March 2, 1988 7:00 P.M.
The March meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was called to order
by the Chairman, Harry Montgomery, at 7:05 P.M. in the Edgewater City
Members present were: Harry Montgomery, Jeff Ridgdi1l, and Sue Pezanowski.
Also present was David Garrett, Recreation Director/Buildings & Grounds
Maintenance Superintendent. Dr. Baiin was excused from the meeting and
Kirk Jones was absent.
Mr. Ridgdi11 moved to approve the minutes of the February 3, 1988, meeting.
The motion was seconded by Mrs. Pezanowski and CARRIED 3-0.
Recreational Survey for 5 Year Comprehensive Plan
Mr. Garrett stated that out of 5,200 surveys mailed out, only about 385
were returned. Mr. Montgomery asked what procedure the Board would like
to take in tabulating the surveys and Mr. Garrett said it may depend on
how many we receive all together, as it may not be worth trying to do
it on a computer if we only have maybe 400 at the most. All the Board
members expressed they would be happy to help tabufuate the surveys as
the results would be incorporated into the 5 Year Pl~n which is due to
be sent to the State at the end of March. Mr. Ridgdi11 said he was sorry
we didn't get a bigger turnout and the majority returned seemed to be
from the elderly citizens of Edgewater, so naturally they would want
facilities geared to the elderly, but we should remember we have a thriving
community of all ages.
Update on Rotary Park
Mr. Garrett said he had spoken to Gary Butt the previous day and he said
the Rotary is trying to see how much their Treasury has and how much the
different phases will cost them and which phases they can do when. The
Rotary is still getting their final plans ready to submit to the Building
Department. Mr. Montgomery mentioned Mr. Garrett had said something at
an earlier meeting about helping the Rotary out with money, and Mr. Garrett
said the City had budgeted $5,000. to help with the impact fees for the
water and sewer connections.
Curfews for City Parks
Mr. Garrett stated we have had a few complaints about Umbrella Tree Park
and others, most which happen at late hours. He said he had spoken to
the Police Department and it is their feeling if the hours of the parks
were posted, it would be easier to enforce a curfew. After much dis-
cussion, the Board agreed we need times set up for each individual park,
as some are lighted and some are not. Mr. Ridgdil1 moved to ask Council's
approval for the Park Board to establish a curfew for each individual
park in the city. Motion was seconded by Mrs. Pezanowski and CARRIED 3-0.
Upcoming Baseball Season
Mr. Montgomery asked what was happening with the road across the ball-
field and Mr. Garrett stated he was sending a recommendation to Council
at their next meeting.. This recommendation goes along with the City
Engineer's proposal which says the School Board will provide the materials
and the city will provide the labor to move the existing road.
YEcoming Baseball Season - Continued
He said a letter would probably be going to the School Board next week
with this proposal and if they agree in writing, we will proceed to move
the road. Mr. Garrett stated at this time that our baseball season
would be even bigger and better than last year, as we already have 27
teams signed up. Some discussion was held on the possibility of getting
an:adding machine and a copy machine for the ballfield and was finally
decided we would check into the possibility of leasing a copy machine
for a few months and buying an adding machine.
Impact Fee Monthly Report
The secretary proceeded to read the Impact Fee Monthly Report for the
month of January. Mr. Montgomery asked what the large expenditure to
Town and Country Cabinets was for and Mr. Garrett replied it was for
lumber for the bike path at Whistle Stop Park. All the Board members
agreed the park is really starting to look good. Mr. Montgomery pro-
ceeded to the next item on the agenda.
Parks and Recreation Monthly Report
At this time Mr. Garrett gave the monthly report for his department
which included 53 meetings in the Community Center, completion of the
bikepath at Whistle Stop Park, playground equipment proposals, and 233
baseball signups. He said the sprinkler systems were all installed around
the racquetball, tennis, and restroom facilities and the underground
electric had been hooked up to the restrooms. He also stated we would
be installing a semi-private phone at the park. It.would be a pay tele-
phone with a small monthly charge and the Board agreed this would be a
necessary item at the park for emergencies as well as for children who
would need to call their parents. Mr. Garrett read the latest letter
from the Department of Natural Resources about the swimming area at
Menard Park, which stated we could proceed with placing the buoys after
getting permission from the State Lands Management Bureau. He felt the
issue would be settled well in time for the summer swimming season at
the park. At this time Mr. Garrett read the Thank You letters which
were sent to Larry Hoskins from the Baseball Clinic and to Paul Kasko
from the News Journal for his participation in the Name the Park Contest.
There being no further business before the Board, Mr. Ridgdill moved to
adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Pezanowski. Meeting adjourned at 7:53 P.M.
Minutes submitted by
Barb Kowall
-2- Parks and Recreation Board
March 2, 1988