10-04-1977 .../ <.> o ZONING BOARD REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 4, 1977 Chairman Wolfe called the regular meeting to order on October 4, 1977, at 7:35 in the Mayor's office. ROLL CALL Mrs. Secki Mr. Nichols Mr. Wolfe Mr. Mackie Mr. Wiggins Present Present Present Excused Excused There is no minutes to be read or approved. The first case Elinace M. Lackey. Mr. Wolfe asked her what type of business is she requesting. She stated that it would be woodworking, anything to do with wood from a wooden shelf to a kitchen cabinet. We will not be making alot of one thing. It will be individual ,pieces. Mrs. Secki asked if this would not be manufacturing. Chairman Wolfe stated he really did not know. Chairman Wolfe went on to say that if it is a cabinet shop it would be considered manufacturing. Mrs. Lackey stated that there will only be two of us working here five days a week. Chairman Wolfe asked what type of saws will you be using, she stated that she will be using a table saw and band saw a portable router, and portable tools. The tools will not be going eight hours a day. Chairman Wolfe stated that this is a very touchy subject. Mrs. Cunningham stated that there are alot of new business trying to come into the City but they are getting turned down for their permits. She would like to see the community grow. She went on to say that there is a paint and body shop and a transmission shop across the street. Mrs. Lackey feels that we they will not be any noiser than a paint a body shop. Chairman Wolfe stated that he will say what we can do and call her. There was a question on how do their consider a manufacture. Mr. Nichols stated that anything that takes a raw product and changes it into a finished product. Chairman Wolfe asked show your products. we work with them in only way that we can it. if there will be a showroom where you will She stated~ that we go to a customer and their home. Chairman Wolfe stated that the get by it is to make a classification for Chairman Wolfe stated that the only way that we can do this is to confind it to a certain size area and put a limit to what they can do. Mrs. Lackey stated that her building is 24 x 24. It is two sections. Light manufacture of woodcraft was one of the classifications that was discussed. Mr. Nichols stated that he would like to make a motion that we add to the permitted uses in the B-3 Highway Service Business District the Woodcraft Wholesale shops. And add under ~dimensional requirements for that one permitted use that it can be no larger than 500 square feet. Mrs. Secki made the second. No discussion. CARRIED.3-0 ., .~ . o (.) ZONING BOARD October 4, 1977 (2) This needs to go to the City Council. Mr. Rob i: n son wa s pre s e n tat the m e e tin g . C h air man W 0 1 f e ask e d him what the machtne shop going to do. Is it going to pre- fabrecate those 20 and 30 foot beams. Mr. Robinson stated that he would imange it would. At this.time the tape stopped and there was no more picked up on Mr. Robinson. Chairman Wolfe asked Mr. Lonnie Temple to tell the board what his wishes were. Mr. Temple stated that where the dance studio is that is commercial property He is interested in building townhouses or apartments behind the dance studio. At this time the members went out of the room to look at maps. Chairman W,'o 1 fe stated that Mr. Tern p 1 e should come in with an overall plan on what he plans to do. Mr. Temple asked what could be pu t in there. Mr. Nichols read what was permitted in tha t area. There was some d i s c u s s i' 0 n on the letter from the City. Mr. Nichols stated that the only thing that he took exception to was where the lawyer stated that there was no good re~son for application of this ordinance to the Sauers property and there is a good reason it is the law. Unless the City is perpared to purchase the property he would suggest that something be done. There was much discussion on this property. Mr. Nichols also stated that as far as the City Council that they are aware that Ordinance 880 says and ~:he is not about to break the law or slight the board in this matter and they did slight the board in this matter. They mearly wanted to give relief to Mr. Sauer so they wDuld not be sued for preventing the sale of his property as a matter of fact the Council felt that the Zoning Board had erred we did not err we followed the letter of the law when the property was zoned in July 1974 and if the City Council don't like the fact that the way I run it they can have it anytime they want it. Chairman Wolfe stated that he will go along with that. Mr. Nichols stated if they are going to follow the law then follow the law. .It does not say anywhere at anytime that they want to give sombody relief because some letter writing lawyer can write them a letter and threaten that they are goind to sue them and they are going to turn around and I am down here giving my valuable time to the City and they go over my head and do something that is against the law. It says that the Planning and Zoning Board shall consider and make recommendations to the City Council concerning proposed zoning admendments and that is a proposed zoning admendment. The Planning and Zoning Board may hold a seperate public hearing or may sit concured. I was not even notified to attend a meeting. If they want me to follow this and if they want me to give my time they will do it correctly or I won't do it. Chairman Wolfe stated that he will go along with that. He went on to ask if he can be at the Public Hea~ing. Mr. Nichols stated that he will have invontory that night. Or I would certainly be there. Chairman Wolfe stated he will handle it for us. Mr. Nichols stated that this is in the own ordinance and if they want to change it he will go along with it. Mr. Nichols stated that he is not saying that the man did not need relief, they should have going through proper channels. The meeting was adjourned.