November 7,1978
Vice-Chairman Mackie called the meeting of the'Zoning Board
to order at 7:50 P.M., in Chairman Wolfe's absence.
James Mackie
Richard Bartholomew
James Engle
William Nichols
Sebastian Siciliano
Robert Wolfe
David Wiggins
Also Present:
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gross
Mr. MacGregor, Representative A-1Rentall
Mr. Richard Diamond - City Planner
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Mr. Gross explained that his sons wanted to add the sale of
used cars to their present Texaco Station.on,U.S:.'.I.,Th!=!y:' .~,
put anappl.ication,f6r a license to sell used cars on the
property adjacent to the station. To start at the top, you
have to be bonded, and get a license. The City knocked it
down at the Council meeting. It was determined that they
should apply to the Board of Ajustments and pay $50. I
told the City Attorney, Judson Woods, that I thought there
was a double standard in the City, two licenses have been
issued for used car lots in this City, without any hitch
whatsoever, without going to the Board of Adjustments, and
I thought, in my opinion, it was a little out of order to turn
down this application for a license, after giving two licenses
to the other parties for used car lots.
Mr. Diamond said that the Zoning Board requested that the
sale of operative vehicles be added to the list of permitted
uses in B-3 District, and the Zoning Board also requested
that the City issue a temporary license to these people. The
Council reviewed it, and Judson Woodis opinion was that it was
listed as a special exception under the B-3 District. There
are. no provisions in the City Charter, or anywhere else,
for the Council to issue a temporary license, so The Council
recommended this be sent to the Board of Adjustments. As far
as the other licenses that were issued, they never came before
the Council, it was handled administratively,
Mr. Gross stated that he thought that there was a little
discrimination there though.
Mr. Diamond said that he didn't know if it was discrimination,
it could have just been an oversite. He said it could have
been a misinterpretation of an ordinance about "1ike uses".
Mr. Diamond said that there is an ordinance which states
IIBefore any occupational 1 icense can be issued, that it must
be listed as a permitted use, or granted a special exception.
Mr. Mackie said that Mr. Reed was the first one listed in the
city. Then there was one for Taylor Tires, so we recommeneed
that licenses would be issued to take in the special exceptions,
because of what is says there, the outdoor storage of vehicles
or other equipment for the safety of children, you will have
to put up. a fence, but then operative automobiles, and mobile
homes for sale, shall be exempted from this clause. That
meant that you could have cars on a lot, and you didn't have
to put up a fence for the safety of the children, and on that
basis, that at that time, we o.k.ed the licenses, and it still
had to go through the City, we couldn1t just issue a license.
Mr. Diamond said that the Zoning Board is not supposed to make
any recommendations for licenses, just for the administration
of the Zoning Board.
Mr. Mackie said that the Zoning Board has been doing this
regularly, because they had no choice in the matter, it was
handed to them continuously, occupational licenses.
Mr. Diamond said that it went from the Board, to the City
Clerk, and from the City Clerk to the Building Official.
Mr. Siciliano commented that the Zoning Board can't handle
special exceptions, unless they go through the Board of Ad-
justments first.
Mr. Diamond said that this is correct, and they have to have a
public hearing first. The Zoning Board must send a letter of
recommendation to the Board of Adjustments.
Mr. Mackie stated that at one time, a Board of Adjustments
didn't exist. The Zoning Board used to handle all of the work
of the Board of Adjustments, and when there was too much work for
the Zoning Board, another board was formed to take over.
Mr. Diamond stated that neither board has anything to do with
the issuance of licenses, the Board of Adjustments has the final
Mr. Gross asked what determined
a special exception.
Mr. Diamond explained that in every zoning district there are
certain uses which are permitted. In the special exception,
they feel that there are certain uses which could be allowed
in there, under controlled circumstances. The problem with
used cars is that they want to distinguish between used car
lots, and junk lots.
Mr. Nichols stated that there are two ways in which they can
allow something to go in an area. It is either permitted uses,
such as a bakery, bank, but the used car lots are not in there,
they are in a special exception. Special exception is a use
that would not be appropriate generally, or without exception
throughout the zoning district, but if controlled would not nurt
the health, morals, and safety appearance of a district;
providing. , a specific provision. for such special exception is
made in the zoning ordinance. There is a special exception
allowed in B-3 District for used car lots. The City Council
can waive the $50 fee if they feel that a hardship may result
on thepart of the applicant, wherein the City Council finds
this fee to be unreasonable.
Mr. Mackie stated that before a special exception is granted
to an applicant, the Board of Adjustments shall make written
findings that the specified provisions of Article VI, VII,
and VIII, are fulfilled with due regard to the nature of all
adjacent structures and uses, etc.
Mr. Gross thanked the Board for clearing up his question,
and that he now knew the proper channels to go through.
Mr. Diamond stated to Mr. Mackie, and Mr. Gross, that even
when this goes to the Board of Adjustments, they will have to
come back to this board, and ask for a recommendation for special
exception. We don't have a special form for the Board of Ad-
-justments forformal recommendation, however, since the Zoning
Board has already reviewed the information it could send a
recommendation to the Board of Adjustments.
Mr. Bartholomew made a motion that the Zoning Board send a letter
to the Board of Adjustments stating that they had already
reviewed this for special exception,and voted on it.
Mr. Siciliano seconded the motion.
Mr. Diamond asked what names are to be on the application, and
was informed by Mr. Gross that they are to be Larry, and Bob
Motion passed 5-0.
Mr. MacGregor requested permission to build a mini-warehouse
in the back of his place of business. These warehouses will
face Western Avenue.
Mr. Diamond addressed the Board with recommendations from the
last meeting.
Some of the alternatives with the B-3 District are to determine
that merchandise rentals are a permitted use, and if the
Board cannot determine this, then it will have to go to the
Board of Adjustments.
A second alternative, a mini-warehouse can be added as a special
alter~'tive, if the Board feels that is is appropriate for rental
shopping center use which is listed as B-5.
A third alternative is for the Board to create a new and
separate district which includes mini-warehouses, and to do this,
the Board must determine that the public benefit warrants it,
and that the area is appropriate for mini-warehouses, and that
there are no conflicts with surrounding uses, such as noise,
traffic, smoke, etc. That this new district must be reasonable,
and must justify when considering the zoning classification as
a whole.
Mr. Mackie asked how many of the Board members have had a
chance to go over to see the property where these mini-ware-
houses would be located.
There have onlYbeen four members who have seen the property,
the rest do know where they are located.
Mr. Diamond stated that new boundaries would have to be
established if a new district were established, what the uses
would be permitted under this new boundary, and any standards
would have to be established.
Mr. Mackie asked how may houses were in the B-5 District.
Mr. Nichols responded with 16 houses.
Mr. Diamond responded that there were 18 houses with people
living in them.
Mr. Mackie asked if any of the other Board members had any
suggestions or questions on the discussion.
Mr. Nichols mad a motion to table action on the request until
the full board was present at the next month's regular meeting,
and until the Board members could visit the property' in question
and consider tonight's discussion.
Mr. Siciliano seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5-0.
Mr. Nichols asked what has to be done on the subdivision
Mr. Diamond responded with reviewing the drafts, and list all
recommendations the Board may have, and since the last draft
was given, there were more changes made on it.
Mr. Diamond also stated that the Zoning Map needed to be correct-
ed, and worked on so that the Building Official could issue
permits to the correct areas.
Mr. Diamond also told the Board that they woul~ have to go
through all of the legal descriptions in order to come up with
something so that there will be no doubt about where the lines
go. Th i s _ i s the. 0 n 1 y way t hat the B u i 1 din g 0 f f i cia 1 can i s sue
correct permits.
Mr. Diamond asked if anyone had any comments on the subdi~ision
ordinance that they have looked at.
Mr. Nichols suggested to the Board that they have a workshop
meeting to discuss and review updating the zoning map and
legal descriptions.
Mr. Diamond stated that at the next meeting, he would bring the
County Map, aerial photos, and other information that will be
hel pful .
The Board decided to hold a workshop meeting on November 15, 1978,
at 7:30 p.m. to work on the zoning map.
Mr. Bartholomew made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Mr. Engle seeonded the motion.
The Zoning Board was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.