03-05-1987 - Special/Workshop .~, -- (.) (,,) CITY OF EDGEWATER PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD SPECIAL MEETING/WORKSHOP THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1987 9:00 A.M. COMMUNITY CENTER Chairman Wheeler called to order a special meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board at 9:00 A.M., Thursday, March 5, 1987, in the Community Center to hear presentations and select a consultant for the Housing Element of the Compre- hensive Plan. ROLL CALL: Members present were Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Mackie, Mrs. Blazi, Mr. Loeffler, Mr. Rossiter and Mr. Klein, who arrived at approximately 9:05 A.M. Mr. Quaggin was excused. Lynne Plaskett, Planning Assistant/Grant Administrator and Beverly Kinney, Board Secretary were also present. PRESENTATION: Jordan Logue PLANTEC, Inc. Jacksonville, Fl. Mr. Logue explained that PLANTEC, Inc. is an economic and management consulting firm, established in 1974, and is a subsidiary of Reynolds, Smith and Hills, one of the largest architectural/engineering firms in the southeast, established in 1941. Mr. Logue told the Board, briefly, about PLANTEC, Inc, the housing element, the state requirements and PLANTEC, Inc. approach to the task of developing the City's housing element. Mr. Logue informed the Board that 9J-5 establishes the minimum criteria for comprehensive plans for all elements and that any competitor could handle the minimum criteria. PLANTEC, Inc's approach is to develop a product that specifically meets the needs of the client. The housing element helps the elected officials make intelligent decisions regarding the future of the City. Mr. Logue stated PLANTEC, Inc. has the experience, capabilities and skills to produce a housing element that goes far beyond the minimum standards and requirements that will help the Board and Council make policy deicisions for the future, develop specific policies for implementing goals and objectives, define realistic and achievable goals and objectives and work with the City through the public participation and workshops and deliver a high quality report that will be the City's housing element. Mr. Logue answered questions from the Board members regarding staffing. There was concern since every city is working on their comprehensive plans and PLANTEC, Inc. is making presen- tations to do various elements around the state. Mr. Logue assured the Board there would be no problem with staffing. Mr. Logue stated he would personally put in approximately eighty (80) hours and would be the project manager. Mrs. Blazi asked if the City would also get data for computers. Mr. Logue stated PLANTEC, Inc. could produce discs with the information. Mrs. Plaskett asked how much of a charge there would be to get the discs at a later date. Mr. Logue stated there would be no extra charge since he has to put the information on discs anyway. The Board thanked and excused Mr. Logue from the meeting. PRESENTATION: Mike Tarlitz Criterion, Inc. San Diego, Ca. Mr. Tarlitz informed the Board Criterion, Inc. is over ten (10) years old with its corporate headquarters in Dallax, Texas and has an office in San Diego, California and Coral Gables, Florida. The company is employee owned with one hundred seventy (170) emp- loyees. Criterion, Inc. works mainly in human resources, public safety, economic development and planning services. Any information gathered by Criterion, Inc. would be stored on floppy disc and would be available to the City and could be continuously updated. Mr. Tar- ~itz pointed out there was an optional bid in the proposal to build ~n oth~r elements of the c?mprehensive plan if the City so desires, lncludlng land use maps WhlCh would also be stored on floppy disc. o o PRESENTATION Mike Tarlitz Criterion, Inc. continued Mr. Tarlitz explained that Criterion, Inc. would b~ ~oing the analysis and statistics, goals, objectives and pollc~es for the City of Edgewater for the housing element. Mr. Ta:llt~ also informed the Board Volusia County had contacted Crlterlon, ~nc. for a possible county wide project regarding the comprehenslve plan. Mr. Tarlitz opened a question and answer session. Mr. Mackie seemed concerned about staying with one consultant throughout the comprehensive plan and wanted to know if that was possible, rather than going from one consulting firm to another. Mrs. Plas- kett was not sure if staying with one firm was possible, and with more monies, if available, the City may have to go out for bid for each element of the comprehensive plan. Mrs. Blazi asked how long Mr. Tarlitz had lived in Florida. Mr. Tar- litz stated he had been in Florida for one year, but his family had been in Florida for eight years. Mrs. Blazi also asked if Mr. Tarlitz would be coming to Edgewater personally to work on the housing element. Mr. Tarlitz replied he would be available, but would probably bring in someone from California for the projections. Mr. Wheeler thanked and excused Mr. Tarlitz. The Board had a discussion regarding the possibility of getting a comput~r system in the Pl~nning Department. Thei all ~greed a com- puter was necessary for the comprehensive plan to keep accurate, up- dated information for future updates to the comprehensive plan. PRESENTATION: David Van Horn Strategic Planning Group Jacksonville, Fl. Mr. Van Horn informed the Board Strategic Planning Group (S.P.G.) is a fairly new company. The president is the former vice-president of Reynolds, Smith and Hills. S.P.G. is currently working on the Jacksonville Beach comprehensive plan and the housing element for Seminole County. S.P.G. has also done the historic preservation element for Tarpan Springs. Mr. Van Horn stated his personal experience included housing marketing analysis in Seminole, Orange, Volusia and Brevard Counties. He also did a study for F.E.C. Railway in the City of Edgewater approximately two (2) years ago while working for PLANTEC, Inc. as a project manager. It gave him a data base from which to start the housing element and he was familiar with the area. He also stated he was familiar with the requirements of 9J-5 and chapter 163, because of his role as senior planner for the comprehensive plan in Lee County. Mr. Van Horn stated the first thing he would like to do is get together with Mrs. Plaskett, the City Officials and some of the staff to find out exactly where the City is in the Comprehensive Plan process, because a number of the elements have to be coordinated. Mr. Van Horn informed the Board S.P.G. will do an inventory of existing housing and an analysis of the current condition of housing. The three (3) basic components required for the housing element data collection, data analysis and goals, objectives and policies. S.P.G. would give the City a workable tool as well as the documentation necessary to meet state requirements. Mr. Van Horn stated Edgewater is largely residential and the housing element was going to be very important and it was wise to start with that element. Also, since there was so much housing along the river, the City would have to address post disaster redevelopment in the l~nd use element that directly relates to the housing,stock along the rlver. Mr. Van Horn stated S.P.G. would work closely with the local planning agency and elected officials in doing the housing element and would make recommendations as to the goals, objectives and policies the City should implement. Planning and Zoning Board Special Meeting/Workshop March 5, 1987, Thursday -2- o o PRESENTATION: David Van Horn S.P.G. continued Mr. Van Horn asked if there were any questions. Mr. Klein asked if Mr. Van Horn would be the project manager for the housing element, and Mr. Van Horn replied yes. Mrs. Blazi liked the fact that he was already familiar with the town. There was some discussion regarding the F.E.C. Railway property, zoned P.I.D., since Mr. Van Horn had done a feasability study. Mr. Van Horn stated the study showed the best use for the property would be resid- ential, even with the college going in. Mrs. Plaskett asked about computer capabilities. Mr. Van Horn stated the City would be able to get computer discs when they were ready for them. Mr. Wheeler thanked and excused Mr. Van Horn. The Board discussed the presentations given and asked Mrs. Plaskett what she would look for in a consultant. Mrs. Plaskett stated anyone could comply with 9J-5. Basically what she would look for is the little extra, the intimacy within the community, wanting to really deal with the people, what the people really want. Out of the three Mrs. Plaskett was impressed with the first presentation, the second presentation was basically a computer sales group, and can probably do the element. The last presentation, in her personal opinion just gave that_little extra as far as being familiar with the city, which is very important. He took an interest, he drove around -the city, he's been here before and taking a personal interest in the city is very important, because it has a lot to do with what you're going to get. Mr. Mackie moved to recommend to Council their recommendation in the following order: 1. Strategic Planning Group 2. PLANTEC, Inc. 3. Criterion, Inc. Motion seconded by Mr. Klein. Motion Carried 6-0. Mr. Loeffler moved to adjourn the speical meeting, seconded by Mr. Mackie. The speical meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:15 A.M. WORKSHOP Chairman Wheeler called to order a workshop of the Planning and Zoning Board at 11:15 A.M., Thursday, March 5, 1987, in the Comm- unity Center. ROLL CALL: Members present were Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Mackie, Mrs. Blazi, Mr. Loeffler, Mr. Rossiter and Mr. Klein. Mr. Quaggin was excused. Also present were Lynne Plaskett, Planning Assistant/Grant Adm- inistrator and Beverly Kinney, Board Secretary. Vacation of Alley Request by Huntley-Jiff: Mrs. Plaskett informed t e Boar Hunt1ey-Jl y was proposlng to give an additional five (5) foot access easement, giving a total of twenty-five (25) feet. She also informed the Board she and Mr. DiLeva, Code Enforcement, had gone to the site trying to make the turning radius in a car and had trouble doing so from Hibiscus. Mr. Klein asked what advantage the City would have in vacating the alley. He could not see why the Board should get into vacating land unless it was of an extreme value or detriment to the City. Mr. Rossiter felt one advantage would be the owner cleaning up the site. The Board agreed the traffic situation is very bad, because the whole front of the shopping area is open to traffic. Mr. Klein reminded the Board of the site plan approval for gas pumps and a pump house on the vacant lot adjacent to the current alley and the stipulations imposed to cut back on the traffic problem. Mrs. Plaskett pointed out the fact there will be more of a traffic problem with traffic pulling out of the Planning and Zoning Board Thursday, March 5, 1987 Special Meeting/Workshop -3- o o Huntley-Jiffy Vacation continued: convenience store area and back into the pump area from Indian River Boulevard. Mr. Rossiter felt the Board could O.K. the vacation if Huntley-Jiffy purchased the property, if needed, to make the turning radius and clean up the front of the shopping area with a ten (10) foot planted buffer area, designated parking spaces and entrances. Mr. Mackie stated he had been to the site and looked at the businesses behind the shopping area. He stated there shouldn't be any large trucks traveling on the alle~ as Mr. Browning and Mr. Wiley had stated at the last meeting, because all that's there are mini-warehouses. Mrs. Blazi asked Mrs. Plaskett to corne up with a drawing to show Mr. Rossiter's idea. Mrs. Blazi felt if Huntley-Jiffy wanted the alley bad enough the Board may be able to get them to clean up the front of the shopping area. The Board agreed that if it could be straightened out Indian River Boulevard would look much better. Zoning Text Amendment To Allow Churches As A Special Exception In The R-1 And R-2 Zoning Districts: Mr. Mackie stated the Board should elther deny the request or require churches have at least three (3) acres to get a special exception. Mrs. Blazi agreed there needs to be some guideline~ Mr. Wheeler stated he was against churches in the R-1 and R-2 zoning districts. Mrs. Blazi reminded the Board schools are permitted in the areas as a special exception, and a church would not generate as much traffic, and sooner or later someone would question that. Mr. Mackie suggested that until the special exception to allow churches in the R-3 district cools down, the Board should deny the request. The Board considered amending their recommendation to Council with guideline~ Mrs. Plaskett stated Mrs. Blazi's suggestion, at the last meeting, of fifty-one percent (51%) of the property owners in a two (2) block radius giving approval for a church was a very good idea. Mr. Mackie stated the City can't afford to have churches in neighborhoods, because they have playgrounds and schools, and senior citizens (majority of residents) can't be bothered with the noise. The Board agreed schools shouldn't be in the residential areas either, which could include privates schools or a church school. Mrs. Blazi felt by eliminating schools, churches would not have an arguement to corne in with a "church school". The Board agreed that as few as possible special exceptions should be allowed in any zoning district. Site Plan Revision To Section 715.02: Mrs. Plaskett stated this item was regarding exceptions for people who corne in for site plan approval, and the information before the Board were site plan exemptions for New Smyrna, Port Orange, South Daytona, Daytona Beach and Largo. Mrs. Blazi agreed with Mrs. Plaskett's suggestions. Mr. Loeffler asked about change in use. He was informed it was controlled with the occ- upational license. Mr. Klein stated since the Board had not dealt with man~ why was there any concern. Mrs. Plaskett stated the ones that had corne in should not have had to. It was a waste of the applicants money, The City's time and the time of the Board. Mr. Mackie and Mr. Klein felt that with all that goes on in the City, it would be opening up more trouble. Mrs. Plaskett disagreed and said a lot of what the revision suggests is already going on. Mr. Rossiter and Mr. Loeffler felt that if there is any exterior work done, site plan procedures should be followed, but if it is interior work, the Building Official should handle it. Site Plan Procedure: This item was not discussed, because the Board members did not want the meeting to run into the lunch hour. Mrs. Plaskett asked the Board to think about what they want as far as follow up information in their packets and to let her know at the next meeting. Mrs. Blazi suggested a copy of the monthly status report that goes to Council. There being no further business to go before the Board, Mrs. Blazi moved to adjourn. The meeting was duly adjourned at 11:53 A.M. Planning and Zoning Board March 5,1987 -4- Special Meeting{Workshop Submitted by: Bever y Kinney