05-01-1979 Public Hearing/Regular , u u CITY OF EDGEWATER ZONING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING AND REGULAR MEETING May 1, 1979 Chairman James Mackie called the Public Hearing to order at 7:00 P.M. in Edgewater City Hall. The purpose of the Public Hearing was to consider the preliminary plats of two proposed subdivisions and also the applications for variances on these subdivisions. ROLL CALL ~1r. ~~ackie Mr. Siciliano Mr. Engle Mr. Opal t,1r. Wheeler Mr. Bowser Mr. Gross, Sr. Present Present Present Late * (arrived at 7:30) Present Present Excused The first application was from Gene Harris for the proposed subdivision to be known as Riveredge Terrace which is located on the east side of Riverside Drive between Belmont Homes and Friendlv Shores Mobile Park with approximately 3761 frontage on Riverside Drive and a depth of approximately 7921. Mr. Harris has also applied for two story single family dwellings maximum height 221 to be built within this subdivision,and a variance of a 30' front setback. The Zoning Board discussed the setback which would be on the buildings facing the proposed street within the subdivision. Mr. Dan Cory, surveyor and Mr. Harris were present to explain the reasons for their request. The two story single family dwellings that are also proposed would remain within the maximum 221 height required in that zoning district. Mr. Siciliano said that since these buildings were contained within the subdivision, he does not see any problems. He made a motion to grant these requested variances. The 301 front setback and the two- story buildings (maximum height 221). Mr. Engle seconded the motion. Mrs. Montgomery asked the Zoning Board about the regulations that prohibit two story buildings on the east side of Riverside Drive. Mr. Mackie explained that this subdivision goes off of Riverside Dr. and would not interfere with existing buildings on Riverside. Since the maximum height would be maintained the houses would not obstruct any view other than that of the residents within the subdivision. Upon roll call the motion to grant the variances CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Siciliano said that the preliminary plats had been presented to all required agencies as'.per the Subdivision Ordinance and no comments have been received. The Zoning Board therefore assumes that there are no objections to the plat as it has been presented. Mr. Ray Lawrence, Construction Engineer, and Mr. Ken DeGroot, City Engineer, were also present at the meeting. Mr. DeGroot questioned the exact time when the City takes over the responsibilities for the utilities. It was the consensus of the opinion of the Board that the City would not take over the responsibility of the maintenance of the utilities until the installation of these utilities had met with the approval of the City Engineer. This includes water, sewer, streets and drainage. Mr. Siciliano made a motion that the Zoning Board approve the preliminary plat for Riveredge Terrace. Mr. Engle second~d the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 6-0. -----, .. u (J The Zoning Board will send their recommendations on the variances and preliminary plat to the Council for their consideration and action. Construction Plans for this proposed subdivision will be submitted to the City Engineer. The next application was from Mr. Donald Slaney for a proposed subdivision known as Sloburn Subdivision on property which fronts on the north side of Turgot Ave., 5001 west of U.S. 1. Mr. Slaney has also applied for a variance of a minimum of 15' front or side yard off the proposed Marilyn Dr., and a minimum of 151 side and rear yards along side and rear project boundary lines. Mr. Slaney presented his preliminary plat. Mr. DeGroot suggested that the turn around area be enlarged. Mr. Bowser suggested that the dead ends be changed. They create problems for fire trucks. The Zoning Board agreed that the plans could be approved conditionally, if these suggested changes were made. Mr. Opal made a motion that the Zoning Board give conditional approval, if the turn around type road is corrected so that all buildings can be serviced, to the preliminary plat. Mr. Bowser seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 6-0. Mr. Siciliano said that the corrected preliminary plat must be submitted again to the Zoning Board. The Zoning Board considered the requested variances for this subdivision. The changes in the turn around make it necessary to grant only the 51 rear yard variance. Mr. Wheeler made a motion to grant this 5' rear yard variance. Mr. Bowser seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 6-0. The Zoning Board will send their recommendations on the variances and preliminary plat to the Council for their consideration and action. The next application was from Mr. Reed and Mr. Niskanen for a proposed subdivision to be known as Gaslight SQuare located off Mango Tree Sr., near 16th St. in Florida Shores. Neither Mr. Reed or Mr. Niskanen were present. Mr. Siciliano made a motion to table this sketch plan until such time as the developers can be present. Mr. Bowser seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 6-0. M~. Wheeler made a motion to adjourn .the Public Hearing. Mr. Bowser seconded the motion. The Public Hearing was adjourned. Chairman Mackie called the regular meeting of the Zoning Board to order. ROLL CALL Mr. ~1ackie Mr. Siciliano Mr. Engle ~1 r. W h eel e r Mr. Bo\'/ser ~1r. Opal ~1r. Gross, Sr. Present Present Present Present Present Present Excused 2 v o the first item on the agenda was the approval of the minutes of theApril 3, 1979 regular Zoning Board Meeting. Mr. Opal said that there should be a correction on page 1. The vote to deny the application for triplexes in multi-family zoning should be 4 to 2 not 5 to 2. Mr. Siciliano made a motion to approve these minutes, as corrected, Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion. Upon roll call the minutes were approved 6-0. The next item on the agenda was an application from Mr. Freeman for a license to operate a Painting and Sandblasting Business at 1852 Hibiscus Dr. This application was sent to the Zoning Board from the Council and then tabled at the last Zoning Board meeting due to lack of information concerning this business. Mr. Mackie said that this business is located in one of the mini- warehouses in that area. At the present time, the Council is considering allowing mini-warehouses as permitted use in the B-2 Zone. This will be considered at a Council Public Hearing on May 14, 1979. It might be possible to recommend a conditional license subject to the approval of mini-warehouses in B-2. Mr. Siciliano said that he felt the Board and/or the Council should have more information on this business. Mr. Freeman should be present to explain exactly what he is doing at this address. Is it just storage and telephone or does he do some of his work at this address? Mr. Wheeler made a motion to table this again until the Board can talk with Mr. Freeman. Mr. Opal seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 6-0. The next item on the agenda was a request for a zoning clarification from Mr. Dan Nolan. Mr. Nolan told the Board that he was representing Mr. Richard Bartholomew who owns two lots in an R-2 area. These lots are separately platted but under single ownership. They were purchased in 1973. At one time, Mr. Bartholomew was told that he could put two trailers there because it is adjacent to a mobile home park with a joint ingress and egress right of way. However, the Zoning Board and the City Planner said that this could not be done. Mr. Bartholomew would like the Zoning Board to approve the construction of one single family dwelling on each lot. Mr. Engle made a motion that the Board approve a single family dwelling on each lot provided that they comply with zoning regulations for R-2. Mr. Siciliano seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 6-0. The Zoning Board considered the petition from residents of Neptune concerning rezoning certain properties bordering on Neptune from B-3 to R-2. It was the oplnlon of the Zoning Board that this property was zoned B-3 when Ordinance 880 was adopted. The Zoning Board cannot give what appears to be a legal opinion on this rezoning. Mr. Siciliano made a motion that the Zoning Board reject this request and suggest that the if these petitioners wish to pursue this further than it will have to be through legal channels. Any action on this request is out of the jurisdiction of the Zoning Board. Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 6-0. Mr. Wallace who had requested a clarification of building requirements for duplex apartments in B-2 was not present at the meeting. The Board cannot discuss this request unless Mr. Wallace is present. Mr. Wallace will be notified to appear before the Board at their next meeting. 3 . . .' . u () Jhe next item was the presentation of a Sketch Plan for a proposed subdivision off Boston Road. Mr. Bernhardt C. Warren, 1835 Mayfair Rd., Tallahassee, Florida is the developer and he was at the meeting to explain his sketch plan to the Board. There was a rather lengthy discussion about the ingress and egress that will have to be deeded. to and accepted by the City as a right of way. There was also discussion about the turn around area at the rear of the lot. Suggestions were made to enlarge this area so that trucks would be able to safely and easily have access to all the buildings. The plan proposes three two story duplex units. Each unit will be individually owned including the right-of-way. Mr. Siciliano made a motion that the Zoning Board send this sketch plan to the Council for their consideration of accepting the ingress and egress easements. The Zoning Board will accept the sketch plan provided an increased turn around is created.and the Council approves the e a s em e n t s . ~1 r. 0 pal s e con d e d the mot ion . U po n r 0 1 1 c all the motion CARRIED 6-0. BOARD COM~1ENTS ... . Mr. Siciliano made a motion that the Zoninn Board rezone all mobile parks that existed nrior to .1974 and wer~ ~randfathered in under 880 which are still in existance to a MH-S zonina. This MH-S should cbnform under a new :category with Ordinance 880. The Council is requested to authorize the City Attorney to meet with the Zoning Board to work out the necessary information to make this amendment to Ordinance 880. . J1r . Opal seconded the mot i on . Upon roll call the mot i on CAR R I ED 6 - 0 . Chairman Mackie said that he was calling a Spec.ial Meeting of the Zoning Board for Tuesday, May 8, 1979 at 1:00 P.M. in the City Planner's office. This meeting would be for the purpose of dealing with By-Laws, new application forms and other miscellanous business that needs to be considered by the Board. Mr. Wheeler made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Engle seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned. Minutes submitted by: Nancy Blazi 4 - i NEW SMYRNA BEACH NEWS & OBSERVER Published Twice Weekly New Smyrna Beach, Vol usia County, Florida 32069 STATE OF FlORI DA, COUNTY OF VOLUSIA: E Bf(!or1Jthffndersigned authority personally a~eb~redli..~~~.~r ..:.....cn:..1........., who on oath says that he is .........1.~..~X..... of the New Smyrna Beach News & Observer, a semi-weekly newspaper published at New Smyrna Beach in Volusia County, ~Io~~at mat the attached copy of Advertisement, being a ..H....L..J~?X.1n9................................. in the matter of Zuni ng. Buar.d..He.et in.g............. ....................... in the ................... Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of: ~p.~.i.)...? ~.......... .......19 Z ~.. ............................. ..19 ...............................19 .............................. .19 ...............................19 ............................. .19 ............................. .19 .................... ......... .19 ............................. .19 ............................. .19 Affiant further says that the said New Smyrna Beach News & Observer is a newspaper published at New Smyrna Beach, in said Volusia County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Volusia County, Florida, and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in New Smyrna Beach, in said Volusia County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither aid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any' un, re commission or refund for the.purpo.. of seeu . 9 'his advert; ~nqcation in the ~@id newspaper. ~ - - """ --- -- - - - -s~ornt~.;md....subscribed beforll me this .....2..N.O..~ day of .~...;::...:......-:....., A.D., 19 .')':(~c. ~ ",. '" -... ..... .. . ^. . ... '" 11 20 Notary Public, State of Florida at Lara.. Pub. CQst. $......:............... My Commission Expires Aug. 6, 1979 - Bonded by American fire & Casualty Co, PROOF OF PUBLICA liON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Zoning Boord of the City of Edgewater. Florida will hold 0 Public Hearing on May 1. 1979 at 7:00 P.M. in the Edgewater City Hall for the purpose of hearing 011 interested parties and to consider the following applications for subdivisions and variances within subdivisions. Mr. Gene Harris. 1904 lime Tree Drive, has submitted 0 preliminary plot for,o subdivision to be known os Riveredge Terrace which is located on the East side of Riverside Drive between Bel- mont Homes and Friendly Shores Mobile Pork with approximately 376' frontage on Riverside Dri.....e and 0 depth of approximately 792'. Mr. Harris has also applied for a variance of 0 30' front set- back and for two story single family dwellings ma,imum height 22' to be built within this subdivi. sian.. Mr. Donald Slaney. 103 ,Corson Cove. has submitted 0 preliminary plot for 0 subdivision to be known os Sloburn Subdivi. sion on property which fronts on the North side of 1urgot Ave.. 500' West of U.S. Hwy. I. lots 6 thru 11 Pollitl Subdivision and lots 18 thru 29 Rass.Newell Sub- division. Mr. Slaney has 0150 ap. plied for 0 variance of a minimum of 15' front or side yard off the proposed Marilyn Dr.. and 0 minimum of IS' side and rear yards along side and rear project boundary lines. Mr. Ogll Reed Hwy J '5 and Mr. Joseph Niskanen 17181,,,iia Palm have submitted pion" 'vf 0 pro- posed subdivision 10 be known os Gaslight Square located off Mongo Tree Dr., near 16th SI. in Florida Shores. Interested citizens ore invited to allend and be heard with respect to t"'t:'o<:,ro ....,.....f"......nl'i ....hrfivic;,innc:. c!n or EDGEWATER S Cornelio A. Kinsey Deputy City Clerk April 22, 1979 (701) -- - c. ~ Z m ~ -a V'l :=0 ~ n 0 -l. -< ri- 0 7.:::1 '< Z Z 0 """ ~ )> -+. 0 l'T1 CP 0- """ to m < ro )> !II :f -a n o' C - c+, :c ro" -= -s - :~'" -n -~ r- oo... -,^.rr.. '0 n~ 0 >~ 7.:::1 "!"'t~ , .~ G":;: CJ ..J ;.i ~ - .... r- - )> Z ~