03-12-1981 ," (J (J .. BOARD OF GOVERNORS REGULAR MEbTING March 12, 1981 Chairman Robert Wolfe called the regular meeting of the Edgewater Board of Governors to order at 7:30 P.M. in the Board Room at City Hall. ROLL CALL Robert Wolfe Walter Gross Lamar Dean Joseph McEver Arthur Nerber Steve Hardock Horace King Present Absent Absent Excused Present Present Present APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Nerber made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 12, 1981 meeting. Mr. King made the second.CARRIED4~0. COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Wolfe read a letter from the City Clerk asking the board to review and make changes in the Board of Governors By-Laws. The board made changes in the By-Laws. Attached is the revised By-Laws. Mr. King made a motion to send the revised by~laws to the City Council f@r their approval. Mr. Nerber made the second. CARRIED 4-0 Mrs. Wadsworth told the board that she had talked to Mrs. Henderson on the insurance for the St. Jude's Bike-a-thon. St. Judes does carry insurance for this event. There was some discussion on the use of the ball field. A schedule will be kept at City Hall so that if there is any question on who is using the fields that it can be scheduled. Chairman Wolfe spoke on the insurance from the County which they are still going to do. ThE?Y<idid not~i3>rovide any;moneyil.in: this years budget to put towards our basb~ll project. If th~y do not get an increase this month or next month they will not be able to help us.except for insurance. He went on to explain that their insurance will cost $5.00 per child and that will cover them the whole year in all events. He hopes that next year they will be providing more money ilil.:their budget to help us in our baseball projects. Chairman Wolfe stated that ~,800.00 will cover the whole program. Mayor Christy asked Chairman Wolfe what insurance company is going to be covering the teams? He stated that it was the SM1e compnay that provided for the schools. Mayor Christy stated that it may be good to shop around. Chairman Wolfe asked the secretary to caeck with Caton and find out how much it would be to cover the teams. Caton is the insurance that covers the City. The secretary is to check into this and report to the Board. This will be for 130 kids plus. We already have insurance on the field. The Cdanty will cover the insurance for 2 weeks. /]) ~. (J o Page 2 Board of Governors March 12, 1981 This insurance will be for hospitalization. There was a short discussion on the bike tract. Mr. Nerber made a motion to adjourn, Mr. King made the second. CARRIED 4-0. ADJOURN ,. , o (.) BOARD OF GOVERNORS BY - LAWS ARTICLE I: Following are the by-laws of the Board of Governors, hereinafter referred to as the Board of Recreation for the City of Edgewater. ARTICLE II: PURPOSE The purpose of the Board shall be to effectively reg- ulate all public recreational facilities (inclusive of the Community Genter) and programs within the City of Edgewater pursuant the by-laws of the Board. ARTICLE III: DUTIES OF THE BOARD A. To secure adequate funds by working with the City Council of the City of Edgewater regarding appropriations and necessary expenditures. B. To recommend policies of operation of all recreational facilities. C. To recommend expenditures for recreational facilities and programs. D. To recommend usage and schedules for the recreational facilities use. ARTICLE IV: MEMBERS A. The Board shall consist of not less than five (5) and not more than seven (7) members. B. Members of the Board shall be bona fide residents of the City of Edgewater. C. The Council of the City of Edgewater shall appoint all members of the Board. D. Vacancies on the Board shall be filled by the Council. E. Members are appointed to serve at the pleasure of the City Council of the City of Edgewater. F. Members of the Board absent in the excess of three (3) consecutive regular meetings may be removed from the Board at its discretion. The vacancy shall be filled according to ARTICLE IV, Paragraph D. G. Members of the Board shall serve without compensation. H. Members of the Board shall actively participate in all fund raising events of the Board. r ~ o o ARTICLE V: OFFICERS A. Officers of the Board shall consist of a Chair- man, and a Vice Chairman. B. Officers of the Board shall be elected from members of the Board. C. Roster of elected officers shall be presented to the City Council of the City of Edgewater as soon as possible after elections. Changes in roster shall follow above procedure. D. Election of Officers shall be held at the first Board meeting in December of each year. ARTICLE VI: CHAIRMAN A. The Chairman shall preside at meetings and serve ex- officio on all committees of the Board. B. The Chairman shall appoint necessary committees within the Board. C. The Chairman shall make decisions, with instruc- tions for carrying out any business necessary to the effective daily operations of the Board of Recreation and it's programs. Any action taken shall be in accordance with the by-laws of the Board aU2 to be reported at the next meeting of the Board. ARTICLE VII: VICE CHAIRMAN A. The Vice Chairman shall perform the duties of the Chairman in the Chairman's absence. ARTICLE VIII: SECRETARY (CITY) A. The Secretary shall keep minutes of each meeting write necessary correspondence and notify members of special meetings. ARTICLE IX: MEETINGS A. Regular meetings shall be held on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 P.M. B. Time and place of regular meetings may be changed by a majority vote of members of the Board. C. Special meetings may be held at any time at the call of the Chairman or at the call of the Vice Chairman during the absences of the Chairman. Notice thereof shall be given to the members of the Board within twenty-four (24) hours prior to meeting. D. A quorum at any meeting shall consist of a majority of members. E. The order of business at all regular meetings of the Board shall be as follows: 1. Roll Call 2. Disposition of minutes 3. Communications 4. Reports 5. Unfinished business 6. New and miscellaneous business I . . o o F. Roberts' Rules of Order shall govern in the parliamentary procedure of the B6lard. ARTICLE X: AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS A. Amendments and additions to these by-laws may be proposed at any regular meeting, but may become effective only after a favorable vote at a subsequent meeting and approval of the City Council of the City of Edgewater. B. Any amendments of these by-laws shall be entered also in the copy of the by-laws on file at the City Hall of the City of Edgewater. Any additions shall be handled in like manner. (J o " AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS MARCH 12, 1981 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES FEBRUARY 12, 1981 COMMUNICATIONS Letter from City Clerk review By-Laws REPOR'l'S Mrs. Wadsworth on St. Jude's OLD BUSINESS INFORMATION Copy of letter sent to Pilot Club Memo from City Clerk NEW BUSINESS NONE ADJOURN