07-25-1978 Special o ~ v CITY OF EDGEWATER ZONING BOARD SPECIAL MEETING July 25, 1978 Chairman Wolfe called the special meeting of the Zoning Board to order at 7:45 P.M. in City Hall. ROLL CALL James Engle David Wiggins Richard Bartholomew James Mackie Robert Wolfe William Nichols Sebastian Siciliano Present Present Excused Present Present Present Present Richard Diamond, City Planner-Present The Zoning Board worked with Mr. Diamond on checking the present City map. Mr. Mackie made a motion that the Zoning Board accept this map as the official City map, to the best of their ability, and turn the map over to Mr. Diamond. Mr. Wiggins seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 6-0. Mr. Diamond will work on a new City map with the Zoning Board and get all corrections in the legal descriptions and present this to the Council so that they can accept p new City map. The Zoning Board discussed the necessity for a new set of City maps that can be used in connection with recent arial photos of the city. Chairman Wolfe said that possibly the City can plan for this in next year's budget. Mr. Diamond told the Zoning Board that the City has approved the 701 Comprehensive Planning Contract. He also told them that at the present time the City has no plans for annexation due to the cost involved. Work will have to be done on a subdivision ordinance. The Board discussed the public hearing on rezoning mobile homes. The Zoning Board will have a regular meeting the night after the public hearing when they can discuss all suggestions for rezoning mobile homes and make a recommendation to the Council. Mr. Mackie made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Nichols seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned. Minutes submitted by: Nancy Blazi . o o City of Edgewater Zoning Board July 25, 1978 Minutes Chairman Wolfe called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. He stated that the secretary has taken the roll. There were no minutes to discuss. Mr. Diamond explained what had happened at the last meeting. He said they went through the legal descriptions, the official map, through the Building Official's version of the map and the small map, and tried to come up with one version. Some of the changes were put on the map. with Mr. Wolfe's help they will do more. Mr. Wolfe said that the rezoning in the MHl parcel 2 will have to be gotten from the City. This is the Carters. Mr. Nichols said they found out last week that Riverside Drive does not always run north and south. It also runs east and west down on the south end. He has checked this with the Police Department. They studied Doris Massey's property first - part of Lot 37, and continued to work on the properties along Park Avenue. They indicated some of the lots from the legal descriptions. They then looked at problem areas in Florida Shores. The members worked on getting the Zoning Map properly laid out from legal descriptions, and indicating the zoning on the map from the parceldescrip- tions. Mr. Diamond said that according to the City Attorney the Mayor can sign the zoning map, the City Clerk will put the seal on it and it will be official. This will be after the public hearing and after the Board of Adjustments has looked it over to approve the boundaries. Mr. Wolfe asked if anyone has thought about what to do with Doug Cole's property which is in R-4, Parcel 3. It was agreed to invite him to a meeting with the Board to discuss it. Mr. Wolfe suggested that the lots be shown as they are laid out in the ThaUher Subdivision. He said that if a man has an old subdivision and it is on paper, he felt that it should be shown as an unrecorded sub- division. This is a problem on Riverside Drive. They should be plotted. He commented that the Building Official is having a problem because they are not plotted on the map. Mr. Diamond said he has proposed this to the City officials. Mr. Diamond said he would have the Mayor's signature on the map and after the public hearing he would make the new one, make all corrections, the legal descriptions and present the whole thing to the City Council and they can adopt a new map. This one will be sequestered in the vault. Mr. Wolfe said he would get cost figures from Dan Cory for copies of the map when it is completed. I I The location of Riverside Drive was discussed at length. The members discussed the lots which are near or surrounded by mobile home parks, and tried to determine the best zoning for those lots. Mr. Mackie recommended zoning it mobile home parki Mr. Diamond explained that in that situation the only use would be to offer it to the man who owns the adjoin- ing mobile home park. Mr. Siciliano noted that you cannot expand a non- conforming usei if you turn those lots over to that park which adjoins the two lots in question, you are allowing them to expand. Mr. Nichols asked if you could not make it "spaces of record" as of the date of the zoning ordinance, space being trailer space. This would be for any mobile home spaces throughout the city. . ~ ~ \ Mr. Diamond pointed out that when you have a small mobile home park you do not have any of the amenities to offer which the larger mobile home parks have, and the value will go down. I I' Mr. Siciliano suggested that it be considered a permitted use. Mr. Diamond said that the ordinance says that whatever is there can remain, so that it is grandfathered in. This is for a period of time - whenever it deteriorates, burns, or for a number of years. Mr. Mackie motioned that the Board accept the new zoning map and to turn it over to Mr. Diamond to follow it through the proper channels for the City official to sign, seal and deliver the map to the City of Edgewater as the official city map. The motion was seconded and CARRIED 6-0. (The member who seconded the motion was not identified.) Mr. Diamond said that today the Mayor and the City Clerk signed and sealed the contract, which went back to the State, for a grant of $6,000 plus. The State will sign it, it will come back to the City, and the City will enter a contract with Briley, Wild. Then the planning should get under way. He provided a schedule to the Planning Board of the different ele- ments which have to be completed. There will be several public hearings held to discuss the information that has been collected concerning land use, housing, population, economics, coastal zone protection element, utility element, sewer, water and sod waste element which has to be worked on. Recreation and conservation will also be included. Strings attached to the grant ask that an environmental assessment be provided. There will be a public meeting and all the information will be presented. There will be established a Citizen's Advisory Committee.which will meet with the Planning Board, but they will not have a vote. After the plan is adopted by Planning it will go to the City Council, and from there to the State, the Region and the County. They will have to consider any conflicting land uses, and come up with alternatives. One alternative might be rezoning. When it comes to that the Zoning Board will be asked for their advice. Mr. Diamond said he has asked the City Attorney to look into a question which the County has turned over to their legal people, which says that a Zoning Board and a Planning Board existing within one City is illegal. Mr. Siciliano asked the time limit on the Comprehensive information needed; Mr. Diamond says it has to be completed by July 1 of next year. The drafts have to be in befoLe that. Riparian rights along the river front was briefly discussed. Mr. Nichols asked if, in his planning, Mr. Diamond was considering expansion of the City. Mr. Diamond said that it was determined there would have to be a survey and an annexation report. Briley, wild do those kinds of reports; they said it would cost about $15,000 to do the report. To defer the cost the Planning Board and Mr. Diamond did a survey out to I-95 to get some of the land use information. The furnished that to them, they applied the criteria from the State Statutes which required a certain number of people per acre, certain uses (60% has to be in urban uses), certain part has to be contiguous to the boundaries. Briley, Wild ran it through the computer. They said, as a whole, it did not qualify for annexation. It didn't meet the state requirements. They went back to the computer to see what the largest area contiguous to the City is. He indicated on the map two areas which may be eligible. The members discussed the zoning of the property south of Park Avenue West. The meeting was adjourned by motion of Mr. Mackie, seconded and CARRIED 6-0. Minutes prepared by Joan Taylor from the tapes on May 21, 1984 Zoning Board July 25, 1978 - 2 -