September la, 1986 7:00 p.m.
Community Center
(.) 0
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center of
the City of Edgewater.
Members present were: Harry Montgomery, Chairman; Kirk Jones, Vice Chairman; Sue
Pezanowski, Jeff Ridgdil1. Dr. Bazin was excused. Also present was David Garrett,
Parks & Recreation Director.
Mr. Jones ITOved the minutes of August 13, 1986 be accepted, seconded by Mrs.
Pezanowski. Motion CARRIED 3-0. (Mr. Ridgdill arrived at 7: 05) ,._' --'
Mr. Montgomery then welcomed Sue Pezanowski as our new Board Member and
introduced her to each member.
Request of Council to Conduct a Study and Fonnulate a Policy to Acquire, Develop
and Maintain Open Spaces of Parks and Recreational Areas. Mr. Montgomery announced
the above subject and stated he believed the Board does its job; Mr. Garrett does
his job; that we have no problem with having to fonnulate anything. Mr. Montgomery
asked the Board for suggestions as to what to do and the Board agreed to just let
this matter die on the table and get on with other business.
Community Center Usage Fee Study was announced as the next order of business and
Mr. Montgomery stated Mr. Jones \\Duld like to discuss the exempt and non-exempt
categories. Mr. Jones asked if the non-exempt people were really paying for the
people who are exempt, and the secretary read from the group 'Cif non-exempts. Mr .
Jones then asked how many hours were involved in the exempt people and the secretary
said these figures were not broken down as to exempt and non-exempt usage as to
utilities, etc. Mr. Garrett stated the usage of this building could change"when the
addition to City Hall is finished; that the Park Board could meet in the new
Council Chambers; that a lot of meetings could be held there which would change
the overall picture. Mr. Jones continued that he wanted to know if the use of the
lights jpst - as here this evening, is being paid for by the non-exempt people. Mr .
Montgomery then stated last years I usage was $33.00 per usage and it will go up to
$42.00, a $9.00 approximate increase. Mr. Garrett stated it costs right now $33.00
a day to run this building, whether anyone rents it or not. Mr. Jones asked if the
insurance, utilities, etc. is all included, and Mr. Montgomery answered yes. The
Board then discussed the meetings held by the Board, the City Council, etc., which
totaled 246 usages. Quite a discussion followed as to the usage of the Community
Center for the Community. Mrs. Pezanowski made a suggestion of a straight fee of
$5.00 per usage to all, but after discussion, Mr. Montgomery said ITOSt exempt are
City oriented, such as Arts & Crafts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Fire Department, etc.
Mr. Ridgdill then ITOved we increase the fees to a thirty-percent (30%) increase
across the board, seconded by Kirk Jones. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Monthly Report of Impact Fee Trust Fund. Mr. Montgomery asked if the July disbursal
of $50,842.55 was for the purchase of property at Park Avenue and Mr. Garrett answered
yes;:, with Mr. Jones asking how much of that property will be for us. The Board
agreed it was somewhere between seven, close to eight acres. Mr. Montgomery stated
we now ,have a $159,191.07 balance.
Monthly Report of Parks and Recreation Director
Mr. Garrett read from his ITOnthly report, starting with the renaming of the Park and
pier to Kennedy Merrorial Park and stated a bronze plaque had been ordered inscribed
"George R. Kennedy Merrorial Park", to be placed in a large coquina rock near the
entrance. The Board agreed this was a very nice idea. Mr. Garrett continued with
his report of work completed during the ITOnth of August, 1986 and the Board stated
this was qui te impressive. Mr. Garrett said one of the biggest i terns was \\Drk on
the addition to City Hall, with the air conditioning lines, computer wiring,
. .
telephone lines, electricity, etc., being installed. He also stated every piece of
equipnent they have has broken down once and even _ twice, slowing action. Mr .
Ridgdill asked'if there was no charge for reservations for use of the ballfield,
and Mr. Garrett replied, no charge. Mr. Jones asked the condition of the ballfield
as he knows the fire deparbnent corrpetes out there with Turnbull. Mr. Garrett stated
some of the firemen VwDrk for him and they make sure the field is in good condition.
Mr. Garrett then presented his 1987 operating budget, at which time the rise of
insurance costs was noted. The impact fee was also discussed, noting the rise each
year since it went into effect. Mr. Montgomery asked what was planned for the impact
fee rroney, and Mr. Garrett asked the Board to turn to page three, his Impact Fee
Report. Mr. Garrettthen explained the proposed expenditures for bleachers, additional
ballfield, improvements to Veteran I s Meuorial Park, Roberts Road property, and play-
ground equipment. The Board discussed at length playground equipment to be purchased
and placed in the parks, and Mr. Garrett stated the high costs of insurance has slowed
this action.
Mr. Montgomery asked when Halloween House will be held this year and Mr. Garrett
said it will be on a Friday this year at 6: 00 p.m. Mr. Garrett also asked the Board
to come up with some new suggestions for this year, as it takes quite a bit of time.
The Board then went back to Mr. Garrett I s report and Mr. Jones asked what could be
done at Umbrella Tree Park. Mr. Ridgdill also asked if the $10,000 allotted to
Florida Shores and Park Avenue for playground equipment VwDuld include enough rroney
to do Umbrella Tree as he believed the blueprints on Umbrella Tree Park were very
good. Mr. Montge>rrery stated the rroney, could possibly be spread around. Mr. Jones
then asked Mr. Garrett if he had received price checks as to racquet ball and the
four tennis courts and Mr. Garrett stated they had called different people and came
up with the figure of $60,000, roughly. Mr. Jones also expressed the idea that Mr.
Garrett I s crew could possibly get the equipment and do the placement themselves at
Umbrella Tree Park, thus saving the arrount of rroney it VwDuld take to contract it out.
Mr. Ridgdill then asked if Mr. Garrett was planning on ordering the equipment. getting
it put in and have that as top priority once it gets in, or is he going to have
Roberts Road cleared. Mr. Garrett said they are getting to these one at a time
and Mr. Jones said he thinks Umbrella Tree would be the ideal place to start, to
start small, and Mr. ,Ridgdill added yes, to get rromentum. Mr. Montgomery said for
over two years we have been working on this and Mr. Jones said the land was free;
we could at least get equipment on it. Mr. Ridgdill then asked why we couldn It go
ahead right now and order some equipment and Mr. Garrett said there would be no palce
to put it just at this time. The Board agreed to discuss this next rronth.
The Board again discussed sarre ideas for Halloween House and decided they can discuss
this at next rronth I s meeting, which will be approximately three weeks before Halloween.
Mr. Montgarrery asked if there was anYthing further" and Mr. Jones said yes, he had
made a computer printout concerning the Comprehensive Five Year Plan, which is now
compulsory by law. Mr. Jones outlined in detail exactly what will appear on this
printout which is to be adhered to the cover of each park folder. Mr. Jones said
there will be some changes, and he will work with Mr. Garrett to present it to the
Board; that perhaps in five or six rronths we will have it complete. Assistant City
Planner LYnne Plaskett stated to Mr. Garrett' that she will also help on the
Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Garrett then told the Board he had attended a meeting with Mr . Owen Davidson
concerning the DBCC sketch plans for recreational facilities, etc. He also said
they discussed various actions to be taken as yet, whether Edgewater and/or New
Smyrna are going to jump into this, or just what is going to happen. He added
there are a loi.: of things to be ironed out, but it is under way. Mr. Ridgdill asked
just where it will be and Mr. Garrett said the main entrance will be at lOth Street
of New Smyrna Beach and a secondary entrance to it off Park Avenue.
There being no further business, Mr. Jones rroved the meeting be adjourned, seconded
by Mr. Ridgdill. The meeting then adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
lfUnutes sul::mi tted by
Dorothy C. Garrity
Parks and Recreation Board
Minutes of September 10, 1986