SEPTEMBER 12, 1983
Vice-Chairman, Carl Cochran, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.,
in the conference room of City Hall.
Members present: Messrs. Cochran, Wheeler, Stewart and Sadowski. Mr.
Landry arrived at 7:10 P.M., Mr. Siciliano was excused. Also present:
secretary, Susan Mista.
Moved by Mr. Wheeler and seconded by Mr. Sadowski to approve the minutes
of the August 8, 1983, meeting. Motion CARRIED 4-0. Mr. Landry had not
arrived to vote on this motion.
Selection of Board member to serve on Ad Hoc Committee.
Vice-Chairman Cochran asked the members who would volunteer to serve on
the newly formed Ad Hoc Committee for the purpose of updat1ng and reviewing
the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Sadowski said he was without transportation
at this time due to the fact his automobile was in the shop being repaired.
Mr. Stewart advised that he would have to find out the nights they planned
to meet before he could commit himself. He serves on another committee
and if the nights for this meeting do not conflict with his other meeting,
he will serve on this Ad Hoc Committee. He advised he would be happy to
give Mr. Sadowski a ride to the meetings, if he wished to attend. Mr.
Sadowski advised that he would consider it after they learn the nights
this meeting would be held. It was agreed that the secretary, Susan
Mista, would advise Mr. Stewart and Mr. Cochran of the meeting night and
they would then determine whether or not they would be able to serve on
this committee and advise her of same.
Answer to City Council giving reasons why rezoning be changed to 6 times
a year and a minimum square footage of 1,000 feet in R4, R5, R5A and R6.
Vice-Chairman Cochran stated that at the City Council meeting on June 20,
1983, they asked that the Zoning Commission give them reasons as to why
they want rezoning changed to six times a year, rather than four; and why
they are requesting that the square footage in the R4, R5, R5A and R6
zones be changed to 1,000 square feet. After a discussion by the Board
members, it was decided that it was too long of a time to wait three
months for a petition to rezone. Two months is long enough time and the
Ordinance should be changed to allow for petitioffifor rezoning to be heard
by City Council six times a year, or every two months. Insofar as the
minimum of 1,000 square footage is concerned, the Board members feel that
less than 1,000 is too small. There is presently no specific minimum
footage listed in the single family dwelling section. They feel 1,000
is sufficient space, thereby eliminating any possibility to low cost
housing with the square footage being smaller than 1,000 feet.
There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion
made by Mr. Landry and seconded by Mr. Wheeler, the meeting was adjourned
at 7:25 P.M.
Minutes submitted by:
Susan Mista
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