09-10-1980 Special
September 10, 1980
The special meeting of the Zoning Board was called to order by
Chairman Mackie at approximately 9:00 P.M. in the City Planner's
Office in City Hall.
Mr. Mackie
Mr. Siciliano
Mr. Wallace
Mr. Phinney
Mr. Wheeler
Mr. Troian
Mr. Dyett
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the possible restrictions
or requirements in regard to detached garages. A meeting has already
taken place to decide the lot line set backs, however it is necessary
to discuss whether or not there should be a set back required between
the houses and the garages.
Mr. Dyett brought up the possibility of a fire hazard if the garages
are built too close to the houses.
This was discussed and it was agreed that this would be checked out
before a permit would be issued.
Mr. Siciliano stated that unless a good reason could be given why
the board should recommend a certain distance he would not vote
fo r it.
Mr. Mackie went over what has already been agreed upon in regards
to the side set backs and he stated that he didn't understand why
we are going to set a requirement on the distance from the houses.
Mr. Phinney commented that since there is already going to be the
lot line set backs, only large lot owners will be able to build
detached garages because there will not be enough property. If we
put a specification on the distance required from the houses, we
will be causing this hardship.
There was further discussion about this with the City Planner, who
agreed with the board members.
Mr. Siciliano made a motion that we go with the five foot lot line
set backs for the utility sheds, the ten foot lot line set backs
for the detached garages, and that the set back requirements for
structures as shown in the Ordinance be followed, being seconded
by Mr. Phinney. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
At this time Mr. Phinney stated that a Planning Board member spoke
to the City Council about a proposal that was sent by the Zoning
Board. Mrs. Webber made accusations that there is a conspiracy and
that this change will ruin the City. He added that he does not feel
that such public comments should be made as respresentation of a
board and that Mrs. Webber should publicly apologize to the Zoning
Board or present proof that these accusations are facts. He also
feels that she should resign from the Planning Board so that when
she makes such public statements it will be as a private citizen.
There was discussion about this. It was agreed upon by all the
members present,that an apology should be made. The comment was
made that the Zoning Board meetings are open to the public and
citizens could attend the meetings and ask questions and find
out the facts before going to public Council meetings to make
such remarks.
Mr. Siciliano stated that he agrees, however before a letter is
sent to the Council he feels that the full membership of the board
should discuss this.
Mr. Phinney asked if a special meeting could be called.
Mr. Mackie stated that if it is the desire of the members present
he will see that a special meeting is called.
Mr. Phinney made a motion to call a special Zoning Board meeting
to discuss accusations made by a Planning Board member about the
Zoning Board, the meeting to be at City Hall, Monday, September
15, 1980 at 6:30 P.M. The motion was seconded by Mr. Siciliano
and CARRIED 4-0.
There was discussion among the board members about letters or
proposals sent to the Council being copied and made available to
the board members.
Mr. Phinney stated that he would like to be able to come into City
Hall and pick up a copy of whatever the Council is going to act upon
so that he can knowledgably discuss a subject with the Council at
the time they are acting upon it.
There was discussion about this and it was agreed that Mr. Mackie
would talk to the City Clerk and see what can be done.
There was no other business for the board to discuss.
Mr. Siciliano made a motion to adjourn, being seconded by Mr. Phinney.
Said motion CARRIED.
Minutes submitted by:
Debbie Sigler