06-22-1976 Special
JUNE 22, 1976
Chairman Wolfe called the special meeting of the Edgewater Zoning Board to
order on June 22, 1976 at 7:30.
James t~ack i e
Robert Taylor
Bonnie Turner
David Wiggins
Robert Wo He
The minutes of May 4th, May 18th and June 1st were brought up and Chairman Wolfe
asked if they were in order, he asked for a motion to accept the minutes. Mr.
WIggins made a motion to accept these minutes. Mr. Taylor made the second. CARRIED.
Chairman Wolfe stated that the first thing we should do is find out who is present
at this meeting. Mr. Turner, Miss Straubb, Rev. Harold, Mrs. Harold, Mr. Depew,
Mrs. Mackie, and Mr. Murphy the Building Official were all present.
Rev. Harold was present to discuss the problem that he had with his property on
Palmway and facing Francis Drive. The back of his property faces Riverside Dr.
He would like to sell the property on Palmway and Francis Drive but these lots
are slightly under the regulation of the zoning ordinance. After much discussion
it was decided that Rev. Harold sell his property so that both lots face Francis
and he will not have any problem with building on these lots.
There was much discussion on the Utility Sheds. There needs to be something
sent to the Council regarding this. Mr. Mackie made a motion to send to the
Council the Zoning Board recommendation of adding a Adment to the Zoning Ordinance
3 feet set back of the easement line and 5 feet set back on the side. Mr.
Taylor made a second. CARRIED.
This will be sent to the Council through the Building Official, Mr. Murphy.
There was some discussion on a slab that has been poured at the Corner of Juniper
Drive and Indian River Blvd.
Mr. Mackie stated that at the meeting last night with the Council Mr. Sullivan
requested a permit for a store and a slef service gas station this is at Indian
River Blvd and Hibiscus. THis falls in B-2 as stations are not permitted but
stores are. He went on to say that the City Clerk read a letter from Mr. Sullivan
with about 60 signatures on it. This was discussed.
Mr. Taylor made a motion to adjourn. Mr.
concerning a
Mr. Mackie brought up the subject on the Shell station
buffer zone this was discussed.