01-13-1982 ..":<#' o o '- " CITY OF EDGEWATER Board of Governors Regular Meeting January 13, 1982 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:37 PM in the Community Center. ROLL CALL Present: Messrs. Robert Wolfe, Walter Gross, Arthur Nerber, Horace King. Excused: Messrs. Buckey McEver, Steve Hardock. Also present: Mike Avery, Susan Wadsworth, Debbie Winks, Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Mr. Nerber, seconded by Mr. King, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, to approve the minutes of the 12-9/81 regular meeting. COMMUNICATIONS There was discussion on the new Recreation Task Force. Mr. Wolfe noted that this was to be a temporary advisory board to make recommendations to the Council. Mr. Gross felt the Board of Governors was going to be phased out and also wondered if they were going to lose the power they had. He also mentioned that many changes have been made to City buildings and the Board of Governors was not notified or consulted. Mr. Wolfe asked members to give him input on recreation needs to be passed on to the Task Force. Boat ramps at Menard Beach and a fishing pier were discussed. Vandalism at the park was mentioned pertaining to a grill being stolen and a fence gate being broken. It will be checked into to see if insurance will cover these items. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Gross raised a question on the By Laws. meeting because members already have copies by Council. They were tabled at the last and they have been approved NEW BUSINESS Moved by Mr. Gross, seconded by Mr. King, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, to recommend to Council for the new baseball fields to be fenced in. Mr. Avery commented there will not be enough money to get lights at the new fields. They will need about $2,000 more based on an off-the-head estimate from Florida Power and Light to do the job. Moved by Mr. Gross, to recommend to Council to approve $2,000 to complete the new ballfields for the new season. There was no second and the motion was withdrawn until an exact figure of funds needed could be given. A special meeting will be called if necessary to get approval from the Board on the lighting. Tennis courts were discussed, Mike Avery had estimates for one tennis court for $12,000. It was noted that it might be cheaper to go concrete and subcontract it out ourselves. Maintenance of the new ballfields was mentioned, and it was noted that the large tractor is really not meant for just cutting grass. Moved by Mr. Gross, seconded by Mr. King, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED, to recommend to Council to appropriate funds for the purchase of a lawn tractor (Sears) with attachments to maintain the ballfields and other park areas. (Approximate sale price $1200) The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM. Minutes submitted by: Debbie Winks Q , ~~ ::::> 7/ ~A) ~ tOV \ . Date I !8ff;l., I' /60 '}-1:1. 1- ( d- ~ 4- V- I 4-D . ~ j , 1 . I . ,. \ , CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL (.) APPROVAL OF MINUTES COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ADJOURN j j-Ya-'(_{l.. ~-1! /C!../ <J AGENDA Board of Governors January 13, 1982 December 9, 1981, Regular Meeting Letter from City Manager 12/10/81 in Response to Mr. Wolfe's Letters 12/10/81 Re: Funds for Concession Stand Public Boat Ramps Recreational Study Sub-Committee Recreation Manager position By-Laws Approval by Board for the New Ballfield to be Fenced In Remodeling of the Old Concession Stand at the New Ballfield