Tape 1
Side A
The regular meeting of the Zoning Board of the City of Edgewater
was called to order September 2, 1975, by Chairman Wolfe.
John Brittingham
James Mackie
Ryta Webber
David Wiggins
Robert Wolfe
The floor was open for suggestions from the board in regard to
changes to be made to Ordinance 880.
Mr. Wolfe stated that in all zones it should be changed where it
reads square footage per dwelling unit to read as square living
footage per dwelling unit, or square foot of living area. This is
not to include carports, garages, porches, laundry rooms, shops,
etc., which is not living area.
Side B
Discussion began about restrooms and fruit stands.
Mrs. Webber read the section of Peddlers - Produce- Retail- Not
permitted in business districts, if not grown by peddlers themselves.
Mrs. Webber stated that according to Orlando they said that you
should revert back to your Building Code and the Building Code
says that it must be ~ncompassed within a building.
Mr. Wiggins spoke in regard to self service gas stations, stating
that he got a copy of the Ordinance from New Smyrna and they had
to cancel it out because Tallahassee had okayed self service gas
stations and he was told that the only way we could get around it
was by making the restrictions so severe that people would loose
interest in doing it.
There was more discussion about the fruit stands and whether
there should be something put in as a temporary stand.
Mrs. Webber asked if the board didn't feel that it should be up
to the Zoning Board to set the rates for these permits or licenses.
The board members discussed this.
Mr. Mackie asked why we could not request from the City Manager
a list of what the various licenses are charged f~r.
Mr. Wolfe stated that he has a copy of this at home and he can
bring it to the next meeting.
There was some discussion about annexing the beach side to
Mr. Mackie stated that it could be requested that the City Manager
get in touch with Mr. Weaver to find out what has been done per-
taining to the County annexation that we have in the City of Edge-
water, and send a memo to the Zoning Board to let them know what
it happening.
Mr. Wolfe read:
#2. All zones and properties shall be restricted to a site plan
#3. All zones in Ordinance 880 shall be changed to read as square
foot living area, which shall not include carports, garages,
porches, laundry rooms, workshops, utility areas, etc. to which
is not living area.
#4. All listings in Ordinance 880 pertaining to businesses shall
not be allowed on any other type of business on the same property
unless it is approved by site plan approval by the Zoning Board.
#5. Fruit stands - Mr. Wolfe stated that he would like to go over
this at the next meeting because he is thoroughly confused on this.
There was further discussion in regard to the fruit stands, and
whether they are being checked by the Weights and Measures.
There was some discussion about the Ordinance about 51% of a
subdivision being developed. The board members stated that
they wanted it to read as long as 51% of said parcel or division
or unrecorded known as paper subdivision must be signed by a
registered surveyor.
It was stated that this was read this way at the meeting, however
it was not written up this way.
Mr. Mackie stated that he would bring this in to the City Manager
and explain it to him, so that some explanation can be made as to
why this was left out.
Mr. Mackie made a motion that this meeting be adjourned, being
seconded by Mr. Wiggins. Said motion CARRIED.
Mrs. Mackie attended this meeting.