07-19-1977 Recessed Public Hearing 07-12-1977
JULY 19, 1977
Doris Massey
Chairman Wolfe called the recessed meeting to order. There was
no quorum at the July 12, 1977 meeting.
There was a Certification from Sue Blackwell the City Clerk.
This was read also an affidavit from Mr. Taylor was read.
Let the record show that on Mrs. Massey's property that the
board with the sworn affidavit from Mr. Taylor that he voted
yes. The quorum voted to a 3-0 in favor.
On the affidavit dealing with Mr. Tucker, Mr. Taylor voted no.
We now have a quorum the vote was 2-1, 2 for and 1 against.
Mr. Wolfe read a certification from Mrs. Blackwell. Mrs.
Blackwell contacted Mrs. Wiggins and Mr. Wiggins could not have
vistors. He went on to say that Mrs. Blackwell did not see Mr.
Wiggins but talked to him over the phone. He is in favor of the
zoning change for Mrs. Massey and also in favor of having
Tucker Manufactures .to use the Atlantic Machine Shop for light
Councilman Deitz stated that he had talked to Mr. Wiggins and Mr.
Wiggins stated that he would sign an affidavit in the morning.
Mr. Mackie asked Mr. King what were his intentions in vacating the:
Mr. King stated that he had sent a letter to the City Council on
this. He went on to say that this was another step in moving the
heavy equipment. He stated that at this time he could not give
a date that we would be totally moved out of there.
Mr. Mackie asked if this would be two or three months or what.
Mr. King stated that he could not give a date when they will be
out completely. He went on to say that as the other business
takes over the area he will be moving his things to ano.ther
Councilman Deitz stated that he will agree with Mr. Mackie there
needs to be a time limit on this. Mr. King stated that the letter
that he sent to the City Council states that any property that
he gives up for another business, that Atlantic Machines cannot
take that back at a later date.
Mr. King stated that there was no way possible that Atlantic
Machine can take a step and say that they will be out of there
within a certain amount of time.
Mr. Mackie stated that we are not against what you are trying to
do. But what he is scared of is that once we open this door for
manufacturing you will still be there. This is what we do not
what to happen.
Chairman Wolfe stated that if we said light manufacturing and
then spell out what can be there.
Councilman Deitz stated that we are trying to make a trade off.
Mr. King stated that that is what we are trying to do, we are
trying to get out of that area. He went on to say that he can
not give a specific date. He is willing to give up the space
and not take it back.
Page 2 Zoning Board
July 19, 1977
Councilman Deitz stated that the only thing is the time element
in lue of instead of addition to.
Mr. Loeffler discussed Ordinance 219. He stated that there is still
Light Industry down there. Chairman Wolfe stated that OrBinance
219 has been replaced by Ordinance 880.
Councilman Deitz asked Chairman Wolfe if you make this classifaction
change are you going to have a Public Hearing. Chairman Wolfe
stated that we would.
Chairman Wolfe stated that he wants to put in there where the Heavy
Manufacturing exists that when they vacate their square footage
he can not ever come back in Heavy.
Chairman Wolfe stated that he wants to put in an added classification
and bind it to one area. Bound on the north by Monroe Street and
south by Rhode Island and west U.S. 1 an~ the property line on the
Chairman Wolfe stated that there are two cabinet shops on U.S. 1
that have gotten an occupational license in the last two years,
Light Manufacturing would be cabinet ships. He does not understand
how they got a license.
Mr. Mackie stated since we are on the subject of license he would
like to find out if these are looked up to see if everything is ok
before the license is issued. Mr. Loeffler stated that they are
suppose to come to him before they are issued.
Councilman Deitz stated that it use to be someone would come in and
go to Sue and say here is my money and now I want a license.
Now he understands it should go to Mr. Murphy.
Mr. King brought up the time element that Mr. Tucker is working under.
Chairman Wolfe stated that what he would like to see the Council do
is to say yes and let him put it in there and by then we hope we
can send a program to them and this is how it is going to work.
Mr. King stated that Mr. Tucker has to move before the end of this
month and we don1t have a decision we will have this Heavy Industry.
Councilman Deitz stated that what we will have in there is Light
Manufacture with the Heavy Industry. Mr. King stated that this is
a step to replace this Heavy Industry.
Chairman Wolfe stated that we will do it this way, We will need a
letter from Mr. King certifying that as you vacate your square
footage, you will not be able to come back with the Heavy Industry.
This must be done by the morning.
Councilman Deitz stated that the law states that the only way you
can do this is by Public Hearing, except in the case as an emergency.
There was more discussion on the date, Mr. King stated that he
could not give a date, it is not possible.
Councilman Deitz stated that he beleived that this was discussed at
the Council Meeting the other night and he took it as a trade off.
That you move out and Tucker Manufacturing moves in.
Mr. King stated that he feels that you would rather have half of
Atlantic Machine Shop there.
Page 3
Zoning Board
July 19, 1977
Chairman Wolfe asked Councilman Deitz if we accept Tuckers
Manufacturing in addition to Atlantic Machine vacating over a
period, as he vacates he can't return. Councilman Deitz stated all
we can do is go to the attorney.
If you get that opinion can we handle this as an emergency?
Mr. Mackie asked if Mr. Woods would be at the Council meeting tomorrow?
Councilman Deitz stated that he would. Mr. Mackie asked if it would
be possible to ask him this. And if we need to have a Public Hearing
we can notify the City and then we can go into a Public Hearing.
Mr. King stated that Mr. Tucker has to vacate where he is now by
the end of the month and he needs a decision.
Mr. Mackie stated that he feels the best thing to do is to bring this
up to the City Council and get some kind of answer from them.
Councilman Deitz asked if Mr. Mackie can attend the meeting tomorrow.
He stated that he could.
Councilman Deitz stated that he should make a report to the attorney.
Mr. Wiggins will have to give his affidavit by tomorrow.
Mr. Mackie asked Mr. King to also attend the Council Meeting tomorrow.
Mr. Mackie asked Susan to type up what the board wants him to bring
up at the meeting tomorrow.
Mr. Loeffler stated that we have 28 houses in Florida Shores that are
on non-conforming lots. They're only 100 feet deep and 80 foot
wide they are not conforming.
There was some discussion on this between Mr. Loeffler and the Board.
James Mackie
Robert Wolfe
David Higgins
Robert Taylor
Grace Secki
Norman King
Councilman Cal Deitz
Doris Massey
Mrs.!. Mackie
Paul Loeffl er
Mr. Mackie made a motion to adjourn
Before me this day personally appeared ROBERT TAYLOR, who, being duly
sworn, deposes and says:
This is an absentee ballot cast in the request of W. Gerald Tucker,
for a change in B-3 Zoning to allow light industry at 1517 South Ridge-
wood Avenue.
I have passed the property presently occupied by the Tucker Manufac-
turing Company on U.S. Highway 1 and' Jones Fish Camp Road. It appears
to be one of the most preferable forms of light business possible.
Nevertheless, it remains a manufactur,ebusiness and it is my belief that
trying to accomodate it within the requirements of B-3 there would be a
large change necessary. I would personally suggest that this be a matter
for the Board of Adjustments. I vote no on this question.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
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State of Florida at Large '.,; .,....:... . "<-.- .--
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Notery I'~blic, Slelo .of f!O!:ae 01 tel\;1l
My commi ssi on expi res: My Commiu;cn Expires' Oel, 11. 1971
Bonded by hmeriten Fire t. C",ucllf Co.
tfef"~J 2?l~
I~ day of July, A.D.
Before me this day personally appeared ROBERT TAYLOR, who, being duly
sworn, deposes and says:
This is an absentee ballot cast in the matter of the request of Doris E.
Massey, for the rezoning of her property Lots 37 and 42 of Alvarez Grant.
In consideration with another matter, I have personally reviewed the
property in question. After a careful study of the intent of the
Zoning Laws of the City, I cast a vote in favor of granting the request.
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Sworn to and subscribed before me this
t;& day of July, A.D. 1977.
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N6tary PubllC
State of Florida at Large
My commission expires:
Nc:ory Pc}'!i:, 5~~fc of r;~H'~do or torge
My Comm:..;c-n Cxpiro 0;1, 17, 1977
6or::!cd :')' A,.. ';':0" F", r ': H,....l," Co.