09-02-1987 \) ~) " ~- \ o o CITY OF EDGEWATER PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD September 2, 1987 7:00 p.m. CITY HALL MINUTES CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL The meeting was called, to order by the Chairman, Harry Montgomery, at ~OOp.m. in the City Hall of Edgewater. Members present were: Kirk Jones, Harry Montgomery, Dr. Bazin, Sue Pezanowski. . :A~lso pres-ent was David Garrett, Recreation Director/Buildings and Ground.Maintenance Superintendent. Mr. Ridgdill arrived at 7:10. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Montgomery called for approval of the minutes of the July 1, 1987 meeting. Dr. Bazin moved the minutes be approved, seconded by Mrs. Pezanowski. Motion CARRIED 4-0. OLD BUSINESS Playground Equipment at Menard-May Park. Mr. Montgomery stated he understands this playground equipment is still sitting in the warehouse. Mr. Garrett answered he has not been able to get a crew together and spend two or three days on it, with people on vacation, sick leave, and such. Mr. Garrett also stated there are some things they have never worked with before, different kinds of materials; that twenty four to twenty six holes have to be dug; they have to call in a concrete truck for one big pour and make sure it all sets up in one day so .kids cannot get in. Mr. Garrett also stated he is trying to get a group right after Labor Day. Mr. Jeff Ridgdill arrived at 7:10. Discussion continued as to playground equipment and Mr. Jones asked what was taking away from' this project, Parks and Recreation or Building ar.~ Maintenance, and Mr. Garrett said both. Dr. Bazin stated apparently, we will have it by next meeting, and Mr. Garrett answered yes. Mr. Montgomery asked a visitor to stand and introduce himself and Mr. Brad Steele stated he had taken recreation and physical education courses; that he had spoken with Mr. Garrett the other day and asked if he could attend this meeting. Mr. Steele was introduced to the'Board and the Secretary by Mr. Montgomery. Mr. Montgomery returned to the subject of the Menard-May Park playground equipment and what things were taking priority. Mrs. Pezanowski stated we should finish one project before starting on another. Mr. Jones asked if a volley ball net had been set up as yet and Mr. Garrett said he had ordered one and also discussed the procedures to be used in starting a volley ball installation. Wind Surfing Mr. Montgomery read the memo received from Mrs. Martinez, City Clerk/ Administrator, which stated the Self-Insurance eommittee has recommended against this activity. Mr. Steele stated in New Smyrna Beach a waiver is signed which releases the City from any liability and Dr. Bazin said Edgewater does not accept waivers. Mr. Jones stated he had brought this subject to the attention of the Board and was going to have ~r. Dave Nichols, who teaches a class in New Smyrna, to speak with the Board. He added Mr. Nichols would have bought an insurance policy for this particular class. Mr. Jones continued he does not want to waste Mr. Nichols' time as we all know what the Attorney has said. A short dicussion continued on this subject with Mr. Garrett stating he had asked Mrs. Martinez about talking to the City Attorney about it and he believes Mrs. Martinez said it would be brought up at the Safety Meeting. Mr. Jones suggested the Board kick this around a little more, as it is a good program. .., o o ;" , NEW BUSINESS Impact Fee Report - Mr. Montgomery' ~tated before we get into the Impact Fee Report, he wants the Board to know the Truss Company property on West Park Avenue had been purchased and Mrs. Pezanowski stated she believes it was dropped about $35,000.00 and Mr. Garrett said this brings that property to 8.65 acres. Mr. Jones asked if this was being taken out of the impact fee and Mr. Garrett said yes, as far as he knows. Mr. Montgomery then turned to the Impact Fee Report and asked if the pitching machine was in there and Mr. Garrett said he doubted that. The Board then discussed the various items on the list, including purchase of a tractor and truck. Mr. Montomgery stated the new balance is $233,183.08, which does not include the purchase of the property; land clearance of the 14 acres; $1,400.00 for clearance of a water line and additional shell for parking which was handled by TNT Excavating Company. The Board then received copies of the budget from Mr. Garrett who discussed the items on the list, including two new employees in the Parks and Recreation Department, and one other strictly for maintenance, plus one secretary. Mr. Garrett said this would give him eight full time and two full time maintenance people and one person to take care of the Community Center, totalling eleven people. Mr. Garrett added that with a secretary he and Mr. Corder would be able to get out more. Mr. Garrett also stated that with the 1987 Budget and Adopted 1988 Budget, it has increased some in a lot of the line items, including Utility Services; Self Insurance from $5,000 in 1985 to $25,000 in 1988; the next line item, Promotional Activities, from $645.00 to $17,500.00, due to the takeover by t.he City Qf the_sports_program, resulting in the City footing the bills for the uniforms, umpires, and everything. Mr. Garrett then stated we are deriving income from sponsors and hopefully it will pretty much balance out. A lengthy discussion followed as Mr. Garrett explained the remaining items on the budget, including Operating Supplies now coming out of the General Fund and not the Impact Fee, Christmas decorations; Machinery and Equipment, of which $18,623 will not be coming out of the Impact Fee, and this will be for a new van; $37,000. carried over in order to complete Veterans' Park. Mr. Garrett then returned to the Impact Fee breakdown of the things he hopes to get, including a bike path on Indian River Boulevard; Bike path on 30th Street taking us to the fourteen acre park; two pavilions at Roberts Road; Fitness Trail; FullCourt Basketball Court; $10,000. for playground equipment and an additional $15,000. for more land clearing; $24,000. to buy some lots in Florida Shores so we can make more neighborhood parks such as Umbrella; park expenses, such as grass seed and fertilizer; shell for Park Avenue property and Veterans' Park expenses, one-half of which will be reimbursed by the Port Authority. Mr. Jones asked if at the 14 acre site there will be lighting and Mr. Garrett said yes. Dr. Bazin asked if the $176,320. is a projection of the impact fee for next year, and Mr. Garrett said yes. Mr. Garrett then displayed a board he had prepared starting with 1984 to 1988, and discussed the various properties they would like to see in the future. Mr. Garrett also pointed out that in 1984 about sixteen acres had been mowed compared to 46 acres today. After discussion, Mr. Montgomery expressed the opinion that again, he believes we really need a separation of Parks and Recreation and Buildings and Grounds main- tenance, and Mr. Bazin agreed it is too much for one head. Mr. Garrett then turned to the Parks and Recreation/Building and Grounds list of work performed for the month of July, higplighting the resurfacing of racquetball courts, land clearing at the fourteen acres; that bids are out for teDnis and racquetball courts. Mr. Garrett also reported the tennisles~ons were very popular, with over twenty one kids showing up and the one week session extended into three weeks. Mr. Garrett went on to explain the long list of miscellaneous work performed. Mr. Garrett stated the Rotary Club is to present him with some plans for the Park Avenue property before they go ahead with anything. Dr. Bazin asked what about the people who want to swim at Menard-May Park through the week when there are no lifeguards, and Mr. Garrett said it is not allowed. -2- Parks and Recreation Board Minutes of September 2; 1987 Meeting . -., .. ~ (.) o f . Mr. Garrett stated the DNR had called to say they are working on the permit for the Veterans' Park as to the dock and stone rebutment and the Board agreed it will be nice to get this started. Mr. Garrett also reminded the Board that Halloween is not far away, to keep this date in mind. He continued he has also approached the School Board about the twenty five acres not being used behind the ballfield. The Board continued discussions as to various projects the members would like to see in the future, and Dr. Bazin asked if any teams from Edgewater are going into the Pop Warner Football Organization and Mr. Montgomery said not too many were interested from this area. Mr. Montgomery stated he believes, however, that we can have one of the finest baseball teams in this area and Mr. Garrett said a lot of new kids moving into the area are asking about baseball. Menard-May Park - Swimming Area - The Board discussed the letter received from D.O.T. claiming this area was a major shipping channel. Mr. Garrett explained all of this is due to the fact he wants to put up buoys people can see when they come down the river in boats, and the Coast Guard says they are hazardous. After discussion of this subject, Mr. Montgomery asked if we still have to hear from the Army Corps of Engineers, and Mr. Garrett replied yes. Miscellaneous - Mr. Montgomery said he would like to know who issued the authorization to destroy one of our fields at the ballpark, and continued a road was put right through the middle of the football field; that it cost us sprinklers, a back stop bought to use it for a practice field, and now we cannot use it. Mr. Montgomery asked Mr. Garrett who authorized this. Mr. Garrett went back a few months and explained a committee had met and decided to extend Turgot to the railroad tracks, go down and hit the old road; that the Mayor agreed, Mr. Nadal;, (Principal, Edgewater Elementary) agreed, and all seemed fine. He continued that about three weeks ago another meeting was held with Mr. Nadal, the Public Works Director, the Police Lieutenant; that a map was handed out showing how the traffic was to flow, etc., and everything looked fine again. But, Mr. Garrett continued, when he returned from his vacation a new route was followed. A discussion continued concerning this problem resulting in a motion moved by Mr. Jones that we find out the reason the road was changed from the original plan and what we can do to change the situation. The motion was seconded by Dr. Bazin. The secretary was then advised to send a letter to Mr. Nadell, with a copy to Dr. Smith, Area Director and to the Mayor and City Council. Mr. Garrett suggested a copy also to Mr. Terry Edgell. Mr. Jones also added we should be compensated for anything that has been taken away. Motion then_CARRIED '5-0. Mr. Jones asked if he could bring up several subjects under Miscellaneous, st~ng with archery classes for the future and would like the Board to think about this. Mr. Garrett suggested perhaps this could be had at the fourteen acres. Mr. Jones then continued he would like the Board to think about teen dances at the Community Center which could be co- sponsored with New Smyrna, and perhaps work with the County if they could supply the facilities. Mrs. Pezanowski stated anything of this nature should first go to the Principal. The Board agreed to think on this. There being no further business before the Board, Mr. Jones moved the meeting adjourn, seconded by Dr. Bazin. The meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m. Minutes submitted by Dorbthy C.' Garrit~ Parks and Recreation Board Minutes of Septemper 2, 1987. -3-