October 14th, 1981
Chairman Wolfe called the regular meeting of the Board of Governors
to order at 7~.49pm in the Edgewater Community Center.
Robert Wolfe
Bucky McEver
Walter Gross
Arthur Nerber
Steve Hardock
Horace King
Mr. Gross made a motion to accept the minutes from the regular
meeting of September 9th, 1981. Mr. King seconded the motion.
Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Discussion of finding a recreation manager to coordinate all the
recreation activities of the City. Discussion of the use of the
Community Center with liquor being served. Mr. Gross made a motion I
to have this stopped due to the fact that children used this build- I
ing. Chairman Wolfe said that in most cases liquor was not served I
while children were using the facility and that on special occasions ;1
that liquor was served for only adult functions. Mr.. Gross retracted
his motion.
Mr. King made a motion to send a letter to the City Manager and
the City Council about the changes to the Community Center.
According to the By-Laws of the Board of Governors the Duites of
the Board, Article III A. To secure adequate funds by working with
the City Council of the City of Edgewater regarding appropriations
and necessary expenditures. B. To recommend policies of operation
of all recreational facilities. C. To recommend expenditures for
recreational facilities and programs. D. To recommend usage and
schedules for the recreational facilities use. Mr. Nerber seconded
the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Discussion on a combination soccer and football field. Mr. Hogan
from the Edgewater Elementary School gave his written okay to start
this project on the combination field.
Mr. Grossmad~ a motion to send a letter to the Council requesting
that $900.00 be allotted for clearing of the field and $500.00 be
allotted for sod. This field is on 2 acres and will be regulation
size. Mr. Nerber seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mr. Gross made a motion to request the Council that Bob Wolfe be
appointed Recr~ation Manager, to coordinate the recreational activi-
ties and functions. This appointment would not involve any pay.
Mr. Nerber seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Page 2
Board of Governors Regular Meeting
October 14th, 1981
Chairman Wolfe requested that a memo be sent to the City Manager
requesting a print out of the budget for the recreational grounds
and facilities starting in the month of October, and every month
Discussion of the vancancy on the Board.
A request that Chairman Wolfe attend the November 2nd, 1981 Council
meeting to remind the Council of the vacancy and for answering
questions about the combination field at the Elementary School.
Mr. King made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Gross seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned.
Minutes submitted by:
Kathy Cornelius