( .-
July 1, 1987 7:00 p.m.
The Chairman, Harry R. Montgomery, called the meeting to order
at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall.
Members present were: Harry Montgomery, Kirk Jones, Dr. Bazin
and Jeff Ridgdill. Sue Pezanowski was excused.
Mr. Montgomery called for approval of the minutes of June .3,1987.
Mr. Rigdill asked that on page two, "Roberts and 28th Street"
should read "Roberts and 30th Street". Dr. Bazin then moved
the minutes be approved as amended, seconded by Mr. Ridgdill.
Motion CARRIED 4-0.
,Impact Fee Trust Fund April Report, Corrected. The secretary
explained ~he impact fee money received for April had not been
reported, and a corrected report has been submitted. The Board
accepted the corrected report.
Impact Fee Trust Fund May Report. Mr. Montgomery asked what the
"Balance - Printout Sheet" means and the--secretary - stated there
are always funds in transit that have to agree with the report
each month, to equal the balance on the printout sheet. The Board
then discussed the report attached showing the disbursal of the
impact fee funds. Mr. Garrett explained the disbursals to the
Board, and especially the Zee Medical, which pertained to First
Aid equipment placed at Menard Park.
Monthly Report, Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Garrett went
over the list of work accomplished during the month, including
new landscaping around City Hall; installation of memorial plaque
at Kennedy Park; minor plumbing repairs at the Community Center
and Library; addition to the Water Plant. Mr. Garrett then reported
we are also hosting the District Farm Tournament and receiving
estimates on new fence to protect portables, which have been moved
right up to the fence and would be susceptible to broken windows.
Mr. Garrett then reported a new fence had been installed around
the Shufflebord Court and electrical problems will be worked on
tomorrow; that a new roof was placed on the south end~
A discussion was held as to the ceremonies that had taken place and
with installation of memorial plaque at Kennedy Park. Mr. Garrett
went on with his report that 65 swimmers a day was the average number
at Menard Park, along with 15 shelter reservations; that Veteran's
Park is almost squared away with additional information sent to the
Corps of Engineers and D.E.R.; that bids are expected back around
July 8th on the 14 acres~ and ten or tw~}ve contractors picked up
the information on clearing; and concluded with miscellaneous,
every day maintenance of the parks, etc. Mr. Garrett also stated
Menard Park has been getting a lot of use and he had received very
few complaints; that the tennis program had only about two kids
showing up so they are going to try again in a few weeks. Mr.
Montgomery said he thought a lot of it is due to families taking
vacations at this time. Mr. Jones asked what advertisements were
put out and Mr. Garrett said it was in the newspapers and flyers
were passed around.
Mr. Garrett then said he had met with representatives. from the
Rotary Club and gave them a map of the land on Park Avenue, and
they stated they would take it back to a comittee to see if they
will totally develop it or what they want to do with it. Dr.
Bazin suggested we keep on this.
Mr. Garrett then informed the Board he had applied for a Community
Development Block Grant, based on neighborhoods which have limited
or fixed incomes, one of the main areas he was trying to get the
money for being the Perdita area. A discussion. was held concerning
the Pointer property also, with nothing ever having been resolved.
Dr. Bazin then suggested the Winn Dixie building would make a good
gymnasium and Mr. Jones saying it would make a nice skating rink,
as parking facilities are already there. Mr. Montgomery stated
the remodeling costs would be the biggest expense. The bowling
building to be opened in the fall was discussed, with the Board
saying it is going to be a metal ,building that won't take long
to put up, that Brunswick just has to put in their equipment.
The Board then turned to the next item on the agenda, the Edgewater's
School Population Report. A discussion was held as to the map
submitted by Mr. Garrett, who explained each item that had been
colored in. Mr. Montgomery stated the Board can really use this
map as a guideline, with one thing showing that the 14 acres was
needed about two years ago, and the fact that 419 students are in
the Park Avenue area. Mr. Garrett was complimented on the fine
job he did with the map. Mr. Ridgdill commented that Roberts Road
property is really needed, that Roberts Road can be reached from
just about any place in Florida Shores. He also stated Roberts Road
and Park Avenue, plus something in Perdita are the three needy areas.
Mr. Jones stated about six or seven roads are 'in there with'about 124
students, and that the kids play in the road every day. Mr. Jones
also added that the Pointer property has never been answered, the
property at the end of Knapp - about fifteen acres. Mr. Ridgdill
said he would look up the owners of the property in that area and
Mr. Garrett said when the Comprehensive Plan gets started, they
will have a lot more information.
Volley Ball Nets for Menard-May Park. The Board agreed this is a
very good idea, and discussed the facL that it would take very
little time to get it in place. Mr. Jones said he would like to
bring up at this time that he has noticed on the Parks and Recreation
Buildings and Grounds, in our title we are parksand Recreation
Advisory Board, not Buildings and Grounds, and he believes Parks and
Recreation is being put on the back burner a lot of times. He
pointed out an example of the Water Plant addition when playground
equipment has been sitting. Quite a discussion followed as to how
Buildings and Grounds got into this, as it is a lot of responsibility
for one person to handle. Mr. Montgomery said that if we go back in
our reports there is more being done for Buildings and ~aintenance
than for Parks and Recreation. Mr. Garrett stated they do get a lot
of help from other departments, too. Mr. Garrett also explained
his set up as to budgets and the number of people who are working
with him, including six for Parks and Recreation. Mr. Jones said
he believes the Parks and Recreation and Buildings and Grounds
should be separate. Mr. Jones went over the budgets from past years
and stated the payroll has grown from $20,000 to $97,790 but wondered
if maintenance is affecting the budget. Mr. Garrett stated he tells
the Board he needs so much for shuffleboard repairs, so much for this
and that. Mr. Jones still stated there should be a separate budget
for Buildings and Grounds. Mr. Montgomery said that in other words
there is a certain amount of budget which covers Parks and Recreation
and Buildings and Grounds, so therefore, if the budget is $50,000 and
Buildings and Maintenance would come to $40,000, that would leave
$10,000 for Parks and Recreation, putting Parks and Recreation on
the back burner. A further discussion followed with Mr. Jones
Parks and Recreation Board
Minutes of July 1, 1987 Meeting
saying he doesn't see how we can get all the Parks and Recreation
work done; that the taxpayers want to see more. Mr. 'Jones also
suggested, with concurrence by Mr. Montgomery, that perhaps the
Board, /as an advisory one, could suggest the separation of Parks
and Recreation and Buildings and Grounds maintenance. Mr. Garrett
explained that if this happened there would be a lot of new job
titles, etc., which would have to be taken before the Merit Board.
Mr. Jones still said it is something that has to be talked about
and Mr. Montgomery agreed that it may not happen tomorrow, but it
does have to be done. The Board discussed this further and agreed
there are more workers needed. Mr. Garrett stated he hoped the
Board could see the overall picture, that he works out of three
budgets. Mr. Montgomery stated no one ever said anything before
the impact fee about just what was being done. Mr. Ridgdill
suggested perhaps as an advisory board, perhaps we could suggest
to Council that Mr. Garrett needs at least two more men, and also
suggest the future separation of these two departments. Quite a
discussion followed as to the budget and how the money is going
to be spent next year, and just what is taken out of the budget,
including salaries.
The Board then returned to the last subject, Volley Ball Nets for
Menard-May Park with the Board saying 12 foot poles would be needed,
plus tires for movability, the net and the ball, and would be passed
on to Mr. Garrett.
Mr. Montgomery then turned to the last item, Baseball Pitching
Machine for Edgewater Baseball Team, and Dr. Bazin immediately
moved that for the purpose of keeping in line with the local
communities such as Port Orange, Holly Hill and Ormond Beach, and
to help prepare young athletes for a more competitive level, that
the Board recommend to Council that the Parks and Recreation
Department purchase a pitching machine, seconded by Mr. Jones.
Motion CARRIED 4-0. Mr. Jones added there has already been an
allocation of $800.00 for a batting cage, for the pitching machine.
Miscellaneous items.
Mr. Jones said he would like to bring up for discussion under
miscellaneous items, the subject of wind surfing, and presented
a letter he had received from Dave Nicholas, wind surfing instructor.
He stated Mr. Nicholas could not attend tonight but hopes to be at
our next meeting, where he will present a slide show on the benefits
brought about and enjoyed by the citizens.
Mr. Ridgdill then returned to the subject of the ribbon-cutting
ceremony for Umbrella Tree Park and suggested this be held for
the press and the public. After discussion, the Board agreed
July 15th at 3:00 p.m. would be suitable and the Council would
be reached personally and invited to attend.
There being no further business, Mr. Ridgdill moved the meeting be
adjourned, seconded by Dr. Bazin. The meeting then adjourned at
8:25 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Dorothy C. Garrity
Parks and Recreation Board
Minutes of July 1, 1987