July 11~ 1978
Chairman Wolfe called the meeting of the Zoning Board to order
at 7:45 P.M. in City Hall.
James Engle
David Wiggins
Richard Bartholomew
James Mackie
Robert Wolfe
William Nichols
Sebastian Siciliano
Also present:
Mayor Christy
Richard Diamond - City Planner
Mr. Mackie made a motion 'to approve the minutes of the last
meeting and workshop. Mr. Siciliano seconded the motion.
Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 6-0.
Mr. Mackie asked Mr. Diamond if he could bring the board up
to date on any information he may have received from the City
Attorney concerning legal opinions on the zoning of mobile
home parks.
Mr. Diamond said that the City Attorney has not finished all
the necessary research. However, he had come up with the answers
to some of the questions specifically, conditional rezoning was
valid in the State. The City Council has suggested that
mobile home parks be returned back to original zoning, they should
remain legal as they now exist and the Council decided to set up
their own public hearing to be held jointly with the Zoning Board.
This meeting will be on July 31, 1978.
Mr. Nichols explained that in 880 most of the mobile parks in
Edgewater are not zoned mobile home. In the maD it shows most
of these parks are zoned business or residential. Now we have
to change them back.
Mr. Wolfe asked Mr. Diamond if he would get a copy of the law
that states conditional rezoning is valid in the State. He
would like to have this information available for the public hearing.
The last time he attended a zoning seminar he was told that conditional
rezoning was not valid. In view of the fact that we are going to
have to put some restrictions on mobile home zoning it would be a
good idea to have all the legal information we can get.
Mr. Diamond said that the County Board of Health has its own
restrictions as far as spacing ~nd lot sizes and far as the units
are concerned. This should be the minimum that the mobile parks
are now complying with. He believes it is at least 2400 sq. ft.
with the units 5 ft. back from lot line. The problem has arisen
that we can't take each parcel that the owners own and zone that
a mobil home district because mixed in with mobile homes are
apartments, stores, garages, restaurants, etc. In one case there
is a mobile park and right in the middle is a permanent structure
with apartments. If we zoned that mobile home the permanent
structure automatically becomes non-conforming.
Mr. Wolfe said he believed the city passed an ordinance that
said you could upgrade from one zone to another~ residential.
Mr. Diamond asked if that meant anytime there is a more
restrictive use in there;than )that it is automatically allowed.
Mr. Wolfe said he believed that was the way it passed.
Mr. Mackie said that since the mobile parks were not zoned into
the present map we now have some parks right in the line with
B-3 commercial zoning. If we rezone mobile parks can we leave
the commercial as it is?
Mr. Wolfe said that mobile parks would be allowed in commercial
zones. We don1t want to wipe out the commercial property that
is already there.
Mr. Nichols said he believed we had an ordinance that provides
for the size house that can be built in industrial and business
areas. Most of these buildings would be conforming.
Mr. Wolfe said that if these buildings are further back than
the commercial line than they will be nonconforming and in a
specific number ofyears~ if it is still nonconforming it will
have to come down.
Mr. Diamond said he also had asked .the City Attorney about the
discontinuance schedule for nonconforming buildings and which category
mobile parks ,fall into.
Mr. Wolfe said that, is something else that will have to be taken
into consideration when the parks are rezoned.
There was more discussion about nonconforming buildings and
discontinuance of these buildings or businesses.
There was a discussion about the public hearing on July 31st.
Mr. Wolfe said that he thinks the Council and Zoning Board should
listen to the people and their suggestions and not make a
decision until after they have had a chance to study the entire
situation thoroughly.
Mr. Nichols said that Zoning Board should be well prepared for
the public hearing.' ,Many mobile park owners have already said
they are bringing their lawyers to the meeting.
Mr. Wolfe~ Mr. Nichols and Mr. Bartholomew will want indirect
conflict of interest statements to sign.
Mr. Nichols asked if anyone had seen the new trailer parked by
the Coronado Trucking Co. that is obviously being used as an office.
Mr. Wolfe asked the secretary to send a memo to Mr. Murphy to
check on this and send a report'to the Zoning Board. He also want
Mr. Murphy to check on a house on the northwest corner of India
Palm and Indian River Blvd. People are doing business in this
house under the name of Belmont Homes. Also send a copy of this
memo to the Council. He believes they are in violation of the
zoning ordinance.
Mr. Nichols made a motion that the Zoning Board notify the
Building Inspector and the Council about these zoning irregularities.
Mr. Engle secon~ed the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 6-0.
Mr. Wolfe asked the members if they wanted to have a meeting
prior to the public hearing about mobile parks. The Zoning Board
will hold a workshop on July 18 to discuss mobile parks.
Mr. Wolfe also asked the secretary to find out from the Building
Inspector what is being done along Mango Tree and 15th and 16th
Street~ next to Doug Cole's property. Are they planning a sub-
division there and if so who is responsible for upkeep water
etc.? ~ ~ sewer~
Mr. Nichols said that he believed' these lots were being sold
as individual lots on the open market.
Mr. Mackie called the Board's attention to Ordinance 1015.
The first reading was last rright. He said that the Ordinance
changes zoning in Florida Shores and also in the rest of Edgewater.
He asked that the Council furnish the Board with written confirmation
that the zoning changes in Edgewater, excluding Florida Shores,
was properly advertise~ and a plJblir hearinq helrl. He said that
the Zoninq Board had approved the Council suggestion that changes
be made in the square footage of zones R-1, R-IA, R-2 and R-3
in Edgewater but he did not think these changes had been advertised.
He said there have been too many complaints about people not
being properly notified about zoning changes and the Council should
check this out.
Mr. Diamond said that the map of Edgewater needs to be brought
up to date because there have been some recent zoning changes.
Mr. Wolfe said that members of the Zoning Board would be happy
to help Mr. Diamond make the necessary corrections to bring the
map up to date.
There was no further business brought before the Board.
Mr. Mackie made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.
Mr. Nichols seconded the motion. The meeti~g was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by:
Nancy Blazi
Zoning Board
July 11, 1978
Chairman Wolfe called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. Mr. Mackie has
already taken roll.
It was noted that Mr. Bartholomew is excused as he is on vacation.
Also present was Mr. Richard Diamond, City Planner.
Mr. Mackie asked Mr. Diamond to comment regarding his contacting the
City Attorney. This is on the June 6 meeting of the Zoning Board regarding
the mobile homes. He was to contact the City Attorney and send a detailed
letter out to enlighten the Zoning Board as to the legai options before holding
a public hearing.
Mr. Diamond said that the City Attorney hadn't finished his research, however
he had come up with some answers at a recent City Council meeting, when the
matter of the mobile homes was brought up. The answer he gave was that
conditional rezoning was valid in the State., At that point Council members
suggested that what should be done is that the mobile home parks return
back to the original zoning, they should remain legal as they now exist.
At that time th~ decided to set up their own public hearing and have it
jointly with the Zoning Board. Mr. Wolfe asked Mr. Diamond to get him
a copy of the law which states that conditional rezoning is valid. Mr. Diamond
said it is probably case law, and he would try to get a copy.
There was continued discussion about the mobile home parks and how they should
be designated in the Code.
There was mention of the joint public hearing held by the Zoning Board and
City Council to be held on July 31.
Mr. Nichols raised the subject of the two Bartholomew lots located next to
the Wolf's Mobile Horne Park and advised the members to be ready for this
issue to corne up at the joint meeting between Zoning and the Council.
There was a lengthy discussion about the best use of the lots and about
the mobile home park itself.
Mr. Nichols asked if anyone had noticed the trailer parked next to the
Coronado Trucking Company, apparently being used as an office. Mr. Wolfe
suggested that Nancy Blazi send a memo to Mr. Murphy ~nd have him check
it out. He asked that Mr. Murphy also check out a house on the corner
of Indian River Blvd. and India Palm; he understands the Belmont Corporation
is doing business from this house. He said there are two trucks parked there
every night. There was additional discussion about whether this would be
considered a home occupation. Mr. Christy, in the audience, said he
has brought it up ffifore Council but has gotten no response from them.
Mr. Nichols read the criteria for a home occupation; the members agreed
it is in violation of the Code. The Board members again recommended that
Mrs. Blazi send a memorandum to the Building Official first, and then,
if necessary, to the City Council. Mr. Nichols motioned that a letter be
sent to the Building Official and to the City Council to check into the
matter just discussed; the motion was seconded by Mr. Engle and CARRIED 6-0.
Returning to the discussion of the mobile home parks, Mr. Wolfe asked if
the Board wanted to have a meeting with City Council prior to July 31.
Mr. Nichols asked in what capacity the Zoning Board would be there - as
knowledgeable technicians, and if so, he would like to know what Council
will be talking about. Mayor Christy asked that the members of the Board
provide input. Mr. Wolfe suggested that each speaker be given three minutes
to present their views. Mr. Siciliano recommended that the Board get the
City Council members feelings also, not just the recommendions of the Board.
Mayor Christy did not believe the Councilor Board could express their desires
before the public hearing. Mr. Mackie suggested there could be a joint meet-
ing sometime in August after they have heard all pros and cons. Mayor
Christy said that the land involved is less than five percent'of the City,
therefore only one hearing is needed. Mr. Nichols and Mr. Wolfe both
asked for a Conflict of Interest form to fill out regarding this matter.
Mrs. Blazi asked what exactly was planned to be done to the mobile home
parks, besides put them back to mobile homes. Mr. Wolfe said there would
need to be some restrictions put on them.
Mr. Wolfe asked for copies of the State and County mobile home park regu-
lations as far as health and welfare are concerned. Mr. Diamond agreed
to provide this information. The members agreed to have another meeting
when the information is received from Mr. Diamond.
On another matter, Mr. Wolfe said he would like to have some information
from Mr. Murphy about what is being done on Mango Tree Road. Mr. Nichols
said a man is developing it and selling it under the R-4 restrictions for
individual lots - it is on the open market. Mr. Wolfe pointed out that
he has not come before the Board with his plans.
Mr. Mackie motioned to approve the minutes of the June 6, 1978 meeting.
Mr. Wiggins seconded the motion, which CARRIED 6-0.
Mr. Mackie brought up the rezoning/by City Council of property on Boston
Road at their meeting the night before; they are reverting back to Rl and
R2 that it was before. Mr. Mackie said that the way he understands it is
the front of Boston Road on the highway was going into B-3 and the R-2,
which would be on the right hand corner, will stay in the R-2. R-l is owned
by some people who want to build a duplex. That one was held up by not
being approved by the City Council. I think that they will probably be
applying for a permit to build a duplex, but this here has not been finished
by the Council yet. The Council tabled it and did not vote on it; in his
opinion that should not have been tabled. Mr. Christy asked which one it
was. Mrs. Blazi said that that section was tabled, readvertised for a public
hearing to change it to R-4 (those three lots). They owned the property
they said since September and bought it with the intention of building
apartments on it. They understood that they could build on it as it was
zoned. The Zoning Board had recommended that it be changed from B-4 to R-l.
The other section was from B-4 to R-2, and the other was to B-3 (these front
sections), stated Mrs. Blazi. Mr. Wolfe expressed the opinion that it would
be spot zoning to rezone the B-4 to R-4. Mrs. Blazi said thatthe Reids
own lot 7, the Kanes have 8 and 9 and Warren owns part of 8 and 9. The
city attorney had said it would not be spot zoning.
Mr. Mackie brought up the question of whether or not the change in square
footage for areas in the City other than Florida Shores had been properly
advertised before the public hearing. He suggested a copy of the letter
of advertisement be provided to the Board.
(The tape dies out here.)
Minutes prepared by Joan Taylor
from the tapes on May 17, 1984
Zoning Board
July II, 1978
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