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June 11, 1986 7:00 p.m.
Corrmuni ty Center
The meeting was called to order by the Chainnan, Thomas Sheridan, at 7: 00 p.m.
in the Corrmunity Center of Edgewater.
Members present were: Kirk Jones, Thomas Sheridan, Jeff Ridgdill, Dr. Bazin;
Harry Montganery arrived later in the evening. Also present were Dave Garrett,
Parks and Recreation Director and Brent Woronoff, Reporter.
Mr. Sheridan asked for approval of minutes of the May 14th meeting and
suggested that on page 2, where Mr. Jones stated we should " . . . talk with
the voters . . ." that the word "voters" be changed to "6itizens". Dr. Bazin
rroved the minutes be accepted as corrected, seconded by Mr. Ridgdill. Motion
CARRIED 4-0. Mr. Sheridan then welcaned Mr. Jeff Ridgdill. to the BQard.
Jurgenson Property
Mr. Sheridan announced the Jurgenson Property was open for discussion. Mr. Jones
stated the Council has given us this property toward recreation and this survey
shows how much we have available to work with. The Board discussed the size of
this property and Dr. Bazin asked if it is large enough to launch a boat and
Mr. Garrett answered no. Mr. Garrett stated it is a nice, natural scenic area
and Mr. Sheridan suggested the area be cleared and a few picnic tables and b ches
be placed where people could sit and look at the river; that it should be Ie _
in its natural state and that perhaps there could be a walkway and parking
After discussion, Mr. Jones rroved that we turn this over to Mr. Garrett and
to keep it in its natural setting. Dr. Bazin seconded the rrotion. Motion
~lonthly Status Report from Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Sheridan asked the
Board to turn to the diagram prepared by Mr. Garrett and stated there were a few
questions he would like explained concerning the hours worked. He said he would
like to see the hours separated as to Parks and Recreation maintenance and Parks
and Recreation business. Mr. Garrett stated his crews overlap into Parks and
Recreation maintenance and Parks and Recreation business, wherever they are needed
to get the job done. Mr. Sheridan stated he believes they are sometimes working
maintenance on Parks and Recreation rroney and sorretimes working Parks and Recre-
ation on maintenance rroney. There was further discussion as to Mr. Garrett's
payroll and Mr. Garrett said he has one man paid out of the General Fund and one
out of the Corrmunity Center budget. Mr. Jones recalled that when he first carne
on the Board they did not have a Parks and Recreation Director and when they
finally got one, he did not realize it would also be the title of Supervisor
of ~Bintenance. He believes it may be a problem in the future doing two jobs and
being understaffed. He also added he v.;ould like to see it get back to Parks and
Recreation only. Mr. Sheridan again discussed the hours worked and asked Ivl..r.
Garrett for a separation but Mr. Garrett answered he wouldn't have time to
break down everybody's hours. Mr. Sheridan suggested there could be a code,
one for Parks and Recreation and one for Maintenance. Mr. Garrett stated he sorne- ./
times has one man going back and forth eight times during the day, doing things
for different departments and going from one end of the City to the other.
Quite a lengthy discussion followed as to the number of employees covering both
jobs. Mr. Ridgdill asked if the Board was trying to get what each man is paid
and Mr. Sheridan answered no, just vJhat it is CO;;i"ting us to do this v.;ork. ~..r .
Jones then stated we are supposed to help, direct and advise and Dr. Bazin added
he doesn I t know why we should get into all this. Mr. Sheridan said because it is
just not satisfactory as it is not done in a business like manner. Mr. Ridgdill
stated he thinks the chart is excellent and covers both things and believes it
would be quite a task to separate them unless Mr. Garrett could corne up with a code.
Mr. Ridgdill also stated that what Mr. Garrett has to \\Ork with, the chart is
broken down pretty good. Mr. Jones then IIDved we accept this IIDnthly report
status rmtil we can get something IIDre in a code fashion. The motion. was seconded
by Dr. Bazin and CARRIED 4-0.
Mr. Garrett then presented the Board with a much IIDre detailed report on what has
been done, stating serre of the items covered IIDSt of the agenda items to be
discussed. Mr. Garrett's report started with the Park and Pier, stating the
seawall has been completed, block layed at the new shelter, and that the side-
walk paving arormd the seawall is fifty Percent complete. At this point Mr.
Sheridan asked what happened to the buoys and Mr. Garrett answered the engineers
told him how to put them up and was then told he couldn't leave them out there
and they had to be pulled out. He stated this is still pending, and Mr. Sheridan
said this is the kind of thing that should be reported to the Board.
Mr. Garrett continued with his report of the Menard Park, stating lifeguards had
been hired, they have purchased IIDre equipment, ,set towers, and that the::.
response from the public has been very good. The next item in the report was
442 and Riverside Drive, (Veteran's MeIIDrial Park) where Mr. Garrett has applied
for permits for seawall and fishing docks. Mr. Sheridan then asked if anything
had been said about a merrorial IIDnurnent being constructed there and Mr. Garrett
said it had been mentioned but no one ever came back to discuss it. Mr. Sheridan
stated it was in the paper that \\Ork \\Ould begin on a merrorial at Veteran's
Me.rrorial Park and he believes the Board should know these things. Mr. Garrett
said he would like to know this kind of thing, also.
Quite an extensive report followed concerning the ballfields, the tournarrents
to be held there, and a treasurer's report showing a good balance in the black
for this year. Mr. Harry Montgomery arrived at 7:30 p.m. and was introduced
to Mr. Ridgdill. Mr. Garrett continued that the Carmn.mity Center has had thirty
five meetings and activities during the IIDnth of May; that ten loads of fill dirt
had to be applied to level the 15th and Umbrella Tree Park property. Mr. Sheridan
interrupted to ask Mr. Garrett if he does not intend to contact Mr. Corhern, the
architect, to go ahead with his projections for Umbrella Tree and Mr. Garrett said
he \\Ould like to, but believes the area is not ready as yet. Mr. Sheridan stated
Cormcil has given the ~*authorization to contract to have it done and Mr.
Garrett stated if we hire contractors we have to be there to supervise them, to
make sure they are doing it right. Further discussion followed as to the steps:
being taken for Umbrella Tree Park and Mr. Sheridan gave a short backgrormd to
Mr. Ridgdill. He continued we have children playing in the streets, children
playing in vacant lots, PeOple living up there who have paid their recreational
impact fee, paid their good IIDney for recreation for their kids and families
and they haven' t received a thing. He added the Board has to take IIDney out of
the impact fee, so let's do it and get it over, with and give the people what
they. ~ paid for. Mr. Sheridan also stated we have taken in over a quarter of a
million dollars in the past two and one half years in impact fee IIDney but we
don't have any evidence of anything being done except one piece of land which
was bought; he also added he thinks it is totally rmfair to the public and
would like this on the public record.
Mr. Ridgdill asked if the m::mey is there to do the job, and Mr. Sheridan stated
certainly it is, and that Dr. Bazin will be making a report later in the meeting
on the IIDney we have in the impact fee frmd which, as of the last meeting, had
a balance of $179,000.00.
Mr. Garrett then continued his report with the Roberts Road property and annormced
there is not much change. He continued that regarding the Park Avenue property,
the City Attorney is looking into that, getting surveys, title search and
permission for Florida Power and Light to secure an easement. Mr. Sheridan said
when they make a survey of the Park Avenue property he rmderstands they are going
to include the bike path and rmderstands it will cost the citizens $2,500 or have
the $2,500 taken out of the impact fee. Mr. Garrett referred the Board to a meIID
from Mrs. Martinez to the Director of Public Works requesting roadway improvements
to Park Avenue and construction of a Pedestrian/bikeway facility. Another lengthy
discussion followed as to whether the bike path is a safety IIDve or for recre-
ation. Mr. Ridgdill stated if it is for recreation it should come out of the impact
fee, and Mr. Montgomery stated originally the bike path was wanted for the kids,
as they couldn't get a bus to school, and Mr. Ridgdill added PeOple using the bike
path could also be using it as a recreational facility, that it \\Ould be killing-
two birds with one stone by having a survey.
*Should read: " . . . given the parks2&" Recreation
Deparbnent "
Parks and Recreation Board
Minutes of Jrme 11, 1986 Meeting
Mr. Garrett continued his report with discllssion of the 36th and Mango property,
stating there is at least.a one and one-half lot that joins City property and
the City attorney is negotiating with the realtor on getting that property,
which is the property the Magnuson Corporation wanted to sell. Mr. Sheridan
asked why they are attempting to utilize that piece of land when Council turned
down the four listed items of land this Board agreed on. Mr. Garrett said this
lot and a half could be bought for about $500.00. Mr. Garrett stated he had also
sent a merro to Council suggesting the purchase of seven lots on Tarrarand and four
lots on Woodland, which were not for sale when the Board went out and looked at
some sites. Mr. Garrett said he believes these corner lots are better sites and
took his recornnendation to Council. The Board discussed these properties at length
and Mr. Jones rroved the Board back up Mr. Garrett I s recorrmendation for these t\\D
properties, seconded by Mr. Ridgdill. Motion CARRIED 4-1, Mr. Sheridan vo1;.ing No.
Procedural Policy Status
Mr. Sheridan announced the Procedural Policy could not be taken off the table as
the Councilman who tabled it was not present at the last Council meeting. .
Report by Dr. Bazin on Recreational Impact Fee-Trust Fund
Dr. Bazin reported the balance of the Impact Fee Trust Fund as of April, 1986,
is $186,383.37, and this figure includes $4,207.70 total expenditures taken out
as of this year. Dr. Bazin stated the budget for the Parks and Recreation Board
is $100,000 per year and the balance still in escrow is $90,591, even though our
entire budget VJOuld be expended, and it is going to keep increasing, too, due to
impact fees. Dr. Bazin concluded that the rroney spent, just $4,207.70, shows
rroney is not being spent where it shouldn It and Mr. Sheridan added there is nothing
to spend it on. Dr. Bazin asked if the Board VJOuld like this broken down and Mr.
Sheridan said no, we just need to know the rronthl y balance. Dr. Bazin said it is
a public record which hangs in the lobby every rronth.
Report by Harry Montgomery on twenty one classrooms at the Elementary School.
Mr. Montgomery stated he was told there. will not be any building there for-
three or four years and that before anything is done the City will be notified
so there should not be a problem. He also stated portables will be rroved there
and discussed the idea of rroving the fence on number one field to make it the
larger field, and Mr. Garrett said the fence could be rroved in about seventy five
feet. Nr. Montganery added he is not sure exactly where the portables are to be
set up and they may not have to rrove the fences, and he understands eight or nine
portables are being ordered. Mr. Garrett said the parents and the P. T .A. are quite
proud of the ballfields, and Dr. Bazin added yes, and $5,000 in the black, too.
Review and Discussion of Ordinance #82-0-17, 5/17/82, of the Parks and Recreation
Mr. Sheridan stated the reason:fOr discussion of this Ordinance is the fact that some
people believe we are overstepping our limitations; that we are doing some things
we shouldn I t do; that we are infringing on certain people I s areas; and that he VJOuld
like to review this Ordinance which lays out exactly what the Board~ should do and
what the Board is entitled to do. Mr. Sheridan then read sections of the Ordinance
pertaining to the duties of the Board, several of which are the recorrmendations of
land acquisition for public parks and recorrmendations for maintenance and operation
of City Park facilities. He concluded by saying the Board shall provide broad policy
recorrmendations to City Council on all matters, not some matters, pertaining to:-pUblic
parks and City recreation. Quite a discussion followed concerning this Ordinance
with the Board stating that sometimes their hands are tied, that to some people
the Board is very important but to others this Board is not that important. Mr .
Sheridan stated the reason the Board is low man on the totem pole has to do with
funds, that they don It want to take rroney out of the City budget for Parks and
Recreation; that they don It have to take it out of the City budget as we have an
impact fee to take care of it and we are not using it. Mr. Sheridan asked that if
Mr. Garrett had the time, could he have an ouside contractor do the VJOrk, and Mr.
Garrett said we will be using close to $100,0000 of that rroney pretty quick on the
land at Park Avenue, for one, but the Board stated they are not taking the whole
chunk anyway, just taking half at this time.
Parks and Recreation Board
Minutes of June 11, 1986
A further discussion followed as to Mr. Garrett not having to answer to the
Board as they believe he is quite capable of making decisions. Mr. Ridgdill
stated he is just stepping into this, but from what he l1as heard, Mr. Garrett
has a job he gets paid for; that he does have separate jobs and does things
this Board should know alx:mt but doesn't have to report to the Board. Mr .
Ridgdill further stated he believes there is a comnunication break down here.
He stated Mr. Sheridan seerred to be saying we should have known about the ThD
proposed properties to Council, but that in this situation, Mr. Garrett explained
he had to get the infonnation to Council by noon today. Mr. Montgomery then said
he believes Mr. Garrett is quite capable of making decisions also, and Mr. Ridgdill
added he doesn't think the City is going to say Mr. Garrett has to tell the Board
everything he is going to do. Mr. Jones then said Mr. Garrett's authority lies
with the Council; that our Board is no authority; we are just advisory and we
cannot start to direct him in everything he does. Mr. Sheridan stated this is
not what he is asking; that the Board just wants to know what is going on. Mr .
Garrett stated no one calls him between meetings to discuss anything, and Mr. Jones
stated he believes things are running pretty srrooth.
Form for Recording Status of Parks and Recreation Board Business
Mr. Sheridan read from a rough draft he had prepared and Mr. Jones asked if it will
be a surrmary of each thing that has been done. and Mr. Sheridan answered yes,
everything will be listed, plans, scheduling, land cleared, etc. The Board believes
this to be a good idea and Mr. Ridgdill ITOVed that the Board have a sample sheet
made up and discuss the possibility at the next meeting. Motion was seconded by
Mr. Montgomery and CARRIED 5-0.
Menard-l'1ay Park
Mr. Sheridan stated we had discussed the Menard-May Park but added he had heard
of an event where some kids swam across the river and the lifeguard deserted the
beach and went after them. Mr. Garrett said we are not responsible; if someone
enters the water at someone else's property, the City is not responsible, but in
the former event, that person had been drinking, was ir.toxicated and fully clothed \j
and the lifeguard believed his life was in danger.
Veterans' Merrorial Park "Merrorial"
Mr. Sheridan then brought up the fonner question of someone having a merrorial
at the Veteran's Merrorial Park, which is situate:Lat the end of 442 and In9i-~____former
River Boulevard, which was designated as a Veteran's Merrorial Park by the/ Council
at their last meeting. Mr. Sheridan added he would like to know what the Board
should ITOni tor, and if there is anything to ITOni tor.
Installation at Duck Lake Park
Dr. Bazin asked just where this park is and was told by a Board member that it is
located at 16th and Mango. Mr. Garrett stated he had discovered that the lakes have
names and this had been called Lake Laurel. When Mr. Sheridan suggested each park
should be designated and identified by a number and name, Mr. Garrett said the
parks are already numbered. A discussion then ensued as to the installations at
Duck Lake, such as picnic tables and a little shelter which had been rerroved
from the old cooking pit. Mr. Jones believes it does not look too bad and Nr.
Montgomery added a lot of people go fishing there. Mr. Garrett suggested the
Board wait and see how much it gets used and if it gets a lot of use, there can be
ITOre facilities. Mr. Sheridan stated there are a lot of lakes where the kids are
swimming and should not be. Mr. Garrett said the City Attorney recornnended we
make "No Swimming" signs to put at all our lakes.
The last two i terns listed on the agenda under "Miscellaneous" had been discussed
under Mr. Garrett's report, and there being no further business, Mr. Jones ITOved
the Board adjourn, seconded by Mr. Montgomery. Motion CARRIED 5-0. The meeting
adjourned at 8:42 p.m.
Minutes prepared by
Dorothy C. Garrity
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
Meeting of June 11, 1986