Q 0
March 14, 1983, 7:00 PM
Chairman Siciliano called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM in the Planning
Office in City Hall.
Members present:
Member excused:
Messrs. Siciliano, Wheeler, Cochran, Stewart, Sadowski.
Mr. Landry. Also present: Mrs. Winks.
Moved by Mr. Cochran, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, and CARRIED 5-0, to approve
the minutes of the February 28, 1983 meeting as submitted.
Mr. Siciliano read a letter from Mrs. Massey, Chairman of the Industrial
Development Board, asking that the Board be notified of any rezoning
applications before they go to the Zoning Commission meeting.
Mr. Siciliano brought up the subject of multi-family housing as a special
exception in the B zones. He does not feel that these should be allowed
in the commercial zones, and the commercial land is being used up by
multi-family housing. He asked Mrs. Winks to let the Commission know at
the next meeting how many multi-family units we now have and how many are
on the books. There was a discussion on how the existing multi-family units
in the B zones could be handled, and the idea of grandfathering them in
was suggested. A single family home in conjunction with a business was
discussedl and the opinion of the Commission was that this could be allowed
if they were under single ownership.
Moved by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Cochran, and CARRIED 5-0, to recommend
to Council that the Special Exceptions for multi-family housing in the B
zones be omitted from the Code, and allow the existing units to continue
as they are.
The Commission agreed that Mr. Siciliano would meet with Mrs. Winks to
write the letter to Council with the specific wording.
Mr. Wheeler asked that the Commission review the By-Laws. Chairman Siciliano
suggested that this be done after the review of the Definitions. There was
no objection..
The Commission reviewed the Definitions that were reviewed by the Joint
Planning and Zoning Workshop at their August 18, 1982 meeting. The following
is a summary of the definitions covered.
Contractor: OK as changed by 9/13/82 Workshop.
Council, City: OK as in Book.
Coverage, building: REMOVE
Day Care Center: OK as in Book.
Developer: OK as added by 8/18/82 Workshop.
Dwelling: OK as changed by 8/18/82 Workshop.
Dwelling, Detached: OK as in Book.
Dwelling, Multi-family: OK as in Book
Dwelling, Single family: OK as in Book.
Dwelling, Two family: OK as in Book.
Dwelling Unit: Add to last sentence: excluding garage, carport or patio.
Easement: OK as added by 8/18/82 Workshop.
Eaves: OK as added by 8/18/82 Workshop.
Enforcement Official: OK as changed by &/18/82 Workshop.
Erect: OK as in Book.
Essential Services: OK as changed by 8/18/82 Workshop.
Family: OK as in Book.
Floodplain: OK as added by 8/18/82 Workshop.
Floor Area: OK as in Book.
Franchise: There was some discussion as to whether the definition was too
limited in that it only refers to automobile franchises. It was decided
to leave it as is in the Book.
Frontage: OK as added by 8/18/82 Workshop.
Grade, Finished: OK as in Book.
Group Development: OK as changed by 8/18/82 Workshop.
Mr. Cochran and Mr. Wheeler discussed home occupational licenses. Mr.
Cochran stated that more and more people are parking their trucks in
their yard with signs on them.
The Commission decided to review the By-Laws section by section noting
any changes that should be made.
The Commission felt that there is no problem with Articles I, II and III.
Article IV: Membership, was discussed and Mr. Wheeler felt that the
last sentence requiring an application and letter be removed. The
members were in agreement.
Article V: Vacancies, is OK as stated, but a sentence added noting that
the Alternate shall fill the remainder of a regular members term if he
should leave the Commission for any reason.
Article VI: Duties, is OK as it is.
Article VII: Officers
A. Chairman - The sentence referring to the Chairman signing the minutes
of the preceding meeting shall be removed.
B. Vice Chairman - OK as it is.
C. Secretary - The first sentence shall be changed to read: The secre-
tary furnished to the Commission shall be a city employee. The
second sentence should be changed to read: It shall be the duty of
the secretary to prepare all correspondence and minutes and be
responsible for the distribution. The last sentence is OK.
Article VIII: Standing and Ad Hoc Committees, is OK as it is.
Article IX: Meetings, A. B. C. D. E. F. are all OK as they are.
G. Quorum - There was much discussion on how the wording should be. It
was decided to read as follows: A quorum shall consist of a majority
of active membership for the transaction of business, excluding voting.
H. Voting - Mr. Wheeler stated that two votes should not be allowed to
pass an application. Mr. Siciliano also feels that two should not
be allowed to decide matters. The Commission agreed. The wording
shall now read: The vote of a majority of at least four (4) members
present who are eligible to vote shall be sufficient to decide matters
before the Commission. The Chairman shall vote.
Zoning Commission Minutes
March 14, 1983
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I. Subcommittee Meetings - Wording OK as it is.
J. Public Hearings - The second sentence shall be changed to read:
Official action on a matter can be decided after public hearing has
been adjourned provided a voting quorum is present.
Article X: Agenda, is OK as it is.
Article XI: Staff, the first sentence shall read as follows: The Commission
and duly authorized subcommittees shall have access to the information and
staff of all the departments of the City government, on such a basis these
departments are able to render assistance to the Commission.
These changes are a part of these minutes and the new By-Laws will be voted
on at the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 PM.
Minutes submitted by:
Debbie Winks
Zoning Commission Meeting
March 14, 1983
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