August 8, 1983
Vice-Chairman Carl Cochran called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M.,
in the conference room at City Hall.
Members present: Messrs. Cochran, Landry, Wheeler, Sadowski. Mr. Stewart
and Chairman Siciliano were excused. Also present: secretary, Susan
Mista, and Frank Opal.
Moved by Mr. Landry and seconded by Mr. Sadowski to approve the minutes
of the July 11, 1983, meeting. Motion CARRIED 3-1. Mr. Wheeler voted
NO because he was absent from said meeting.
In reference to the letter from the Planning Commission concerning the
rezoning application filed by JoAnne Prince for Daniel J. Anderson, Mr.
Wheeler stated that the Board should decide whether or not to approve
or deny this request. He stated that they sent the request to the Planning
Commission for them to determine whether or not this application complies
with the Comprehensive Plan, and the Planning Commission replied that it
did not comply with said plan.
Mr. Wheeler made a motion that the application for rezoning filed by
JoAnne Prince as agent for Daniel J. Anderson be denied, on the recommen-
dation of the Planning Commission that it does not comply with the
Comprehensive Plan nor the Land Use Plan. Mr. Landry seconded the motion.
Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mr. Wheeler felt that Mr. Siciliano should be present when the Board
reviews the Permitted Uses of the 880 Ordinance. Mr. Landry agreed with
Mr. Wheeler's suggestion. All the members agreed to table this matter
until Chairman Siciliano can be present.
A letter was presented to the members by secretary, Susan Mista, concerning
the formation of an Ad Hoc Committee by the Planning Commission for review
and updating of the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission requested
that the Zoning Commission select at leaSt one member to serve on this
Ad Hoc Committee. Mr. Wheeler and Vice-Chairman Cochran felt that this
matter should be tabled until Chairman Siciliano returns.
Mr. Wheeler made a motion to table the selection of a member of this
Board to serve on the newly formed Ad Hoc Committee to the next meeting
of the Zoning Commission. Mr. Landry seconded the motion. Motion
A discussion then ensued regarding the purpose of the Ad Hoc Committee and
the people who have agreed to serve on said committee.
Frank Opal began discussion about the flood plane program and the infor-
mation received from Sam Tucker, the newly employed part-time engineer,
concerning the land in Edgewater, specifically the land on Park Avenue,
that is situated in a flood prone area. He stated that any land that is
located in Zone A of the flood prone area must have an engineer's study
concerning this matter, which must be approved by the city engineer, before
construction will be allowed in said areas.
Vice-Chairman Cochran thanked Mr. Opal for bringing this information to
the Board and he asked that the members be supplied with copies of the
flood plane map when they become available.
Mr. Wheeler suggested that the next meeting in August be cancelled, due
to the fact that there is little on the agenda to discuss, that the
month of August is a slow month. He said that if something should come
up that needs to be discussed, the secretary can call a special meeting.
After a general discussion of this matter, Mr. Wheeler made a motion to
cancel the meeting of August 22nd, and the next regular meeting of the
Zoning Commission shall be on September 12, 1983. Mr. Landry seconded
the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mr. Landry asked the Board their oplnlon on sending'a letter to the
attorney asking what the protocol is concerning people or businesses
who do not abide by the rules and regulations of the city. He stated
in particular he was referring to the Aqua Park matter, where they have
video machines in their place of business and no permit has been issued
for same. All of the Board members agreed with Mr. Landry's suggestion.
It was decided to send this request to the Council and the attorney.
Mr. Landry made a motion that a letter be sent to City Council and the
attorney, requesting what procedures can be taken to enforce the rules
and regulations of the City, in particular referring to the video games
at the Aqua Park Swimming Pool, wherein no permit was issued for allowing
same. Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion made
by Mr. Wheeler and seconded by Mr. Sadowski, the meeting was adjourned
at 7:45 PLM.
Minutes submitted by:
Susan Mista
Zoning Commission Meeting
August 8, 1983
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