March 6, 1979
Chairman James Mackie, Jr. called the regular meeting of the
Zoning Board to order at 7:34 P.M. in the Shuffleboard Club-
Mr. Mackie
Mr. Siciliano
Mr. Engle
Mr. Opal
Mr. ~~ h eel e r
Mr. Gross, Sr.
Mr. Bowser
Mr. Mackie said that the minutes of the Zonina Board for
February 6, 13, 16 and 20. v
February 6, 1979 Minutes - Mr. Siciliano asked if the By-Laws
had been presented to the Council? Mr. Mackie said that they
would be sent to the Council for the next Council meeting.
Mr. Opal asked if everyone had received copies of Ordinance 219?
Mr. Mackie said that he did not think so but he would mention
this to the secretary.
Mr. Engle made a motion that the Board approve the minutes of
Feb. 6, 1979. Mr. Opal seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 6-0.
February 13, 1979 Minutes - Mr. Wheeler made a motion to approve
these minutes. Mr. Engle seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
February 16, 1979 Minutes - Mr. Siciliano made a motion to approve
these minutes. Mr. Engle seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
February 20, 1979 Minutes - Mr. Siciliano made a motion that these
minutes be approved. Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED
Mr. Harris Subdivision
Mr. Mackie said that Mr. Harris was in the audience and had presented
a map of the proposed subdivision located on So. Riverside Drive
adjacent to the Pelican Cove Subdivision. The subdivision involves
15 lots and has a 50 ft. roadway going in and circling the whole
The Board examined the plan that r~r. Harris had submitted. ~1r. Harris
answered various questions about the subdivision.
Mr. Mackie said that on a couple of the lots there may not be
qui t e\ 1 2 , 00 0 sq. ft. Mr. H a r ri sma y h a vet 0 get a v a ria n c e fro m
the Board of Adjustments on these lots.
Mr. Harris was told by the Board that he would have to comply with
the new subdivision ordinance that was just passed by the Council.
He can get a copy of this ordinance for $15.00.
Mr. Mackie said this is just a preliminary proposal. Mr. Harris
plans to try and improve Lots 6, 7 and 8 so that perhaps he will
not have to get a variance on these lots.
Mr. Engle made a motion that the Zoning Board approve this preliminary
plan with the stipulation that the lots involving the river boundary
lines must be enlarged to meet the required square footage and if
this ~annot be done a variance will be needed from the Board of Adjustment~
Mr. Bowser seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 6-0.
Caldwell Property - Action on Public Hearing
The Board discussed the Public Hearing that had been held on
February 20~ 1979 for the purpose of discussing the proposed
rezoning the the RR-PUD property to R-1.
Mr. Opal made a motion that the Zoning Board recommend that
the Caldwell property be zoned back to single family zoning R-l.
Mr.iBowser seconded the motion.
Mr. Wheeler said that he felt this property should be rezoned
because the present zoning (RR-PUD) is not compatible with the
neighborhood and the residents of the area have indicated that
they strongly oppose multiple dwellings in the area. Multiple
dwellings would increase the density to a point where it could
create additional burdens and problems for the Police Dept. ~
Fire Dept. ~ various City services and the public schools.
Mr. Siciliano said that if the Board accepts this motion~ they
should not preclude Mr. Caidwell from coming back to apply for
rezoning. It should be within his prerogative to do so with a
good set of plans to show what he would like to build there.
This would give us a better idea of what might be built there.
Mr. Mackie added that the B-3 Highway Distric zoning of part
of Mr. Caldwell's property would remain the same. The Zoning
Board is advising the City Council and the Council will probably
have to hold their own public hearing.
Upon roll call the motion to recommend to the City Council that
the Caldwell property (RR-PUD) be rezoned R-l Single family
residential CARRIED 6-0.
(Due to the proximity of their property to the Caldwell property
Mr. Siciliano and Mr. Wheeler both filed Conflict of Interest
statements which are attached to the oriqinal minutes of this
meeting) -
Mr. Niskanen/Mr. Reed - Subdivision
Mr. Reed spoke to the Zoning Board concerning a proposed sub-
division. Mr. Reed had written to the City Council and attached
a proposed plat of a subdivision called Gaslight Square. The
Council had sent the letter and the plat to the Zoning Board.
Mr. Mackie informed Mr. Reed that this will have to come under
the new subdivision ordinance even if he has already started building.
Mr. Reed said that had already built on 16th and Mango. They have
two duplexes~ three homes and they have started two more duplexes
on Mango. They want to pave and put in City Water and septic
tanks and have the owners' hook up to City sewer when it is available.
Mr. Siciliano said that the new subdivision ordi~ance calls for
the improveme~ts to be put in there prior to building. This can
be done in phases.
Mr. Mackie suggested that Mr. Reed go to City Hall and get a copy
of the subdivision ordinance and start taking the necessary steps
as determined in the ordinance.
Dan Holahan spoke to the Zoning Board concerning the sewer installa-
tion in the proposed area. This area has been approved by the County
for septic tanks. The new ordinance says that if a sanitary sewer
is located within a reasonable distance of the proposed subdivision
as determined by the City Engineer~ the subdivider shall install the
necessary improvements. The present sewer system is not at the
present time within a reasonable distance.
Mr. Siciliano said that the next paragraph states that if the sewer
system is not within a reasonable distance~ the subdivider will
construct a package treatment plant on site. We are interested in
this because we don't want another Florida Shores situation.
Mr. Holahan said that Mr. Reed would like permission to install
these homes with septic tanks. When and if the City puts sewer
in, it would be in the sales agreement that the owners or builders
will have to pay for the tap in like anybody else.
Mr. Siciliano said that the ordinance does state that if the size
or density of the proposed subdivision makes the construction of
a package treatment plant impractical, the subdivider can install
septic tanks with the necessary taps so that they could be hooked-
up at a later date.
Mr. Mackie said that the Board needed more information about
this proposed subdivision. Mr. Reed should come back to the Board
with something more concrete on their plat plan.
Mr. Siciliano suggested that the Board table this until Mr. Reed
can come back with more information.
There was some more discussion about the types of homes being
built here and the need to get clearance from the Health Dept.
if septic tanks are allowed.
Mr. Siciliano made a motion that the Board table this so that
the Board can get more information. Mr. Opal seconded the motion.
The motion CARRIED 6-0.
5% Application Fee - Letter to City Council
Mr. Mackie reminded the Board of the expense involved in advertising
for rezoning when the area to be rezoned involves more than 5% of
the total land in Edgewater.
Mr. Siciliano said that he had drafted a letter to send to the
Council. Mr. Siciliano read the draft that concerns having the
applicant assume full responsibility for advertising and adminis-
trative costs in rezoning areas that involve more than 5%.
Mr. Siciliano made.a motton that the 80~rd write to the City
Council requesting that the Council consider a proposal to require
that applicants assume the responsibility for advertising and
administrative costs if request for rezoning is for an area covering
more than 5% of the total land area. Mr. Wheeler seconded the
motion. The motion CARRIED 6-0.
Buffer Violations - Letter to City Council
Mr. Mackie said that there were still far too many zoning violations
within the City. Some of the violations that seem to effect a lot
of people are the ones concerning buffer zones and employee parking.
He suggested that the Board consider writing to the Council to
ask them to authorize the Zoning Enforcement Official to check into
these violations.
The Board discussed this problem.
Mr. Opal made a motion to write to the City Council asking that
the Zoning Enforcement Official review the 880 Ordinance and enforce
the establishment of buffer zones in all areas where it is required
by law. The Zoning Official should also check into areas where
parking lots have not been provided, as required, for employee's cars.
Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 6-0.
Board Comments
Mr. Opal requested that each month, prior to the regular meeting,
on the proceeding Thursday all information for the Zoning Board would
be completed and sent out to the Board along with an agenda for
the meeting. This would give everyone an opportunity to be prepared
for the meeting. Anything that came in after that would have to
be held over until the next regular meeting. He said he would make
this into a motion. Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion. The motion
Mr. Mackie reminded the Board that they will have to remember to
bring this material to the meeting.
Mr. Harry Tiffany, a certified mechanic spoke to the Council
about the problem of opening up a car repair business. The only
area that permits car repairs is B-3 and that is the most expensive
area in the City to purchase land to put a business on. He would
like to build his business on Hibiscus near the railroad tracks
and he believes this is B-2.
The Board studied the 880 ordinance. Under B-2, Special Exceptions
it states that unclassified businesses should apply to the Zoning
Board for approval. The Board will check with the City Attorney
for a clarification of this statement.
The Board discussed, briefly, plans to make changes in the
ordinance regarding permitted uses.
Mr. Siciliano said that the Planning Board was going to have to
look at all subdivisions. He believes this was discussed at a
joint meeting.
Mr. Mackie said that the developers would have to come back to
the Zoning Board first with their revised plans.
Mr. Mackie also said the Zoning Board would be holding more workshops
to discuss the changes in the legal descriptions to bring the City
map up to date.
The Board decided to hold their next workshop on March 9, 1979
at 1:30 P.M.
There was no further business before the Board.
Mr. Engle made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Bowser seconded
the motion. The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by:
Nancy Blazi