whether emergency vehicles could get
behind the building. The Chief also asked about the provisions for
water retention. Chairman Bennington questioned Mr. Loeffler as to
whether or not these two items were in the same place. Mr. Loeffler
went into detail on the plan, explaining to the Chairman that they
wer.e not, in fact, at the same location. Chairman Bennington advised
that the Fire Department has requested a hydrant be inst~ll~d, the
Chief of Police has requested security lights be installed - probably
in the back corners of the property. Mr. Loeffler said he would comply
with whatever they requested. Regarding the comments by the Public
Utilities supervisor, Chairman Bennington advised that he would need
to indicate the water meter location on the plans.
Chairman Bennington advised Mr. Loeffler that he would need four more
things before he could receive approval of his plans: driveway permits
from the County, an architect's seal for the building lay-out, security
lights and water meter location.
Mr. Opal made a motion that the plan be tabled until these four require-
ments are met. Mr. Chenoweth seconded the motion.
Chairman Bennington then mentioned that the parking is not adequate.
There needs to be 20' feet behind the parking spaces for backing out
and the loading and unloading areas are not shown on the plan.
Mr. Opal amended his motion to include requirements be met concerning
the parking areas and loading and unloading areas. Mr. Chenoweth
amended his second. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
SP-8313 - C. Leslie Ogram
Mr. Ogram was present to discuss his plans.
Mr. Opal stated that the elevation varies on this piece of property.
There are five elevations there and it is wetland and swamp.
Chairman Bennington questioned Mr. Ogram if this had a one-way driveway,
to which Mr. Ogram replied, not necessarily. Chairman Bennington
advised Mr. Ogram that the driveways must be 20' for single access
and 241 for dual access. Mr. Ogram stated he would remove one of the
trees on the property to provide more space fnr the other driveway.
He suggested that possibly some of the parking spaces could be elimin-
ated to provide for the driveway requirements. It was determined that
Mr. Ogram could, in fact, eliminate some of the parking and meet the
requirements for the driveway. Chairman Bennington advised Mr. Ogram
that he would need to provide them with a sealed set of plans before
final approval was granted.
Mr. Opal questioned Mr. Ogram as to where the water wi 11 run to for
retention. Mr. Ogram explained this to Mr. Opal on the plans. He
questioned Mr. Ogram as to the number of loads of fill that will be
needed, to which Mr. Ogram replied that he did not know at this time.
Mr. Opal stated he would need a lot of fill due to the fact that the
elevation is so uneven.
Chairman Bennington advised that the Public Works Supervisor has
requested that the garbage and trash containers be moved to the front
of the building to provide access for emergency vehicles in the rear,
the police have asked for security lights to be installed. Mr. Ogram
showed Chairman Bennington the location of the security lights on the
Mr. Chenoweth made a motion that the plans be approved for final,
subject to Mr. Ogram complying with the above-mentioned three items:
the garbage and trash containers be moved to the front of the building,
the driveway requirements are met, and he furnish an architect's sealed
set of plans. Motion died for lack of second.
Mr. Opal made an alternate motion that this plan be tabled until the
three items are rectified and more information is provided concerning
the land fill that will be going in. Motion died for lack of second.
Mr. Chenoweth remade his previous motion, this time stating that the
plans be approved for preliminary and not final approval. Mr. Opal
seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
SP-8219 (Rev.) Luis C. Geil
Mr. Geil was present to discuss his sketch plan.
Mr. Geil advised the Board that he was in before with sketch plans for
townhouses, these are now changed to apartment buildings.
Chairman Bennington explained to the Board that it was their job to
tell Mr. Geil whether or not his plans comply, if he is granted a
Special Exception by the Board of Adjustments for allowing multi-
family in the B3 zone. He then read the letter from the Zoning
Commission concerning their request that a moratorium be placed on
future requests for the Special Exception Rule during the process of
changing certain portions of the 880 Ordinance. He advised the Board
that this does not concern this Board as to whether or not Mr. Geil
is granted his Speical Exception.
-2- Planning Commission Meeting
July 12, 1983
Mr. Geil said it was his understanding that the B3 applied to the
property along U.S. 1 and not necessarily the side streets and this
is what he wanted to discuss with the Board. Mr. Opal said that R4
would apply also and he felt the sketch plan was inconsistent with
the zoning of the property. Chairman Bennington advised Mr. Opal
that it was not the~r concern. They are only concerned with whether
it will comply if he is granted his Speical Exception. Mr. Opal said
that any approval by them is premature. Chairman Bennington said that
is not true, the Board of Adjustments will not hear it until the
Planning Commission decides whether or not it meets the requirements.
Mr. Geil advised that B3 along U.S. 1 will remain B3. Mr. Opal ques-
tioned Mr. Geil as to whether he wanted the B3 changed along Marion,
to which Mr. Geil replied, yes.
Chairman Bennington explained that the Board does not get into sketch
plans very often. It is just a basic drawing showing the location of
the building, wanting to know if this will comply with R4 zoning,
provided he is given his Special Exception. That is all this Board is
to do.
Regarding the department head comments, Chairman Bennington advised
that a topo will be required, plans by an architect will be required,
driveway permits will be required, if needed; fire department says
they want 3 hydrants in the apartment area and 2 in future commercial
area; police department wants street lights submitted in compliance
with the 911 plan; public works wants a detailed lay-out, showing
drainage and adequate retention areas - all of these items must be
provided if and when the Special Exception is granted. Chairman
Bennington advised the Board that what they have to do is determine
whether this complies with the R4 zoning and the Comp Plan, if he is
granted the Speical Exception.
A discussion then ensued concerning the maximum length of the building
that is required by the Southern Building Code; the emergency access
areas; setbacks - front, back and side yards; parking facilities; land-
scaping plans; size of the apartments; lay-out of the streets; storm-
water drainage - that will be considered after Mr. Geil is given the
IIgo aheadll; moratorium on Special Exceptions - wherein it was decided
that there was no moratorium at the present time-pending legal opinion.
Chairman Bennington stated that although land is zoned B3, they are
looking at R4 to answer the questions as to whether or not he complies
with the requirements.
Mr. Opal stated he was not going to vote on the sketch plan. He said
it was going to the Board of Adjustments and find out what they will
do before a vote is taken. He felt this was premature. Chairman
Bennington said it was not premature, this is what their job is to tell
them whether it complies or not so it can go to the Board of Adjustments.
Mr. Opal said he would not tell the Board of Aqjustments it was OK.
He said it was rezoning. Chairman Bennington said the Board of Adjust-
ments still have the policy they will not hear it until it passes the
Planning Commission. Mr. Wetzel, Chairman of the Board of Adjustments,
agreed with that statement.
Chairman Bennington then read from the Comp Plan book in reference to
this plan regarding discouraging strip development along U.S. 1 of
commercialized zones. A discussion then ensued regarding what was
read by the Chairman from the Comp Plan.
Chairman Bennington then stated that he felt the plan complies with
the Comp Plan. He felt the most logical thing to do would be for the
Zoning Commission to rezone this property, however, he said it meets
all the requirements of the Comp Plan. He told the members that they
may hate the whole idea, that is their personal opinion, they can voice
their opinions at the public hearing before the Board of Adjustments.
Their job here is to vote whether or not it conforms, if he is granted
the Special Exception.
-3- Planning Commission Meeting
July 12, 1983
Mr. Opal stated he didn't care whether or not it conforms to R4, to
which Ohairman Bennington told him that was what he was here for. Mr.
Opal said that was up to the Board of Adjustments. Chairman Bennington
told him it was up to him, it was his job, he is on the Planning
Commission to vote whether or not it conforms to R4.
Mr. Chenoweth made a motion that the sketch plan complies with the R4
and Comp Plan requirements, provided Mr. Geil is given Special Excep-
tion by the Board of Adjustments. Motion died for lack of second.
Mr. Opal said that the Comp Plan needed to be studied a lot more.
Chairman Bennington asked the members how long they had had their
package. Mr. Opal said it complies with R4 only. Chairman Bennington
advised that it has to comply with the Comp Plan before it goes to
the Board of Adjustments. He said the Ordinance established this Board
giving them the duty of determining compliance with the Comp Plan - it
cannot be put off on someone else.
Mr. Opal said it does not comply with the Comprehensive Plan, it has
to be studied some more. He then made a motion to approve conformity
to R4 as it is now and the pre-conditions as far as the Comprehensive
Plan, that shoulid be studied. Chairman Bennington asked him who should
study it. Mr. Opal said to let the Board of Adjustments do it. Chair-
man Bennington said it was not their job - it is this Board's job.
Mr. Chenoweth told Mr. Opal that he didn't feel progress shoul!d be
impeded, that this corporation should not be delayed because of this
Board's unwillingness to give them approval.
Mr. Opal said to OK it for complying with R4 but it is questionable as
to whether it complies with the Comp Plan. Chairman Bennington advised
that Mr. Opal's motion was fine, however, it will not accompl ish any-
thing. He is not approving or denying in the motion. Mr. Opal said it
was premature and he would stand on those grounds. Chairman Bennington
then read from the Code Book regarding the Ordinance that established
the Planning Commission, their powers and duties. Item 1: The Commiss-
ion shall have the primary responsibility f~ determination that land
development orders and land development regulations are consistent with
the Edgewater Comprehensive Plan. He told Mr. Opal that means you -
nobody else determines whether this complies with the Comp Plan or not.
He said he has had it two weeks and he hasn't determined if it complies
or not, then he would have to vote that it doesn't comply. Mr. Opal
said right now it doesn't comply.
Mr. Opal's motion died for lack of second. Chairman Bennington asked
Mr. Quaggin what he thought about whether or not it complied with the
Comp Plan, to which Mr. Quaggin replied, not that much.
Chairman Bennington advised Mr. Geil that they were stuck at an impass
until this Council decides to put somebody on this commission that
is willing to do the work, to do the job. He said he could only advise
the Board of Adjustments that there was no action taken on this case.
Mr. Opal stated the plan doesn't conform to the Comp Plan. Chairwoman
Bennington asked Mr. Opal why, in his opinion, it does not conform.
Mr. Opal asked her why she should question him why - stating he is on
the Board. He reiterated that it was too premature for him to go
ahead and vote on this project, period.
Mr. Chenoweth made a motion that the sketch plan conforms to the R4
zoning and it is in conformity with the master plan and that it be
approved. Chairman Bennington seconded the motion, subject to legal
ruling that it is a legal second, stating the by-laws do not say, one
way or the other. Chairman Bennington and Mr. Chenoweth voted YES.
Mr. Opal and Mr. Quaggin voted NO.
Chairman Bennington advised Mr. Geil that he did not know what to
tell him but that he would get in contact with the City Attorney
tomorrow to find out how they proceed from here concerning this matter.
-4- Planning Commission Meeting
July 12, 1983
Chairman Bennington read the letter from the Zoning Commission, request-
ing that the Planning Commission check to see if the application for
rezoning from JoAnne Prince, as agent for Daniel J. Anderson, complies
with the Comp Plan. Ms. Prince was present to discuss this case.
Mr. Opal made a motion that the application for rezoning by JoAnne
Prince, as agent for Daniel J. Anderson, be rejected because it does
not comply with the Comp Plan. Chairman Bennington seconded the
motion for sake of discussion.
Chairman Bennington asked Mr. Opal why he thought it did not conform.
Mr. Opal said he heard there is only a 2" water line there and that
would be too small for multi-family residences. Chairman Bennington
read from the Comp Plan wherein the developer can be requested to pay
for extensions of the water system. Chairman Bennington advised that
it probably does not comply, that the piece is in the middle of single
family zoning, at which time he then read again from the Comp Plan
concerning this matter.
JoAnne Prince explained to the Board that they are considering only 8
to 10 units on this property, that this property is boarded by B3 on
the highway, there is a house on one side of the property that has been
used as a duplex in years past, there is a Jiffy Store on the corner
and a restaurant, R2 zoning goes down Park Avenue. It was her opinion
that single family housing was unsuitable for this area. Chairman
Bennington said it was his opinion that that small parcel of land, if
rezoned, would be considered spot zoning. He said he doesn't feel it
complies with the Comp Plan, it is incompatible to the land use plan.
After roll call, motion CARRIED 4-0.
Chairman Bennington read the letter from the secretary, Susan Mista,
concerning the request by Mr. Earl Wallace that the Preliminary Site
Plan Requirements list be changed under item 11 to require one set of
sealed plans for approval, rather than two. After a brief discussion
by the members, it was decided that the list remain the same, requiring
the two sets of sealed plans.
Chairman Bennington read the letter from the secretary, Susan Mista,
concerning the case of the Southeast Bank, wherein the facility at
1813 Ridgewood Avenue was given permission to put up a temporary
structure for two years, at which time they were to remove the tempor-
ary structure and/or construct a permanent structure in its place.
The City sent a letter to Mr. Sikes of the bank, advising him that
something needs to be done regarding this matter. Mr. Sikes is asking
to be put on this Board's agenda, either on July 20th - at which
meeting he will not be ab}e to attend - or if he can wait until the
August 3rd meeting, which he can attend and will bring with him a
letter requesting an extension of time. It was the Board1s decision
that Mr. Sikes must be present at the meeting and should wait until
the August 3rd meeting to attend.
Concerning the matter of appointing a Vice-Chairman to the Board, some
members felt this matter should be addressed after Mr. Finn returns
from his vacation. He should be allowed to vote and even run for
this position, should he desire to do so.
Mr. Opal made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Chenoweth.
Motion CARRIED 4-0. Meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M.
Minutes submitted by:
Susan Mista
-5- Planning Commission Meeting
July 12, 1983
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