04-09-1986 .. o o &?l CITY OF EDGE.WATER PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD April 9, 1986 7:00 p.m. Community Center MINUrES The Chairman, Mr. Sheridan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Center of Edgewater. ROLL CALL Members present were: Kirk Jones, Harry Montgorrery, Barbara CUrry, Dr ..Roland Bazin and Tom Sheridan. Also present was Councilman Russell Prater. APPROVAL OF MINUl'ES Hr. Sheridan asked for approval of the March 12th, 1986 minutes. Dr. Bazin ITDved the minutes be accepted, seconded by Harry Montgomery. Motion CARRIED 5-0. MISCELLANIDUS Mr. Sheridan announced he would like to discuss under miscellaneous the subject of the Chairman being permitted to vote, and, as stated in the By-Laws, page 4, "H", the Chairman shall vote. ~tr. Sheridan would like this entered in the record as he was not permitted to vote at the last meeting. Mr. Jones apologized and stated at the last meeting he had been thinking of other rules where the Chairman is not permitted to vote. OID BUSINESS Wildwood property, TABLED March 12, 1986 ~1r. Sheridan announced the Board is open for discussion of the Wildwood property which had been tabled at the last meeting due to lack of enough information. Mr. Prater stated the Council is holding a special meeting on Monday to discuss the financial aspects of this property. Mr. Mongtomery asked if this would be open to the public, could he and his wife attend, and Mr. Prater said yes, it would be at 3: 00 p.m. Dr. Bazin then asked if the Truss Company property was a part of this. Councilman Prater said no, it is not, he wished it was; that there is approximately 8.65 acres and the Truss Company has to come out of that; that there will be approximately four usable acres, counting the pond, which could be made into a fishing pond. He also stated it looks like the corner property will be up for sale as the ITDrtgagee is delinquent, and figuring on turning it back over. Mr. Sheridan then stated he understood Mr. Bell holds the ITDrtgage, James H. Bell, Jr. A further discussion follawedconcerning this property, such as a vacant lot being donated by Mr. Frank Hall; a quit claim deed being offered by the Porters on Carol Ann Drive, so entrance will not have to be on Park Avenue. Mr. Jones asked where the rear entrance was, and Mr. Sheridan stated it is not shawn, that Nr. Copeland has an agreement to go back in there and clear it. ~1r. Sheridan asked if there were any ITDre questions, and f-'lr. Jones asked what actual land is available. !vIr. Sheridan said 7.01 acres, but the pond is not included. ~"..r. Jones said the pond could be filled in, would be a nice fishing pond. The Board agreed it is a good location, with beautiful trees. Mr. Garrett said the City water is already out there, and Mr. Sheridan asked where the sewer line goes in. t-1r. Prater stated Park Avenue. Mr. Sheridan then stated that Council has decided, we just sit back and see what we are going to do with it. NEW BUSINESS Request of the Board to conduct a study for acquiring", developing and maintaining recreational areas and parks. Mr. Sheridan stated this had been tabled by Council until they get TIDre information. Q o Mr. Sheridan stated it is a solid plan, it is what we need and he hoped Council would accept it and let us go ahead with it. Mr. Montgomery stated he had been at the meeting and Ccuncilman Asting wanted. a better descriDtion of it. Mr. Sheridan stated we can explain the concept; have a procedural policy, guidelines and rules. Mr. Montqomery stated he thought that is what Councilman Asting wants. Mr . Sheridan said he would like to eliminate all this discussion, the same thing every meeting; that we need guidelines as to how to get the property, then hov.r to develop it; the types of playground equipnent, the safest, the layout for safety; try to keep it away from traffic; and once you get it developed, try for as little maintenance as possible. Dr. Bazin then asked what are we going to do, and Mr. Sheridan stated if we can explain the concept to Council they will see the validity of it, how it works. He further explained we could have gone ahead and worked something out but they nay not accept it, and Mr. Montgomery said yes, they still have the final say, that we want to make sure we have their blessing to fonnulate with the knowledge they can accept or reject. Councilman Prater stated you have to have some type-of formal plan to get anYWhere on it and he thinks that is what the Board is trying to do. He also stated ne understands nov.r what the Board is looking for. Mr. Sheridan asked why the Board should start a lot of research, present it to Council and they would reject it, and Mr. Montgomery stated we don't want to step on anyone's toes. Mr. Jones stated he thinks the Board has Council's blessing to do what we are supposed to do. Mr. Jones also stated we secured property before without guidelines, and that if a study is nade, it still doesn't mean they will go along with it. Mr. .Tones also said to look at property that is open spaces, or whatever it is, it still goes to Council. Mr. Montgomery stated the Board could spend one hundred hours on a plan, then bring it up before Council and they wouldn't want it. Mr. Sheridan stated then they don't want it. If they give us their consent, they must be in agreement with it. That is 95% of their agreement, that they will accept it. Dr. Bazin then rroved we direct the chairman to explain the concept of what we have in mind, as taken fram these minutes, including Councilrr:an Prater's statements. lfrr . Jones seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Garrett then asked the Board to try to get out to the ballpark; attendance .:.. is really up. Mr. Jones conmended Mr. Garrett on hov.r well everything looks out there, it is great. Hr. Sheridan then asked Mr. Garrett if there was anymore inforrration on playground equipment at Menard Park. Mr. Garrett stated he had been reading a lot about law suits regarding playground equipment, that they are removing equipnent from same Chicago Parks, that Maryland is putting a cap on punitive damages and that Florida is talking about it. But he has talked with several playground equipment salesmen as to what the insurance problems seem to be. Mrs. CUrry asked if the playgrounds had been supervised, and Mr. Garrett said yes. Mrs. CUrry said the City is still responsible, that if you are going to have any equipment at all you have to have a playground director or recreational leader. Quite a discussion followed as to the type of equipment that would be safe, how it will be used, that every little playground could not be supervised. Mr. Jones stated we are going to have to go along with it, it shouldn't stop us from putting in playground equipment. Mr. Sheridan then stated he would like to see something started down at the Roberts Road property, that he believes a road is still needed. Dr. Bazin asked if this was on the Council's agenda, and Mr. Garrett said yes, we have cut a path and we are working on it. Mr. Montgomery asked, "Umbrella Tree"? Mr. Garrett replied that Umbrella Tree is almost filled, that we need to fill in the back area, and we need rain to get it seeded, that the shell is good fill. Mr. Sheridan said, getting back to Roberts Road that what worries him is.. no schematic plan, that the plan sul:mitted was tabled. Dr. Bazin asked ho.v'/long this can be tabled and Mr. Sheridan explained all the steps taken regarding Roberts Road. Mr. Jones asked what about clearing, couldn't we do that, can we hire someone? Mr. Sheridan said he thinks we should have it done, to ask Council Parks and Recreation Board Minutes of April 9, 1986 tJ'18eting -2- Q o to permit professional land clearers to go in there so we can see what we have. Mr. Garrett suggested the Board go in there first to see what we have, and Mr. Sheridan said he would like to go in there and take a look, put a road in there, get a general idea of where to put things, tennis courts, etc. or it will be a hodge POdge. Mr. Montgomery asked t>1r. Garrett if he meant to just go in there and take a look first, and Mr. Garrett said yes, he doesn I t think we need a road all the ""Jay in there, as if you clear twenty feet, you can I t see rrore than thirty feet. Mr. Jones asked if this was because of the underbrush and Mr. Garrett stated sometimes the underbrush might make . nice wind screens .Vrr . Montgomery then stated it might help if the Board all went down there and tried to determine where the road should go, etc., as Dave has an idea of wind breaks, etc. and we could formulate a plan. Mr. Sheridan then stated he has a professional to help the Board, and Vrr. Montganery suggested he contact him to go there at his convenience. Dr. Bazin said he would go along with professionals, and for the Board to get it off the table, to ask the Council to take it off the table. Mr. Sheridan asked Councilman Prater if the Board has authority to ask Council to take it off the table and Councilman Prater answered yes. . Dr. .Bazin. then. rroved the-Board ask Council to take the Roberts Road property off the table. A discussion ensued as to where the roadway should be. Mr. Montgomery seconded the motion of Dr. Bazin. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Jones then rroved an amendment be added that professionals do the work. The amendment was seconded by Dr. Bazin. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mrs. Curry then asked about the lots available from the library list and Mr. Sheridan stated he had really forgotten about them, and that everyone should have a list, and that the list does not include the property on Park Avenue. The Board then discussed the property and believed rrost of the prices were out of place, and that the Library was to have another meeting soon and would probably come up with sorrething. Mr. Sheridan then asked if there were any rrore questions and there being none, discussions were brought to a close. Mrs. Curry then spoke and told the Board she was sorry to say she has to resign because of personal reasons. She added she believes the PeOple on the Board worked very hard, the members have done what is required of them, but she still believes Umbrella Tree is a disgrace, that not one thing has been put in there, that young kids are playing in the streets, in their driveways, no place to go. Mrs. Curry did state she hopes someone oPens their eyes; kids cannot be playing in the streets; they must be supervised. She alsO stated tennis, little league, shuffleboard and racquet ball do not make a recreation program; that you have young families with infants and toddlers playing in their driveways, riding their bikes out into the streets. She continued that Edgewater is growing, these kids have to have a place to play, that we could draw from DBCC for recreation interns, physical ed PeOple, student nurses; that you do not need a oollege grad at every playground. She also stated what is pitiful is, for instance, right on Mango there are just three little swings and two benches. She also asked why something isn I t being done and asked Councilman Prater if he could help her, and Mr. Prater said he wished he could. ~1rs. Curry then said the Parks and Recreation Board is at the bottom of the totem pole, as she had been told before, but the kids have to be taken care of, they are our next generation. She also said she oould not understand why something is not being done, as the City has the rroney, and the property is just sitting there. Mrs. Curry then closed by saying it has been a pleasure working with the Board. Mr. Sheridan asked if anyone had anything to say and then thanked Mrs. Curry. Mr. Jones added he believes the same as Mrs. Curry. Mr. Sheridan added that we are one of the few cities that has the impact fee, that Roberts Road used $52,000; that we have the money, we have the land and why are we sittina here. Who do we go to for an answer? Councilman Prater said he will help. us anyway he can. . I"lr . Montgomery stated we should get rrore politically involved, attend CounciLmeeti~gs. VlI". Sheridan stated he has PeOple stopping him on the street and asking when something is going to be done, when are the parks going in, when are you going to do something with that rroney you are collecting, especially the PeOple who rroved here since December 19, 1983, and paid the impact fee. Mr. Jones then stated someone had looked into hiring a parks and recreation director, that we didn It even have one. He also stated the Parks and Recreation Director Parks And Recreation Board Minutes of April 9, 1986 Meeting -3- ., . ,. o o is run thin; that he is building things for the other departments; and that he can't do it all. Mr. Sheridan said that is one of the problems, that Mr. Garrett is doing two jobs. Mr. Montgomery said that is one thing we can't get into, that that is his job and Mr. Jones added he does both jobs well. Mr. Sheridan stated he believes as Mrs. Curry, that he sometimes thinks he is just wasting his time. Quite a discussion followed as to the $170.000 earnarked for parks and recreation and not being used. Councilman Prater said he believes what the Council is really looking for is something concrete as to what the Boar6 wants. Dr. Bazin said the Board is just asking for pennission to look into things so they could give the Council something concrete, but to table it before the Board can act on it, their hands are tied. Mr. Sheridan stated the Board should send a letter of appreciation to Mrs. Curry for the splendid work she has done on the Board and Mr. Montgomery so ITDved, seconded by Mr. Jones. Motion CARRIED 5-0. There being no further business, Mr. Jones ITDved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mrs. Curry. The meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. Minutes sul:mitted by Dorothy C. Garrity Parks and Recreation Board Minutes of April 9, 1986 Meeting. - -4-