02-20-1979 Public Hearing
February 20, 1979
Mr. James Mackie, Jr., Chairman, called the Public Hearing to
order at 7:31 P.M. in the Shuffleboard Club Room.
The purpose of the Public Hearing was to discuss the possible
rezoning of property owned by Mr. Caldwell from RR PUD to R-1
Mr. Mackie said that the Board would listen to both sides of
the question. He asked that anyone who spoke to the Board give
their name and address for the record.
Mr. John Godbee, Attorney for Mr. Caldwell, spoke to the Zoning
Board. Mr. Godbee said that he has just learned about this
case and was not too well prepared however, he would like to register
an objection to the proposed rezoning. He stated that his client
had received correspondence from the City of Edgewater that
assured him he did not have to go into any conditional zoning.
He would hope that the Board gives long consideration to this
proposal of cutting Mr. Caldwell off from his plans for the
property. The City gave Mr. Caldwell the PUD zoning and approved
the plans he presented to them. He would like the opportunity
to show the Board what Mr. Caldwell has done, in detail, concerning
this property and what he plans to do. There should be a long
period of deliberation before any change is considered.
Mr. Caldwell spoke to the Zoning Board and said that he had been
dealing with the City of Edgewater for over 8 years. He does not
understand why they wish to make this change now. He has always
tried to cooperate with the City in the spirit and intent of the
1 aw.
Mr. Siciliano asked .if Mr. Caldwell could give the Board and the
audience some idea of what he eventually planned to build on
this property.
Mr. Caldwell said that the original plans called for about 372 units
but it may be closer to 348 units. They will be duplexes, four-
plexes and 8 plexes, nothing over two story. They will be 2, 3
and 4 bedroom. The majority will be 2 bedroom. The City approved
the original plans. The flow of traffic would be from U.S. 1.
He would be more than willing to have an adequate buffer zone.
There were approximately 30 people in the audience.
Mr. Carlisle, 106 Silver Circle asked about the type of construction.
Mr. Caldwell said it would be CB and possibly some brick.
Mr. Denny, 106 Silver Circle, asked about sewer systems.
Mr. Diamond, City Planner, said that the sewer systems would have
to be approved by the State and installed by the builder.
Mr. Caldwell said that he hoped to sell primarily to retirees.
These would not be built as rental properties.
Mr. Cochrane, 9 Silver Circle, asked Mr. Caldwell how soon he expected
to break ground? Also did he expect to get Federal backing?
Mr. Caldwell said that he had to wait until it was economically
feasible to begin this project. He had not planned to use any
Federal funds but he could not completely rule this out.
There was some discussion about whether this would be low income
Mr. Caldwell said t ha t they seemed to be confusing PUD with HUD.
Mrs. Kuhn, 23 Lee Dr. , asked about the price range of these condos.
Mr. Caldwell said that the one bedroom would start at about 27,000
to 29,000 and then the prices would go up to about $55,000) for the
larger homes.
Mrs. Gedsko asked for a definition of PUD.
Mr. Diamond read from Ord. 880 concerning PUD as a planned unit
development that could provide its own recreation area and also
adjacent neighborhood services for the residents of this development.
The audience also expressed concern about the possibility of
an increase in the number of students in the local school, the
problem of garbage collection and other related City services
for this number of people.
In response to a question about single homes, Mr. Caldwell said
that he would lose a great deal of money if single homes were built
in that area.
Mr. Diamond had copies of the original plan that Mr. Caldwell
had presented to the City.
Mr. Mackie called a brief recess so that members of the audience
could look at the plans.
The meeting was called back to order;
Mr. Mackie said that the Board would take into consideration
all the discussion concerning this proposed rezoning. The Board
would not make a decision at this meeting, they will have to
study this proposal further and will probably make a decision
at their next regular meeting. The Board will then send their
recommendation to the City Council for action.
Mr. Hine asked if the residents of the area would be informed
of what action might be taken?
Mr. Mackie said that the Zoning Board meets the first Tuesday
of each month and their meetings are always open to the public.
The Board has 30 days before they have to send a recommendation
to the Council. If there is another Public Hearing on this
proposed change, it will be advertised in the newspapers.
There were no further questions from the audience or the Board
Mr. Mackie asked fora show of hands for people in favor or
opposed to this area remaining PUD. The audience was 100% against
this area remaining PUD.
Mr. Engle made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Siciliano
seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned.
Mr. Cecil Westberry, American Court Reporters of Daytona Beach,
attended the meeting to record it for Mr. Caldwell.
Minutes submitted by:
Nancy Blazi
mitu of fllgewater
February 23, 1979
Mr. Cecil L. Westberry
American Court Reporters
213 Silver Beach Avenue
Daytona Beach, Florida 32018
Dear Mr. Westberry:
The Public Hearing on February 20, 1979 was held by the Edgewater
Zoning Board, not the Planning Board.
The members of the Zoning Board are:
Mr. James Mackie, Jr. Chairman
Mr. Sebastian Siciliano Vice Chairman
Mr. James Engle
Mr. Frank Opal
Mr. M. F. Wheeler
Mr. Clair Bowser
Mr. John Gross, Sr. (excused from the meeting)
The following are the names of the people in the audience. I did
not get too many addresses but they all live in the area around
Mr. Caldwell's property:
Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart
Mr. Henry Sloane
Mrs. Kuhn
Mr. B. R. Carlisle
Mr. Cochrane
Mr. Ralph Whited
Mrs. Shirley Garthwaite
Mr. Tim Garthwaite
Mr. Ostrander
Mrs. Frances Hopper
Mrs. Hazel Gedzko
Mr. Paul Jones
Mr. Bill Campbell
Mrs. Siciliano
Mrs. Alice Malkowski
Mrs. Edna Della Valle
Mrs. Virginia Browning
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kinyon
Dr. and Mrs. Miller
Mr. Hien
Mr. Duby
Mr. Schl egel
Mr. L. W. Denny
Mr. Anthony Svoboda
Mrs. Judy Goodman
Mrs. Nancy Berkoben
Mrs. Williams
Mrs. Mackie
Mr. Richard Diamond - City Planner
Mr. John Godbee - Attorney for Mr. Caldwell
Mr. Caldwell
The reporter's name was Dave Castagnacci and he is a staff reporter
for the Daytona News Journal.
If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
S~,' ~ '
Nancy Bl~ ~
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cIImE'1-ican Coud c/?EPO'l-lEH
TELEPHONE (904) 767-0935
February 21, 1979
Ms. Nancy Blazi
Planning Board of Edgewater
City Hall
Edgewater, Fla. 32032
Dear Ms. Blazi:
Many thanks to you for your assistance in identifying the
members of the Planning Board at their meeting last night.
Since you may be on vacation or an expedite of the transcript
may be requested I would appreciate it if you woul.d furnish
me a list of the people in attendance last night so that I
may have the correct spelling of their names. Enclosed is
a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Again my appreciation for your help last night.
Cecil L. Westberry
P. S. At the very end of the meeting the gentlemen; who I
assume was a reporter, asked a couple of questions. If you
have his name I would appreciate it.
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