07-12-1977 Public Hearing Recessed from 07-05-1977 ~ o o ZONING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING DORIS MASSEr RECESSED JULY 12, 1977 Chairman Wolfe called the Recessed public Hearing to order on July 12, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall. This meeting was recessed from July 5, 1977. ROLL 'CALL James Mackie Rob e r t Wo 1 f e Grace Secki' Robert Taylor David Wiggins present Present Absent Excused Excused Chairman Wolfe stated that Mrs. Massey is here to rezone her property which is Lot 37 Al varez Grant from Mobil e Hom'e-,l' to Industrial (I-I). Also Lot 42 Alverez Grant lying Northerly of ~atlroad except portion deeded to Wtckes Corp. from Agriculture to tndustrtal. . There was much discussion on this property between the board and Mrs. Massey. Mrs. Massey told the board that she had two letters one from Hanson and McCallister and the other from Dr. Leslie A. Morgan. They both stated that they had no objections to the zoning change. These two letter were read in full. Mr. Greenwood of Big M salvage yard was present at the meeting. Mr. Greenwood stated that he had objections to this zoning change. He also stated that he had written a letter to this, but it was not in the files. Mr. Greenwood told the board why he objected to this. It was discussed at length. Mr. Mackie made a motion to grant these variances one on Lot 37 Alvarez Grant from MH-l to 1-1. He also stated to grant a variance on lot 42 Alverez Grant, from Agriculture to Industrial. Mr. ~o11e made the second. Chairman Wolfe asked that a note be sent to the City Council advising them of this action. The note should read as follows: Due to the fact that 2 members are sick and one member is out of town, this case has been pending for over a month. We are asking the City Council to give their recommendation, approval and any changes no later than July 19, 1977. There were several questions on placing Mobile Homes on property. Mr. Mackie and Chairman Wolfe explained the restrictions on this. The motion CARRIED. (2-0) Chairman Wolfe told Mrs. Massey that the City will have to hold a Public Hearing on this and then they will have to get back to the Zoning Board. Mr. Tucker and Mr. King were present at the meeting to discuss the plans lof Mr. Tuckers to open a clothing manufacture factory in the AtTihtic Machine Shop building. # '. ~ o Q This was discussed at length. Chairman Wolfe stated that he will also send this to the council. Mr. King wanted to state for the record. That he has not moved out of the building yet and he will be moving for a while, Mr. Mackie made a motion that we add wholesale manufacture to B-3. Zoned area on the East side of U.S. 1 Highway between Rhode Island and E. Marion. Mr. Wolfe made the second. CARRIED. ADJOURN 2 .