. .
February 12, 1986 7:00 p.m.
Vice Chairman. Sheridan called the meeting to order at 7:14.p.m.
in the Corrmuni ty Center and welcomed Dr. Bazin to the Board. .
Dr. Bazin stated it was a pleasure to be here.
Members present were: Harry Montgomery, Barbara Curry, Dr. Bazin,
Thomas Sheridan. Absent: Kirk Jones.
Mr. Sheridan called for approval of the minutes of December 11,
1985 meeting. Mr. Montgomery moved the minutes be approved,
seconded by Mrs. Curry. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mr. Sheridan then called for a discussion of the flag donation
and read the memo from Mrs. Martinez, suggesting we send a letter
to Mrs. Figg inquiring as to her decision. Dr. Bazin asked where
the flag will go and Mr. Garrett stated probably here in front of
City Hall. There was no further discussion on this subject.
Mr. Sheridan then turned to the agenda item regarding a Revenue
Report which Mr. Garrett was asked to give. ~e sta~ed the report
did not break down the separate facilities but does believe it should
be updated every year because of the change in electrical rates, etc.
that could be deducted from initial costs, and that way we will know
if we are operating in the red or black.
Mr. Sheridan then turned to the memo from Mrs. Martinez concerning
the Board's purpose re Staff. He proceeded to read the memo and also
the Board's By-Laws concerning "Duties". Mr. Sheridan stated he
believes we are carrying out the policy of the Council; that anything
we have done within this Board has been within the confines of the
By-Laws. Mr. Montgomery stated the only thought he had along this
line was perhaps the pier project, and Dr. Bazin asked what that was
about. Mr. Montgomery explained the V.olul!~~Elr Fire Department was
going to provide the money for a ~;-'1:al1fitc-Nde barbeque pits,
etc., and they wanted the City empioyees to build it. Mr. Garrett
stated he was strapped at that time and was understaffed.
Mr. Sheridan stated we have gone out of our way to do things required
of us and wished he knew exactly what Mrs. Martinez means. Mr.
Garrett and Mr. Sheridan then entered into conversations dealing
with misunderstandings. Mr. Sheridan ~nded by saying we have an
obligation to the citizens of this City; we have had the impact fee
for over two years, but no evidence of its use except Roberts Road
property. He also stated people call him and ask where the parks
are we are supposed to have. Mr. Sheridan stated if anything was
said implying the Board was giving direct orders, it was not intended
that way, and that we are sitting here discussing the same things
we discussed this time last year. Mr. Garrett said there is so much
going on in this town things just can't get done, and that he, too,
gets discouraged. Mr. Sheridan then stated that when it comes to
priorities, the Parks is at the bottom of the list; that people paid
their money for parks and are not getting it. Mr. Garrett stated
recreation fee money will not go that far; for instance, the purchase
of the pool. Mr. Sheridan then told Mr. Garrett he is apologizing
for this Board if something in the minute~ has 'been interpreted
wrongly, that this :Board can only make recommendations; they have no
authority to give orders and he thought that is what we were
doing. He stated he did not know of one instance where the Board
came and and said "do this".
Quite a discussion of this topic ensued, with Mr. Sheridan asking
Mr. Garrett if the work load is so high, could the Board get him
some help. Mr. Garrett stated we have to be patient, we are adding
to City Hall at this time. Mr. Montgomery stated he agrees with
Mr. Sheridan, as people are always asking him what is being done, and
that of course Roberts Road is pretty significant. He believes it was
not publicized too much, but we are just going to have to keep plugging
away and work with Mr. Garrett the best we can.
The Board then discussed the possibility of a meeting with Council but
unanimously agreed to reject this idea.
Mr. Sheridan then announced elections were in order and called for
nominations of Chairman. Mr. Montgomery moved that Mr. Sheridan be
nominated as Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board, seconded by
Dr. Bazin. The motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mr. Sheridan then nominated Mr. Montgomery as Vice Chairman of the
Parks and Recreation Board, seconded by Mrs. Curry. Motion CARRIED
Mr. Sheridan then asked Mr. Garrett about a conversation which took
place around November 13th with Mr. Jones, in regard to grant money,
and asked if anything had been done about that. Mr. Garrett replied
he had been in touch with DNR, the EPA, and the DER, and $73,000 was
available, but the City will have to match that amount and there is
not a definite yes from the City. Dr. Bazin then asked who writes
for the Grants and Mr. Garrett stated he does, and questions are to
be answered such as how far away from the river, whether near salt
water, etc. Dr. Bazin stated he has books that were very successful
in grant money that might help Mr. Garrett.
Mr. Sheridan then asked the status of the Jurgenson property and
Mr. Garrett stated there is about 325 feet of frontage south of
Rio Vista. Mr. Sheridan said perhaps the Board could take a look
at it and what we have, and Mr. Garrett said it is a nice piece of
Mr. Sheridan then discussed Umbrella Tree Park and that he understood
Mr. Copeland was going to get something done there and Mr. Garrett
said yes, he is. Mr. Sheridan then asked Mr. Garrett if he thought
we should get Roberts Road property cleared and Mr. Garrett stated
he didn't think so. Mr. Montgomery suggested we do one small section
at a time. Mr. Garrett stated priorities determine what has to be
done, and Mr. Sheridan said if we had it cleared, people could see
what we have there.
Mr. Garrett than announced he and Mr. Asting had been nominated to
attend a meeting of the Daytona Beach Community College in Edgewater
next Tuesday, for discussion. The Community College would like New
SmyrDa Beach and Edgewater's input as to recreation facilities to
serve. both Cities and asked the Board if they had any suggestions
to make. A discussion followed as to whether the facilities would
be only for the benefit of the college or would the Cities be able
to lease the pool, gymnasium, or whatever facilities they plan to
build. Mr. Montgomery suggested a small theater to bring culture
into the area. Mr. Sheridan then asked Mr. Garrett to make a list
of what he thinks we have the greatest need for, and perhaps they
will let us use these facilities.
The Board then discussed the acquisition of Aqua Park by the City
(prior to this meeting being called to order, Mr. and Mrs. Stearns
spoke with the Board on this subject) and Mr. Sheridan stated he
would like very much to make a study of this subject. Dr. Bazin
Parks and Recreation Board
Minutes of February 12, 1986
-2- Meeting
said he b~lieved there would be an indoor pool in the area in the
next couple of years and that he had seen a sign concerning a new
gymnatorium but didn't know too much about it but believes it is
the Missionary Church. Mr. Montgomery stated he believes the pool
is about ten years old, and Mrs. Curry believes it is older than that.
Quite a discussion followed on the Aqua Park subject with Mr. Garrett
passing out criteria on pools. Mr. Sheridan noted some projects
would have to be done for the handicapped, along with a lot of other
alterations. Mr. Montgomery added we would have maintenance of the
pool, paying for lifequards,and having someone there full time. Mr.
Sheridan then suggested the Board take the information we have, think
it over, and at the next meeting make a determination as to its feas-
ability, and then send it' to Council. Mr. Montgomery suggested we
put out feelers, talk with people about investing in a pool.
Mr. Montgomery also suggested the Board find out a little more about
the deal Dr. Bazin had mentioned concerning a gymnatorium. Dr. Bazin
then inquired about the Magnuson Corporation notation and the Board
explained there was a possible donation of land from that corporation.
Mr. Sheridan then asked Mr. Garrett whether anyone had received any
information concerning the two lots on Umbrella Tree. adjacent to the
four lots we have, and Mr. Garrett replied he believes it was $6,700
for the two lots. Mr. Sheridan suggested if they were available
and the Council would go for it, we could possibly develop it at a
future date. Mr. Garrett stated perhaps now that the lot adjacent
has been cleared, the price may go down. .
Mr. Sheridan then discussed the Luis Geil request to eliminate one
building at the Halifax Court Condo project and replace it with a pool,
recreation building and shuffleboard court, which plan was approved
by the Planning and Zoning Board. Mr. Sheridan inquired as to whether
that land was conveyed to the City rather than pay the impact fee, as
once it is conveyed it is public property. Mr. Montgomery stated that
property is privately developed and the only people who will have
access to it will be the people living there. Mr. Sheridan stated he
thought the Board should know about these things.
Mrs. Curry then asked if Umbrella Tree might be ready for June 11th
or 15th, the getting out of school date, and that perhaps the mention
of baseball season is going to take priority over the playground. Mr.
Garrett stated he can't answer that, that they have a few improve-
ments out there such as a sprinkler system, some seeding on the out-
field; that hopefully it will cut down on maintenance. Mrs. Curry
then stated she thought it is coming to a situation where we are going
to have to have a director of parks and a director of recreation and
Mr. Sheridan stated it should be two individual jobs. Mr. Montgomery
said he just wanted to add that Mr. Garrett is doing a fine job.
Mr. Sheridan then asked what has happened to the bike path and Mr.
Garrett said it is on hold right now; that Dan Corey is looking
into the right of way which may only be eight feet instead of
fifteen feet wide and that the City engineers are contacting the
land owners. A brief discussion took place as to why this was not
looked into before the project got started, that we have tried to
organize and plan anything,we have sent to Council so that when it gets
there they know exactly what to discuss and can then make a determin-
ation. Mr. Montgomery then added we do the best we can and Mr.
Sheridan stated that is all we can do.
There being no further business, Mr. Montgomery moved the meeting be
adjourned, seconded by Mrs. Curry. Motion CARRIED 4-0. The meeting
then adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Dorothy C. Garrity
Parks and Recreation Board
Minutes of 2/12/86 Meeting