Zoning Board
February 1, 1977
Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Edgewater Zoning Board was called to
order by Chairman Wolfe on February 1, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. in the
Mayorls office.
James Mackie
Robert Taylor
David l~iggins
Bonnie Turner
Robert Wolfe
Attorney William Gillespie
Mr. Leo Turner
Mrs. Irene Mackie
Councilman Riggs
Mrs. Alice Murphy
Miss Lillian Straub
Mr. And Mrs. Robert Hammond
',' Minutes of the January 25th Special Meeting were approved with
the addition as follows" Minutes of the January 18, 1977 Special
"M e e tin g we rea c c e p t e d . "
.... '-.-
III ~ .... ._
Under new correspondence Mr. Wo1feread a request from Mrs. Blackwell
for direction on the Doug Cole request for a trailer office for
his construction company in R-4 non-conforming zone.
Mr. Wiggins moved and Mrs. Turner seconded that we table the matter
until Mr. Wolfe exp1ainedthe situation to Mr. Cole. The motion
Mr. Robert Hammond explained he was asking for no zoning change
and wished to withdraw his request and go elsewhere, rather than
ask for a variance.
Mrs. Blackwell IS letter to the Zoning Board was discussed at length.
Attorney Gillespie suggested we request the Council have the
Planning Board submit their plans to us so we can be cautious in
complying with the State Laws. .'
Mr. Wiggins moved we adjourn, Seconded by Mr. Mackie, the meeting
adjourned at 9:12 P.M.
Mrs. Bonnie Turner Secretary