10-08-1986 \ ." o o CITY OF :E:DGEWATER PARKS AND ROCRFATION BOARD October 8, 1986 7:00 p.m. Carmmity Center MINUI'F.S tl I The Parks and Recreation Board meeting was called to order by the Chairrran, Mr. Harry Montganery, at 7:00 p.m. in the Ccmnunity Center of the City of Edgewater . CALL 'ID ORDER/ROLL CALL Manbers present: Mr. Harry Montganery, Dr. Roland Bazin, Jr., Jeff Ridgdill, Mrs. Sue PezanCMski. Mr. Kirk Jones was excused. APPROVAL OF MINUI'F.S Mr. rt'ontganery called for approval of the minutes of Septanber 10, 1986. Mrs. PezanCMski rroved the minutes be accepted, seconded by Mr. Ridgdill. Motion CARRIED 4-0. I OW BUSINESS Playground Equiprent - Mr. Montgcrnery stated the Board would nCM rrove on to Old Business, Playground Equiprent, and asked Mr. Garrett if Umbrella Tree was, ready for ~prent and Mr. Garrett stated it needs a little rrore fill; that he had been out there after the last rain and there is a lCM spot. Mr. Montgarery said we should really go in and see where we want things placed. Mr. Grrrett said the picnic area should stay in the shaded area closer to the road. Mr. Syd Cohern I s drawing was discussed, Mr. Corhern being an archi teet who had drawn a sketch of the Park for the Board last year. Mr. Montganery asked if Mr. Grrrett would like the Board to go out and see where things are to be placed and Mr. Grrrett said yes, he would apprediate any help he can get and any ideas the Board nay have. The Board then agreed to visit Umbrella Tree Park and the secretary was asked to notify the appropriate people. Mr. Grrrett then asked if the Board could also visit Menard-May Park and see what kind of equipnent could be placed there, too, so that everything could be p.1t on one bid. After sore discussion, the Board agreed to meet on Saturday, October 18th, at 3:00 p.m. at the Ccmnuni ty Center and proceed fran there to the ~ Parks. Mr. Ridgdill asked if there was any equiprent the Council might not approve and Mr. Grrrett stated just to stay aMaY fran high slides, not over eight feet. Mr. M::mtgomery suggested Mr. Grrrett bring a few catalogues along to be used as reference. Mr. Garrett then explained a new by-product fran the water treabrent plant, sorething they put in the water to absorb the lime; it is very fine when they add it and it cares out like little ball bearings. He further explained the City can I t use it for anything; it can I t be mixed with concrete as it does not adhere; you can It use it as filler because it won It c::arpact and on a hard surface it is like ball bearings, so he had the engineer look at it to see hCM safe it would be to p.1t around the playground equiprent as a cushion-tyPe surface, as it would be a lot softer than sand. Mr. Grrrett then secured a sample of this naterial fran his office and passed it around for the Board to view; they were very irrpressed and asked Mr. Grrrett to look into it further and rep:>rt back to the Board. t, NEW BUSINESS Monthly Report - Impa.ct Fee - Mr. Montganery read fran the report that the balance as of July, 1986 was $159,191.07; receipts in August totalled $6,856.50; nothing was disbursed, leaving a new balance of $166,047.57. Dr. Bazin asked if the rroney disbursed last rronth was for the West Park property and l>1r. Montgarery stated yes, fifty sore thousand dollars. Dr. Bazin asked if there had been any rroney disbursed fran the irrpact fee for the purchase of a truck, and Mr. Grrrett said one of the trucks out back was purchased with irrpact fee rroney. Dr. Bazin asked if this was correct, and Mr. Montgarery stated yes, he had inquired, and as long 1 .. o o as it is used for Parks and Recreation business only, impact fee rroney is pennitted for the purchase. Dr. Bazin expressed his opinion that the truck will be registered to the City and he believes it will be used for a lot rrore things than that and asked if this was correct. Mr. Garrett stated no, it is his truck and will be used for Parks and Recreation and maintenance thereof only, and if any other depart::ITent wanted it, it would have to be transferred to that depart::ITent. Mr. M:>ntgarery expressed the opinion that we have senething' really good here in the impact fee rroney, as long as it is not abused and hoped the Board could get sanething started up front to sho,v what we have spent. M:>nthly ReI:X>rt - Parks and Recreation Depart::ITent - Mr. Garrett passed out copies of his reI:X>rt tothe Board nenbers and discussed each item thoroughly, including the Park and Pier work <XXIIpleted. He also explained the paper work has all been finished for the POrt Authority Grant, which included additional boat ramps, Phase I; paving parking lots, Phase II, and rebuilding the old sandbag seawall, Phase III. Mr. Garrett also said the other Grant ccrni.ng up will be for 442, Riverside Drive, for the Veteran's Mem:>rial Park. Mr. Garrett's reI:X>rt included the number of rreetings and activities at the Camtunity Center (29); the number of reservations at Henard-May Park (5-which is cost-free)with an estirrated attendance of 2,500; Shuffleboard Club rreetings (14); ballfield reservations (6) and under miscellaneous, insPection and repair of equiprent at all parks; repair and painting of school bus shelters; m::Ming and trinming at all parks; and rrost of all, work on the new addition to City Hall. Mr . Garrett also explained they had m::Med the grass at two residences, which is not really their job, but it was done because the City did not have the proper equiprent at that t.irre to do it. Mr. Garrett stated he had also reviewed new park sites, as a citizen had offered a piece of property at a reasonable price to increase Menard-May Park, but it developed there was another piece of property between the citizen's property and the Park. Mr. Garrett also discussed a new subdivision caning in, next to the fourteen acres on Roberts Road, and he believes there will be about eighty sore henes, the builder being Coleman Construction. Mr. Garrett also said the people will buy their o.vn lots and have a hene built on thE!n, and it is to be determined whether Coleman Construction will pay the impact fee or donate the land, as the land between the canal and the fourteen acres is really useless to Coleman, but Mr. Garrett doesn't think the State is going to let him fill in the canal, and the last he heard, they-Will be paying the impact fee. Quite a discussion ensued as to the payrrent of the impact fee, h<:M it is determined, and Dr. Bazin asked if they paid the impact fee before they build the house and Mr. Garrett stated they pay when they c:cne in for the Building Penni t. The Board asked the secretary to secure this infonnation for thE!n fran the Plans Examiner, Mrs. Beeco. The Board discussed briefly the suggestion of paying the inq?act fee when the <XXIIpleted house is sold, . instead of at the ti..Ire of securing the building PeW t. A small discussion follo,ved concerning this matter. Nr. C'..arrett then presented to the Board the new fonns to be used for .each Park as it progresses. He also explained each subject on the sheet, such as location of the park, type of park, service area in miles, pJp..llation served, ho.v funded, etc. Mr. Garrett continued that further on in the form there is space for future facilities and improvements, ho,v it was acquired, the value, soil and other natural restrictions and all relevant subjects concerning the park. The Board was very pleased with this form and stated it is what the Boatd has needed. A discussion follo.ved concerning the Shuffleboard Club, maintained by the rrenbers but the property is owned by the City. The Board also discussed the large rrenbership of this club, people cx::rning fran allover the country to participate in the tournanents. The Board again thanked Mr. Garrett for the new fonns to be used for the Parks and Mr. Garrett said Mr. Jones is going to try and have than put into a <XXIIputer for future use. -2- Parks and Recreation Board Minutes - Meeting of October 8, 1986 '\ . o o Hallo.veen House - Mr. Garrett stated there is going to be quite a change this year, due to the' - Construction of the City Hall addition, as there is no space to - construct the layouts as they did last year, plus the fact elections, candidate's night and the fire depart:rrent' s installation dinner all occur the saIre week. He continued they are forced to cut it do.vn to a costlnne party, with a carnival type atrrosphere on the inside; games, prizes, refreshrrents, etc. Mrs. Pezanowski agreed to speak to the Girl Scouts as to their participation in a tx:x::>th, with everyone in costurre. Mr. Montgarery suggested an ad be put in the paper regarding Hallo.veen House being replaced by a cami val-costurre party. The Board stated they were very disappointed there ~uld not be a Hallo.veen House and Mr. Garrett said he did not want to go ahead with a Hallo.veen House that might go do.vn hill due to lack of space for construction. Mr. Garrett also said the Rotary Club has offered to donate five hundred dollars toward the purchase of prizes, drinks, etc. The Board then discussed the various ccmpanies who may donate gifts or prizes and Mr. Ridgdill asked if the Fourth of July people who set up games could be contacted. Mr. Garrett answered the Fire Depart:rcent had been in charge of rrost of those garnes and he ~uld like to keep this affair as free as possible. Mr. Garrett also stated that during baseball season they had ordered enough popcorn to cover Hallo.veen House. He also said he ~uld contact the Ohio Buckeye Club as they are always willing to help out. Miscellaneous - Mr. Montgorrery then approached the subject of the rreeting date of this Board being changed fran the second Wednesday to the first Wednesday of each rronth and, after sate discussion, Mr. Ridgdill rroved the rreeting be changed to the first vednesday- .of each rront:l), seconded by Dr. Bazin. The secretary was instructed to send a rrerro to the Mayor and City Council members for their approval of this change. Motion CARRIED 4-0. There being no further business, Mr. Ridgdill rroved the rreeting be adjourned, seconded by Mrs. Pezano.vski. Motion CARRIED 4-0. The rreeting then adjourned at 7:59 p.m. Minutes sul:Initted by Dorothy C. Garrity Parks and Recreation Board Minutes Meeting of October 8, 1986 -3-