02-20-1980 Special
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February 20, 1980
Mr. Mackie called the Special Meeting of the Zoning Board to order at
1:30 P.M. in the Edgewater City Hall.
Mr. Mackie Present Mr. John Gross
Mr. Siciliano Late
Mr. Troian Excused
Mr. Bowser Present
Mr. Engle Present
Mr. Opal Present
Mr. Wheeler Present
There was a discussion on Site Plan Approval, Section 715.02 of the Municipal
1. on. the 7l~.00, .under the.title,;put a period after the word rezoning
'and capitalize the first. letter of Site for a new sentence.
2. under 715.02, change to read, Prior to the issuance of a building permit,
a site plan drawn at a scale no smaller than one inch equals fifty feet
(1"=50') must be submitted to and approved by the Zoning Board and
Planning Department and Building Official for all R-4, R-5, R-5A, R-6, B-1
B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, B-6, I-I, 1-2 and 1-3. The site plan shall be in
substantial compliance with the concept of outline development plan and
shall show the following information:
(1) Existing and propo~ed topogr~phy at a two foot contour interval for
1 acre of land or more.,
After the site plan has been approved by the Zoning Board and Planning
Department the chief building official is authorized to issue a building
3. under 715.03, (1) Minor changes in the location, siting, and height of
buildings and structures may be authorized by the Zoning Board and
Planning Department if required by engineering or other circumstances
not foreseen at the time the site plan was approved.
(2) All other changes in the use; any rearrangement of parking areas,
buildings, lots, any changes in the provisions of common open spaces and
all other amendments to the approved site plan must be made by the
Zoning Board and Planning Department. No amendment may be made in the
approved site plan unless the changes are shown to be required by changes
in conditions that have occurred since the site plan was approved or by
changes in the development policy of the community.
4. under 715.04, change last sentence to read, The City Council may
approve the variations or refer the same back to the Zoning Board and
Planning Department for action.
5.' under 716.00 change title to read, Zoning and Planning Department
An affirmative vote of not less than four (4) city council members
shall be required to adopt or amend an ordinance contrary to any
decision or recommendation submitted by the Zoning Board and Planning
If the City Attorney determines another Public Hearing is necessary for
these textural changes, the Zoning Board requests the Council set another
Public Hearing.
- 1 -
The Zoning Board also is requesting the Planning Board be removed from Site
Plan Approvals due to the State Statutes, Section 163.3174, which clarifies
the duties of the Local Planning Agency. These duties consist of the pre-
paration of the Comprehensive Plan only, prior to adoption.
LETTER to Council.
Mr. Wheeler made a motion to recommend the preceeding textural changes to
Council. Mr. Engle seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion
Mr. Wheeler made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Bowser seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned
Minutes submitted by
Nancy Blazi
Donna Prevatt
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<!tity of iEbgrwatrr
February 21, 1980
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Zoning Board
At a Special Meeting, the Zoning Board discussed Section 715.02, Site
Plan Approvals. The Zoning Board has already recommended deleting sing1e-
family residences and a duplex from a Site Plan Approval. In addition the
Zoning Board would like to recommend the Council con~ider the following
textural changes.
1. on the 715.00, under the title, put a period after the word rezoning
and capitalize the first letter of Site for a new sentence.
2. under 715.02, change to read, Prior to the issuance of a building
permit, a site plan drawn at a scale no smaller than one inch equals
fi fty feet - (1"= 5 0') mus t be submitted to and app-roved by the Zoning
Board and Planning Department and Building Official for all R-4,
R-5, R-5A, R-6, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, B-6, 1-1, 1-2 and 1-3. The
site plan shall be in substantial compliance with the concept of
outline development plan and shall show the following information:
(1) Existing and proposed topography at a two foot contour interval
for 1 acre of land or more.
After the site plan has been approved by the Zoning Board and Planning
Department the chief building official is authorized to issue a
building permit.
3. under 715.03, (1) Minor changes in the location, siting, and height
of buildings and structures may be authorized by the Zoning ~oard and
Planning Department if required by engineering or other circumstances
not foreseen at the time the site plan was approved.
(2) All other changes in the use; any rearrangement of parking areas,
buildings, lots, any changes in the provisions of common open spaces
and all other amendments to the approved site plan must be made by
the-Zoning Board and Planning Department. No amendment may be made
in the approved site plan unless the changes are shown to be required
by changes in conditions that have occurred since the site plan was
approved or by changes in the development policy of the community.
4. under 715.04 change last sentence to read, The city council may
approve the variations or refer the same back to the Zoning Board
and Planning Department for action.
5. under 716.00 change title to read, Zoning and Planning Department
An affirmative vote of not less than four (4) city council members
shall be required to adopt or amend an ordinance contrary to any
decision or recommendation submitted by the Zoning Board and Planning
If the City Attorney determines another Public Hearing is necessary for
these textural changes, the Zoning Board reques~the Council set another
Public Hearing.
The Zoning Board also is requesting the Planning Board be removed from Site
Plan Approvals due to the State Statutes, Section 163.3174, which clarifies
the duties of the Local Planning Agency. These duties consist of the
preparation of the Comprehensive Plan only, prior to adoption.
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