9:00 A.M.
Chairman Wheeler called to order a regular meeting of the Planning
and Zoning Board at 9:00 A.M., Thursday, April 16, 1987, in the
Community Center.
Members present were Mr. Wheeler, Mrs. B1azi, Mr. Rossiter, Mr. Klein,
Mr. Loeffler, and Mr. Mackie. Mr. Quaggin was excused. Also present
were Lynne Plaskett, Planning Assistant/Grant Administrator and Beverly
Kinney, Board Secretary.
The minutes of March 5, 1987, special meeting/workshop, were presented
for approval. Mrs. Blazi moved to accept the minutes as written, sec-
onded by Mr. Loeffler. Motion Carried 6-0.
The minutes of March 19, 1987, regular meeting, were presented to the
Board for approval. Mr. Rossiter moved to accept the minutes as written,
seconded by Mrs. Blazi. Motion Carried 6-0.
. i
SP8703 Dan Barber Southern Bell Unmanned Telecommunication Facility
Cocoa Palm Drive and Indian River Boulevard R-1B: Mr. Barber was
present to disucss this site plan. Mr. Barber informed the Board
the Board of Adjustment had approved the special exception for the
facility the previous week. All department heads agreed there was
no problem with this site plan, but it was requested that Southern
Bell maintain attractive landscaping. Mrs. Blazi moved to accept this
site plan, seconded by Mr. Klein. Mr. Loeffler wanted to see a little
more landscaping along the north end of the property. Mr. Mackie stated
the landscaping should be maintained. Mr. Barber stated there was
boxwood along the north side of the property. Mr. Rossiter amended
his motion to include'maintain attractive landscaping~' Mrs. Blazi
and Mr. Klein agreed to the amended motion., Motion Carried 6-0.
SP8704 Luis Geil Shops/Offices/Miniwarehouses Hibiscus Drive B-2:
Mr. Geil was present to discuss this site plan. Chairman Wheeler
pointed out warehouses~ as stated on the application, were not per-
mitted in the B-2 district. Mr. Geil stated the site plan had been
revised to show office/shops Chairman Wheeler stated the problem
with miniwarehouses is that they don't stay miniwarehouses.
There was discussion regarding lavatory facilities in the office/shop
area. Some of the Board members felt each office/shop should have
it's own lavatory. Mr. Geil stated the lavatories will be locked and
a key will be required for entry, so they will not be open to the
public. Mr. Fischer, Building Official, was called in regarding
lavatory facilities. Mr. Fischer stated there was a set number of
stalls and urinals needed depending on the square footage. Mr. Fischer
did not see any real problem, because it was not a high traffic build--
ing. Mr. Fishcer stated the upkeep would be handled by the property,
owner, Mr. Geil agreed.
Mrs. Blazi was concerned about the miniwarehouses turning into other
than what they were intended. Mr. Fischer stated the way to handle
it is no~ to provide electricity to the miniwarehouses.
SP8704 Luis Geil Shops/Offices/Miniwarehouses continued:
Mr. Rossiter asked about parking. Mr. Geil stated there were eighteen
spaces available, two (2) per unit. Mrs. Plaskett informed the Board
a business requiring more than the allotted parking would not be issued
an occupational license. Parking spaces fifteen (15) through eighteen
(18) were discussed.
Mr. Rossiter felt the plan met the requirements of the B-2 district
and moved to accept the plan. Chairman Wheeler felt if the plan says
office it should stay an office and not turn into something else.
Mr. Rossiter amended his motion stating the shop area is to be used
for storage and the front will be used for office space only, as it
shows on the plan being accepted. Mr. Geil stated the Board could
move to accept the plan with the stipulation the project is built the
way the site plan shows and force the owner to keep it as it shows.
Mr. Klein stated the overhead door entry for the shop area was large
enough to permit a car in for repair. The Board was very concerned
about what would go into the units once the project was complete, and
felt occupational licensing was not enough- to control violations.
Mr. Rossiter moved to approve the site plan, but it has to be used as
designated on the site plan, not to be used for other uses. Mrs. Blazi
seconded the motion. Mr. Loeffler stated there was not enough parking.
Mr. Mackie agreed parking would be a problem. Mr. Klein felt the
lavatory facilities were not sufficient and the overhead doors should
be cut down in size to stop large items from going into the shop area.
Mr. Geil agreed to eight (8) foot overhead doors. Mr. Rossiter agreed
to amend his motion.
Mr. Loeffler suggested moving parking spaces fifteen (15) through
eighteen (18) and putting two (2) on each side of the miniwarehouses,
so there is more of a turning radius between the shops and the mini-
warehouses. Mr. Geil did not want to lose any footage on the mini-
warehouses. Mr. Rossiter withdrew his motion, Mrs. Blazi withdrew her
Mr. Rossiter moved to accept the site plan with the stipulation that
the four (4) parking spacesl fifteen (15) through eighteen (18)1 be re-
arranged and put two (2) on each end of the miniwarehouse and at the same
time simultaniously drop the end two (2) storage units and give a
clean unobstructed approach to the shops. Motion was seconded by Mrs.
Blazi. Motion Carried 6-0.
Mr. Mackie asked Mrs. Plaskett if there was anything the Board could
do to correct the problems in the B-2 district. Mrs. Plaskett stated
she had been taking notes and would come up with something.
Squaring off of City Limits: Mrs. Blazi asked about being able to
provide services (water/sewer). She understood there was a period
of time in which the City had to provide services (ie: two (2) years).
Mrs. Plaskett stated services would have to be supplied at the time
of development. Mr. Mackie felt the best thing would be to send out
questionaires to property owners asking if they would be interested
in annexing into the City. Then the City could determine if they could
service all the areas involved. Mrs. Blazi felt it was not in the
City's favor to annex little bits and pieces, leaving a lot of enclaves.
Mrs. Plaskett stated the comprehensive plan would be a part of this and
the Board might want to take the land use and future land use map and
corne up with a master plan for the City and the particular areas for
annexation. The Board would have to come up with a methodology and a
way of accomplishing the goals of the City, even if it would have to
go to a referendum. She further explained the Board would have to
set plans and goals, but also would have to take steps to implement
the plans.
Planning and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
April 16, 1987
Annexation/Rezoning request Luis Geil Lots 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7
Roberts Road and U.S. # 1: Chairman Wheeler felt the first question
to be answered was whether the Board wanted to annex the property,
then decide if the zoning should be B-3 or B-5. Mr. Klein stated
the City couldn't service what they have now. Chairman Wheeler
suggested approval of the annexation and tabling the rezoning request
until September, because it could not be rezoned until then anyway.
The rest of the Board felt the annexation and rezoning should be done
at the same time. The Board did agree it should be rezoned to B-5.
Mrs. Blazi and Mr. Loeffler felt there was enough strip shopping along
U.S. #1. Mrs. Blazi pointed out the rezoning request did not agree
with the future land use map, which was residential. Mr. Loeffler
wanted to see all nine lots annexed in. Mr. Geil stated he had not
contacted the property owners of lots 1, 2, 8 & 9 to see if they would
be willing to annex. Mr. Geil agreed to contact the property owners
to see if they would be willing to annex and rezone to B-5. Mrs. Blazi
moved to table this request until Mr. Geil had contacted the property
owners of lots 1, 2, 8 & 9 for annexation and rezoning to B-5. Mr.
Klein seconded. Motion Carried 6-0.
Special Exception Church in R-3 Rev. Tom Bennett 1620 Edgewater Dr.:
Mr. Cliff Bennett was present to represent Rev. Tom Bennett and Florida
Shores Baptist Church. Mr. Bennett stated the church had purchased
2.08 acres including a house to be converted into a church. Mrs. Plas-
kett informed the Board the Zoning Text Amendment was approved by Council,
and due to an error in scheduling the special exception went to the
Board of Adjustment first. The Board of Adjustment approved the Special
Exception pending approval from the Planning and Zoning Board. Chairman
Wheeler asked if a church school was planned. Mr. Bennett said there
really was not enough room on the property. Mr. Klein wanted signat-
ures from fifty-one percent (51%) of the property owners around the
area approving of a church in the neighborhood. Mr. Loeffler moved
to accept the special exception. Mrs. Blazi was concerned on the effect
of churches as a special exception in the R-3 district as far as B-3
and R-3 districts abutting in many places throughout the City. Mr.
Mackie seconded the motion. Motion Carried 5-1, with Mr. Klein voting
Discussion Regarding Churches: Mr. Mackie feared the City would end
up with a church on every corner and felt the Board should place some
limitations on this, possibly a restriction of not less than three (3)
acres to establish a church. Chairman Wheeler stated churches should
not be permitted in R-1 and R-2. Mr. Loeffler agreed that putting a
size requirement would eliminate a lot of churches trying to come in.
Mrs. Blazi stated that as long as schools are allowed there will always
be a way to sneak in a church school with a church on the side. Mrs.
Blazi felt schools should be taken out of R-1 and R-2. Mr. Klein
stated a good lawyer could take anything the Board did and turn it
around in their favor. The Board requested Mrs. Plaskett to remove
schools as a special exception from the R-1 and R-2 districts and
bring it back to the Board at their next meeting for discussion and
possible action.
Revision 715.02 Site Plan Exemptions Pro osed Wording: Mrs. Plaskett
as e t e Boar to go over the propose wor ing to ma e sure it was what
the Board had asked for. The Board felt it was and would take it up at
the next meeting.
Committee Report: Mr. Klein stated he and Mr. Rossiter could not work
as a team because of the sunshine law. Mr. Klein stated the information
from the meeting regarding illegal paving within the City was correct.
Mr. Klein stated there were no permits pulled, because the Building
Official stated it was a repaving. Mr. Klein had statements from three
(3) people who stated the area in question had never been paved, so it
was not a repaving. The Code Enforcement Officer was told to leave the
situation alone when he tried to cite the property owners for the viol-
ation. Mrs. Blazi suggested Mr. Klein and Mr. Rossiter bring a written
report regarding their findings and the Board would then be able to
take action. Mr. Klein stated St. Johns Water Management District had
been notified of the violation.
There being no further business to come
moved to adjourn seconded by Mr. Klein.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Beverly Kinney, Board Secretary
before the Board, Mrs. Blazi
Meeting adjourned at 10:50 A.M.
Planning and Zoning Board 4/16/87