08-23-1979 " ," ~ (- (J'..J ,- ~ CITY OF EDGEWATER BOARD OF GOVERNORS August 23, 1979 CALL TO ORDER' Mr. Travis called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M. in the Mayor's Office in Edgewater City Hall. ROLL CALL ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Travis ~lr. King, Sr. t., r s. N e 9 e d 1 y Mr. l'Jolfe ~1 r. H a r doc k Mr. Nerber Present Excused Present Present Present Excused Mr. Al Blazi Mr. Travis asked the Board to review the minutes of the previous meeting dated July 12, 1979. Mr. Wolfe made a motion to accept the minutes. Mr. Travis said the Board would accept the minutes as stated. OLD BUS HI E S S Mr. Travis stated that the Board was waiting on the cost of lights for the Shuffleboard Court. Mr. Bucky McEver requested to be on the Board of Governors. Mr. Hardock said that was the best kind to have on the Board. r~ r. vJ 0 1 f e : mad e a mot ion to a c c e p t Mr. J 0 s e ph M c Eve r 0 nth e Boa rd. Mr. Hardock seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0; A letter will go to Council to recommend Mr. McEver be appointed to the Board by the next meeting. Mayor Christy passed out a letter from Dave Edwards on information for funding. Mr. Travis suggested that they hold this until the budget discussion. The Board discussed Meals on Wheels and the handball courts. Mr. Blazi said that he would patch and repaint the courts in a light grey and restripe the courts. NnJ BUSINESS A letter was read from the Edgewater Fire Department for a request for additional booths and for a new pavilion. Mr. Blazi is doing the labor. Mr. Travis suggested that the Firemen might be willing to help him with the labor. There was a lengthy discussion on the Community Center rental rates. Mr. Hardock made a motion that the following fees go into effect Non-Local Meetings only Profit Projects $30. to $36., Receptions, Parties Showers $30. to $36., Youth Room Meetings $12. to $15., Receptions, $15. to $18. Kitchen Dinners with full equipment $20. to $24. Light refreshments $15. to $18. Local Organizations Meetings only $6. to $8. Receptions $18. to $22. Youth Room Meetings only $3. to $4. Receptions $8. to $10. Kitchen Dinners with equipment $15. to $18. Light refreshments $5. to $6. Mr. Wolfe seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 4-0. - 1 - ~ ~ &~ These Community Center rates should be effective immediately upon the recommendation of the Council. Mr. Travis stated that at the next meeting he would like to have an election for a Vice Chairman. The New Smyrna Beach Humane Society would like to use the Community Center on Saturdays. The Board decided they would allow the Humane Society use the Community Center on Saturday afternoons provided that the hall will not be in use for City functions. A letter will go to the Council to recommend that the Humane Society be -allowed to use the Center at local rates. A letter will be sent to N.S.B~ Humane Society stating permission for the use of the Community Center at local rates on Saturdays that are not in use for City functions. There was a discussion on the Motor Boat Fund. Mayor Christy suggested that the Board try to get a grant for $7,500.00. He also suggested that the Parks and Recreation needed to get floating docks and extend them. Mr. Travis said that we would need to get in touch with Mr. Dale Everson and perhaps write up a grant. We need to write or call him and tell him that we are interested in a $9,000 grant. The Board discussed the budget and made various recommendations that will be turned in to the City Clerk to be presented to Council. Mr. Wolfe made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Hardock seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned Minutes submitted by Donna Prevatt - 2 -