August 14, 1985 7:00 p.m.
Chairman Jones called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the
Community Center.
Members present: Messrs: Sheridan, Montgomery and Jones, Mrs. Gilchrist
and Mrs. Curry. Also present: Mr. Garrett, Recreational Director, and
Jerry Darrigo, representing Edgewater Elementary School P.T.A.
Mr. Jones asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of July 10, 1985.
Mrs. Gilchrist said yes , on page 3, under Miscellaneous. It reads:" . .
when will the canals be blocked just for an hour . . .' I. It should read: . . .
it would only take about an hour to block the canals.' I.
Mr. Jones asked for any further correct ions. Mr. Sheridan said yes, on page 2,
paragraph 1, it reads..". . . get a flag that has flown over the State Capitol".
It should read " . . . get a flag that has flown over the United States Capitol".
Corrections were so noted, and Mr. Jones then stated the minutes stand approved
as corrected.
5 Year Plan
Mr. Jones asked if Mr. Garrett had received the County report as yet, and
Mr. Garrett replied yes, he had. Mr. Garrett then explained the rr,aterial
he had received was studied and that he had run a few copies of Tables 3, 7 and
15 of the Population and Housing Study, which copies were passed around to the
Mr. Jones then said he was to have received rrore information fran the Florida
League of Cities but was unable to get in touch with them.
Mr. Jones called on Mr. Sheridan, who asked who authorized this 5 Year Plan,
and Mr. Jones explained the Council had directed all the BoarQ3;to come up with
a 5 Year Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Sheridan read from a 1.\Torkshop held January 11,
1985, page 3, paragraph 8, which stated each department head was to work with
a Council member to determim a 5 Year Pla.l1; that nothing was said the Board was
authorized to do so. Mr. Jones then explained Mr. Prater was appointed to our
Poard to oversee us in this 5 Year projection; that we are very IIRlch a part of
this; that we are supposed to direct the Parks and Recreation the best we can.
Mr. Sheridan again said he didn't know exactly where the authority came from,
and Mr. Jones said this Plan came into being quite a while ago and there are
records to back our action in this matter. !vir. Sheridan said he believes we
are doing something we are not authorized to do but Mr. Jones statEdhe believes
a letter to Council would clear this matter. A motion was then made by 1~s.
Gilchrist that we check with Council and make sure we are to go ahead with
the 5 Year Plan, seconded by Mr. Montgomery. PASSED 5-0.
Mrs. Curry brought out the fact that we do not have a City Planner and the
City Council tries to get as IIRlch input from the Boards that it can.
Decision regarding the offer of the Basketball Half Court from the Rotary Club.
There has been no decision as yet. The new President, !vIr. Sikes, is to inform
us of their decision as soon as he looks into it. He was not aware of this matter.
Ideas and Prices for Menard-May Park Playground Equipment
Prices from the catalogue were discussed. It was also decided to inquire
as to whether the price included installation. Mr. Jones asked everyone
to oompose a list and turn it in to :Mr. Garrett, to be discussed at the
next rreeting.
Ideas for Purchase of Land - Florida Shores
An in-depth study of the proposed prope.ties followed. Mr. Garrett also asked
about 3 lots at the North End of Edgewater at Perdita, and Mr. Jones said Mrs.
Q1ar les Hall is to get back to him when her husband returns from Sanford.
Another property off of Perdita, approximately 150 I wide and 115 I deep was
discussed, as property is sorely needed in that area. It was decided these
properties can be discussed in the future, along with ideas for tennis courts,
basketball courts, etc.
A rrotion wru;; :then made by Mr. Sheridan to go with Parcels #1, East side of
Woodland between 27th and 28th; Parcel #2, North Side of 27th St., East of
Guava; Parcel #6, N. E. corner of Royal Palm and 19th St.; and Parcel #8, East
side of Umbrella Tree at 12th. Motion was seconded by Mr. Montgomery.
PASSED 4-1, Mr. Jones voting no.
11r. Jones then asked that a letter be sent to Council advising of this action,
for approval to purchase these properties.
Fire Department wishes to expand one of the picnic shelters at the Park and
Pier. By a majority vote, TABLED 5-0.
Edgewater P. T .A. requests funds to purchase playground equipment for the school.
Mr. Jones introduced the guest, s Darrigo. Mr. Darrigo said the idea of
his appearance at the meeting was to discuss the purchase of playground items
and how rroney was to be obtained. One idea was that he was supposed to build
equiprrent for kindergarten to 1st grade, and to obtain rroney for same. A
discussion followed as to where the equipment would be placed and exactly what
type of equipment could be purchased. It would be on school property, on the
road which leads to the ballfield. After a discussion of using mulch, sand, chain
link fence, etc., he stated they had discussed fund raisers for these purposes.
:Mr. Montgomery stated he didn't believe it was our place to fund this,. as the
boundaries are not known and that school is County. Mr. Sheridan goes fflong with
the idea if the City sees itself clear to pay for it, but objection was made to
the recreational impact ,fee bE3cauS~' it is not designated for that use. A lengthy
discussion followed and ~it was decided by rrotion of Mr. Montgomery that we get
Attorney Alvarez to research this and let us know what we can do. Seconded by
11rs. Gilchrist. PASSED 4-1, Mr. Sheridan voting no.
E. A. Pilch of Pilch Construction in 're proposed recreation area fee -vs-
land donation.
The pros and cons of this available land led to the conclusion this land is
undesirable. It was rroved by r.1r. Monteomery that we turn down this land.
Seconded by Mrs. Gilchrist. Mr. Jones asked a letter be sent to Council advising
of this action. PASSED 5-0.
AmendIrent to the rrotion was made by ~\1r. Montgorrery that the Board deems this land
unsafe due to proximity to the railroad tracks, due to limited access and the
irregular shape of the property. Seconded by 1!rs. Gilchrist. PASSED 5-0.
Parks and Ilecreation Board
August 14, 1985 Minutes
!vIr. S'{leridan asked why $18,000. was taken out of impact fee funds for the
recreation departrrent to buy a new truck and wondered who is going to use
this truck. Mr. Garrett stated the impact fee is for parks and recreation,
and in order to function properly the truck;must be used specifically for
recreation business and that he could not use it for anything else.
Mr. She:ddan then asked who has the responsibility for work to be done on these
recreational areas; that Umbrella Tree has been sitting up there since the first
of the year and was to be developed before the kids got out of school, and we
are not a bit further advanced. Duck Lake has never been touched. The City
Governrrent should be contacted and rna1m certain the job gets done.
Mr. Jones said Umbrella Tree requires 6 or 7 thousand dollars just for fill.
Mr. Montgomery said we should get serre action in the area where the land was
given to us, arid if we have to spend 6 or 7 thousand, at least the land was free.
Mr. .. Garrett then stated the Board wanted to go out there and mark the trees
and you couldn't get out there because. of the weeds.
M.r. Sheridan then stated you have to get a bulldozer to knock sorre of these
things down, and once it was clear we could go in there and determine how
much fill is needed.
Mr. Sheridan madearrotion that a letter be sent to Council asking them to
determine who has the responsibility of getting work done on these acquired
recreational areas, seconded by Mr. Montgorrery. PASSED 4-1, Mr. Jones voting no.
Mr. Sheridan then discussed the idea that according to safety inspection for
Menard-May Park a lifeguard should be in the area; that a sign stating
"Swimning at your owri risk" is not sufficient; that barriers for boat launching
should go out in the water; that lines go out in the water to de~,ignai;:li~ depth.
It tv, .J:;:t.tuu;t;V
Mr. Jones then explained the insurance company suggested sSme of these things,
that all things they suggest just cannot ~e done if they,/violate State law, and
that he would be getting inforrmtion from Tallahassee. 4.Ie- stated he has
discussed the subject of lifeguards with Council for next year and at this time
they did not believe a lifeguard was necessary. After i'further discussion of life-
saving equiprrent, the whole concept of a lifeguard being needed, Mr. Garrett
stated he had placed in the budget an item for a lifeguard, and this will be
decided for the next year's season. When David receives a report from the
insurance company , it can be looked at again by the Board.
Mr. Sheridan then asked why the Board was not info:rrred about plans for a
bicycle path, whether it was the old path. Mr. Garrett stated a rreeting had
been held last week looking for an alternate route and the engineer is getting
some final costs for the North side, and rrore information should be forthcoming
Mr. Sheridan introduced another item under miscellaneous, and made a rrotion that
flag poles and all hm:ssary construct ion, landscaping costs, etc., be included
in plans for development of recreation areas and parks, seconded by Mrs. Gilchrist.
PASSED 3-2, Mr. Jones and Ivlr. Montgorrery voting no.
Mr. Jones then asked a rrerro be sent to Council, asking for approval of same.
Cleaning Up Lakes.
The subject of weed-eating carp was discussed, along with the idea of how
expensive carp has becorre. Mrs. Gilchrist explained an idea that has proven
worthwhile; copper sulfate.. crystals can be dragged through the water, and
the Board asked her to please look into this further in regard to the four
Lakes, with their dirrensions, etc. and an approximate cost of this action.
Mrs. Curry brought up the subject of securing a full court basketball court
in the future, looking forward to a basketball league in the City when property
Parks and Recreation Board
August 14, 1985 ~linutes
f ---;.
is obtained. A determination will be made just what we are to do
concerning access, etc., if such property becomes available.
TI1e subject of wooden swings on the playgrounds being considered hazardous
was introduced by Hrs. Curry, along with a suggestion by Mrs. Gilchrist
that a tree ordinance for private citizens be secured. These subjects
will be discussed at future meetings.
There being no further business, a notion was macle by Mr. ~rontgomery, seconded
by JUrs. Curry that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Jones then adjourned the
meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Minutes prepared by Dorothy C. Garrity.
Parks and Hecreation Board
August 14, 1985 Minutes