08-13-1981 o o CITY OF EDGEWATER BOARD OF GOVERNORS REGULAR MEETING August 13th, 1981 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Wolfe called the regular meeting of the Board of Governors to order at 7:40pm in the Edgewater City Hall. ROLL CALL Bob Wolfe Bucky McEver Walter Gross Art Nerber Steve Hardock Horace" King Lamar Dean Present Excused - Medical Present Present Excused Present Absent Mr. Nerber made a motion to accept the minutes from the June 11th, 1981 regular meeting. Seconded by Mr. King. Motion carried 3-0. Mr. Gross did not vote as he did not attend the last meeting. Chairman Wolfe recommended that the board send a letter Wells about having an art show in the Community Center. him that the hall was available certain dates. to Mr. Advising Mr. Gross gave a brief discussion of the Workshop that he attended in Orlando for DNA Grants. He talked with a Mr. Carter and he said that there were grants available for the City of Edgewater if they wo~ld apply. Mr. Carter said that he would work with the City in obtaining the information and would help anyone to complete"~the applications for the"Grants and all pha~es of obtainring the grants. Chairman Wolfe requested tnat Mr. Gross, Mr. Mitchell and Mike Avery to make arrangements to have a meeting to discuss the Grants that are available to the City. Mr. Gross also mentioned that grants were available for a fishing pier. Mr. Gross asked what the Community Center was being used for? Was it a community center for the people or was it council chambers? Chairman Wolfe said that maybe Mr. Mitchell could answer that quest~: ion. Mr. Mitchell IS reply was that due to the rapid growth of the City, the Community Center was used for the duel purpose. The re- modeling was to benefit the whole City. Discussion on the approval of the dishwasher and the icemaker for the Community Center. Mr. Mitchell said that they had both been approved by the Council to be put in the Community Center. Discussion on the vandalism to the Ball Park. Ideas were~requested for a solution to the problem. One suggestion was ~ to have an elderly couple live in a trailer on the grounds to keep an eye out for the vandals. Mr. King made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Gross seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned. Minutes submitted by: Kathy Cornelius