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July 9, 1986 7:00 p.m.
Corrmuni ty Center
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Thomas Sheridan, in the
Corrmunity Center of Edgewater.
Members present were: Thomas Sheridan, Harry Montgomery, Dr. Bazin , Jeff Ridgdill.
Kirk Jones arrived at 7:08 p.m. ;"Also present.; David Garrett, Parks and Recreation
Director /Building and Grounds Maintenance ~/
Mr. Sheridan stated he had two changes to the minutes: one, on page 2, where it
is stated "Council has given the Parks and Recreation authorization to contract
to have it done. . .", should read "Parks and Recreation Department. . ."
Also, on page 4, paragraph 3, it reads " . . . which was dedicated as a Veteran I s
Merrorial Park by the Council at their last meeting . . ." should. read "by the
former Council at their last meeting . . .". A short discussioT' then followed
regarding a merro from Cornelia A. Martinez, City Clerk/Administrator, regarding changinc;r
of words in minutes. The Board stated anything already said cannot be changed,
but of course corrections are allowed. Mr. Montgomery then moved the minutes be
accepted as corrected, seconded by Dr. Bazin. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Request of Council for Clarification of Procedural Policy.
Mr. Sheridan asked the Board to notice in their packet conversations Mr. Sheridan
had had with some of the Council members and stated he knew some of the members
pf Council could understand it and he doesn I t know why some Council members
pould not comprehend it. He continued a lot of things were said, such as the Board
was overstepping their authority and things like that, which was not the intent of
the request. The Board entered into a very serious discussion of this matter, with
Mr. Sheridan stating he doesn It think he can make it any more clear and for the
Board to determine what action should now be taken. Mr. Sheridan stated the Board
came up with this request due to the fact that in the past the Board has been in and
out about certain th i..ngs they had not been authorized to do, and this request was
to give the Board assurance that they were on the right track, not wasting a lot of'
time assembling information, putting it together, sending it to Council and then
they send it back. After further discussion, Dr. Bazin moved we re-word the request
as follows: "Request for authorization to conduct a study and fonnulate a standard
procedural policy concerning the acquisition, developrrent and maintenance for open
spaces, parks and recreational areas, the purpose of which is to allow the Parks
and Recreation Board to make a more accurate reconmendation to the Council '. " The
motion was seconded by Mr. Ridgdill and CARRIED 4-1, Mr. Sheridan voting No.
Fonn for Recording Status of Parks and Recreation Board Business
Mr. Sheridan stated he did not have a chance to get around to this but reconmended
the Board go ahead and carre up with something. Mr. Ridgdill stated that in essence,
we are talking about creating a file and Mr. Jones added yes, on each park, each
particular recreational facility. Mr. Sheridan suggested the information that
I should be in each file, such as listing the type of acquisition, the cost, the
facilities that are in there, and also any changes that come up, plus additional
space or room for expansion. He further explained any information needed in the
future would be right there in the file.. The secretary stated she had already
started files on each Park which could be used. Mr. Sheridan said yes, plus
there could be a sheet with everything set out as to what has been done to date.
A lenqthv discussion followed and Mr. Sheridan asked for volunteers to make
suggestions at the next meeting. Mr. Montgomery suggested the Board corrpile, by
the next meeting, how many Parks there are, etc., and perhaps break it down to each
taking a couple and Mr. Sheridan added he is sure there is a sheet somewhere that
states the area of the park, the facilities that are there, and all the rest. He also
added that now, on top of everything, with the insurance problems we are having today,
we should try to find out from the insurance corrpany before any equipnent goes into
the Parks, if they are insurable. Mr. Garrett stated Mrs. Sigler has an invento:ry
of what is in the buildings, the materials in there, etc. and the histo:ry. He added
Menard is alIrost corrpleted, so it can be done. Mr. Sheridan stated what he is
suggesting will not be a comprehensive histo:ry but just give us something to work
with. He added he believes we should have a numbering system for the Parks, and a
list of facilities in each of the parks to be made into a brochure to be presented
to new PeOple in town, so they will know where these recreational facilities are
and what is available at each park. Mr. Jones stated he believes there is a fom
already made up to standardize parks and agreed to look into this before his vacation.
Several members reported they will be going on vacations but intend to be here by
the next meeting.
Monthly Report on Recreational Impact Fee Trust Fund
The secreta:ry announced she had secured this report with the help of Mrs. Martinez and
Mrs. Sigler. Mr. Sheridan stated he believes the Bell property (at Park Avenue)
will be settled soon, and about $37,500 will be coming out of the impact fee toward
the $99,000 purchase price. He added by the time the next $37,500 has to be paid,
the impact fee fund may already have accumulated another $37,500. Mr. Sheridan also
said he heard one of the Councilmen stating the other night that he didn't want to
buy anyrrore property because we don I t have the rroney to do it with. Mr. Montgome:ry
said Perhaps they have this rroney earmarked for something else, and Dr. Bazin said
they can't do that. Mr. Sheridan stated yes they can, as the Ordinance states II at
the discretion of the City Council II . There followed a short discussion on the
status of the impact fee rroney.
Monthly Report from Parks and Recreation Department
Mr. Garrett read his rronthly report which was ve:ry detailed and corrplete, including
the number of acres in each park, the ballfield, landfill site, etc. Mr. Garrett
also presented a list of the impact fee, the balance as of July 7th being $206,000
and listed the probable cost of future lands and playground equipment at Umbrella
Tree and Menard, totaling $155,000. He also added for PeOple who wonder what we
will do with this rroney, it can go pretty fast. ~rr. Garrett also presented a ve:ry
complete report as to the Parks and Recreation/Building and Grounds activities,
concerning the number of teams, the number of players, attendance records, etc.. Mr .
Sheridan asked why we have not heard from the new Assistant Planner as to grants and
Mr. Garrett stated she has been working on the Comprehensive Plan, working on many
developrrents, which has to be gone over by her in detail.
Mr. Garrett then stateci he would like to discuss the matter of a few parks, like
Sanchez, which originally was a street, a 50 foot right-of-way, which the City has
maintained over the years, but until Council gives authorization to use it as a
park, we can I t enforce the park regulations. The City Attorney, he continued,
suggested a rrotion come from the Parks and Recreation Board that we wish to use
these streets as a park, to enforce the rules and regulations. Mr. Garrett also
continued that other than Sanchez, there is Hardin Place, just a path, but a lot
of PeOple still use it; it is halfway between Menard and Sanchez and PeOple still
walk down there. Mr. Garrett said Virginia Street is another, and Boston Road, down
by the fish camp. Mr. Ridgdill asked if Mr. Garrett would like a recomnendation
from us to present before the Council on this, and Mr. Garrett replied II right II , that
these be turned over to the Parks and Recreation to be used as parks instead of
just access roads so the rules could be enforced. After further discussion by the
Board, Dr. Bazin rroved the Board reccmnend to Council that the property of Sanchez
and other properties under consideration and owned by the City, street rights-of way
etc., be allocated to the Parks and Recreation Department. These properties are on
the east side of Rvierside Drive. The rrotion was seconded by Mr. Ridgdill and CARRIED
Discussion of Special Meeting and Minutes of Council pertaining to Parks and Recreation
The Board discussed several items appearing in these minutes. Mr. Garrett- stated his
Department is paid cut of the general fund, the Parks and Recreatio!C Budget. A .
further discussion continued regardi.T1g the impact fee and citizens asking what is
Parks and Recreation Board
Minutes of 7/9/86 Meeting
~ ,
being done with the recreational fee rroney, and the fact that sane of the
new impact fee may go to the County for County roads, although (Me Sheridan believes \.
Edgewater just had one County road, Park Avenue, but he is not sure. Dr. Bazin
questioned the area of paying the lifeguards, and Mr. Ridgdill added if it is out
of the impact fee, where does it stop; Dr. Bazin added next it would be insurance.
Mr. Sheridan then asked if there was further discussion regarding the special minutes
and Dr. Bazin stated he believes the question of who pays for the lifeguards will
come up next rronth.
Mr. Sheridan then stated there was one thing he wanted to discuss before closing and
that is, this Board operates under the Sunshine Laws of the State of Florida; that
the same law applies to Council as pertains to all the rest, all appointed or
elected officials. Mr. Jones added the only thing this Board does not have t() do
is file a financial disclosure, and added. the reason being the BoardcouldA~e
zoning changes that would benefit themselves.
There being no further discussion, Mr. Jones rroved the meeting adjourn, seconded by
Dr. Bazin. The rrotion CARRIED 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Minutes sul:mi tted by
Dorothy C. Garrity
Parks and Recreation Board
Minutes of 7/9/86 Meeting