JULY 10, 1985 r
Chairman Jones called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the
Community Center.
Members present: Messrs. Jones, Sheridan and Montgomery, and Mrs.
Gilchrist. Mrs. Curry was excused. Also present: Mr. Garrett,
Recreational Director, and Mrs. Rufer, Secretary.
R~garding the minutes of June 12, 1985, Mr. Sheridan said he wanted the
second paragraph from the bottom of page 5 changed to read, "Mr.
Sheridan asked if Mr. Garrett could provide the estimated cost of play-
ground equipment for Menard-May Park and Umbrella Tree by the next Board
meeting, so that Mr. Garrett will know how much money he has to work with."
Mr~ Jones asked if there were any other corrections to the minutes of
June 12, 1985. Hearing none, the minutes were approved as amended.
Menard-May Park Openin'g Ceremony
Mr. Garrett informed those present that Joanne Sikes would present the
history of the park and the area.
Mr. Garrett said it had been in the papers and has been announced at the
City Council meeting.
Regarding the invitations, Mr. Jones said after talking to Mrs. Martinez
it was agreed that it would be a good idea to advertise it in the paper
in order not to leave anyone out.
Mr. Sheridan asked of any of the families of the Menard-May Park had been
contacted and Mr. Garrett said he had talked to the Mayor and is waiting
word from the attorney that worked on Menard- May Park from the beginning.
Mr. Sheridan also asked if Lt. Britain had been contacted to stop traffic.
Mr. Garrett said they had not but would be contacted regarding the traffic
and the pavilion would also be closed off. Mr. Sheridan suggested the
parking lot north (west of the pavilion) reserved for the Board, Council
and the guests so that they will not have to park way down at the lower
end and come back up there.
Mr. Garrett said the ceremony would be held in the pavilion, chairs
would be set up and the Mayor will dedicate the park as the Menard-May
Park and thank the Menard-May family for donating the land. Recognizing
the families for wh~l they have done will be the focal point.
Further discussion fo) lowed regarding the Menard-May ceremony on July 20,
at 10 a.m. Chairman Jones stated the ceremony would last approximately
30 to 40 minutes.
Mr. Garrett said he had not heard from Donald Gerteisen of the Department
of Natural Resources who is the grant specialist up there. Mr. Gerteisen
had been contacted to be one of the keynote speakers.
Flag Pole at Menard-May Park
Mr. Garrett said he had been contacted by Mr. Orwell from one of the
Veteran's organizations informing him that they would pick up the tab
for a flag pole in the $200 price range.
The Parks and Recreation Board had received a letter from the City Council
regarding the flag pole at Menard-May Park.
Mr. Garrett stated at this time there is no electricity at Menard-May
Park; only power there is the four street lights which are based on a
flat rate. He said Florida Power requires a meter, a base, etc. Further
discussion followed concerning th.e flag pole. Mr. Mont gomery volunteered
any help he could if materials and specifications were available to him.
Mr. Garrett said someone was going to donate a flag to the city. Mr.
Sheridan suggested that possibly later on a letter could be sent to Sen.
Hawkinl::; and ask her to get a flag that has flown ov~~~~.ID;
There was further discussion on whether to light the flag, lands~;~~g~
and the exact location of the flag.
Mr. Sheridan made a motion to delegate Mr. Garrett to go ahead with all
the necessary arrangements to provide the necessary funds to get the
flag pole in, the lighting, the landscaping, or whatever is required. Mr.
Montgomery seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Umbrella Tree Park - Update
Chairman Jones, Mr. Sheridan and Mrs. Gilchrist met at Umbrella Tree Park
on July 8, IflR5, and put tape on some of the trees that were to be saved.
The decision was made at that time that when the land is cleared the
board would like to be notified because of the tall grass and weeds.
Mr. Sheridan made a motion that when the clearing of the land is scheduled.
mnmbers of the board be notified several days in advance and go out and
mark the trees that will be saved because there are areas that are low
and will have to be filled and the fill will be too great, then the trees
will have to be taken out because you can not save them; but we should
save as many as we possibly can; there are some oaks and some gums that
can be saved. Mrs. Gilchrist seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
5 Year Plan
Chairman Jones said the County is coming out with a Comprehensive Plan
of H4 in August which will include data on projected growth of the county
which illeludes Edgewater. New Smyrna, and Daytona; and we can use some
of their figures.
Mr. Sheridan said the best projection that he had seen or heard was from
a couple of months ago when the Industrial Development Board had a speaker
from Tallahassee and he gave the demographic projections for this area
and according to what he gave, it is more in line with what is happening
in this city than anywhere else. Mr. Sheridan said the projection that
was made was by 1990 there will be between 15 and 16,000 people in this
city and about 2 to 3 months back, it showed that Edgewater had a rate
growth of 13 percent.
Chairman Jones suggested if anyone had any additional information to bring
it to the meeting next month. Mr. Jones also said he was looking for-
ward to seeing the tnformation in August and the Florida League of Cities
said they would help us.
E'stimated Cost of Playground Equipment for Menard-May Park and Umbrella
Tre'e Park
Chairman Jones said he had received some books and catalogs on playground
equipment. Mr. Garrett also had catalogs and brochures. Mr. Sheridan
asked the approximate amount of money required to put the equipment in
the park. Mr. Jonea said approximately $10,000, and Menard-May Park was
ready for th0 equipment now. Mr. Garrett said the park could also use a
playground area an~ a small fenced in tot-lot.
There was furl her discussion on the different types and kinds of play-
ground e41lipment avui lable. It was decided each board member would take
some of the catalog~ and brochures home with them and write down their
ideas and prices befo~e the next meeting.
Mr. Garrett said he would like to put the equipment between the restrooms
and the fishing dock because the children would not have to be out on the
road; they could go from the beach to the restroom, to the pavilion. to
the fishing dock, anywhere, without ~ctting on the road.
-2-Parks and Recreation Board
July 10, 1985, Minutes
Mr. Sheridan asked what was to be done with the large open area on the
other side of the road. Mr. Garrett said this area would be used as
an open area for large groups playing football, frisbees, or whatever.
Mr. Sheridan made a motion to check the catalogs for price and area
required and compile this for the next meeting and try to arrive at what
the actual cost would be to equip these 'areas with the necessary equip-
ment. Mr. Montgomery seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Decision Regardini th~ Off~~ o~ the Basketball Half Court from the Rotary
Chairman Jones said John Wilbur of the Rotary Club was to forward inform-
ation from the Rotary Club. To date, nothing has been received. Board
Secretary, Barbara Rufer, will have information at the next meeting
cqncerning this matter.
Mr. Sheridan had a list of land he had looked at for recreational areas
in Florida Shores.
The list was given to the secretary for typing and copies for each member.
Mr. Garrett said he could get a map of Florida Shores to attach to the
list. Each member could have the list and map to look over the different
areas before the next meeting.
Mr. Sheridan said something would have to be done at the Park at the end I
of 442 to stabilize the trees because the roots are exposed and sticking !
up; perhaps some soil, concrete slab, etc. for protectio~:~~~~~l
,~~t:~deL--~~~~~ "':
Mrs. Gi lchrist n:slrcll WOO~1;;;t:-h~Ma-=l:-s=b:e--b.}ucko-ct'~llot-'-f01. u-n-troli'r to !
help the lakes. ~r. Garrett said to talk to Mr. Earl Copeland or Mr. I
Terry Wadsworth because they have to abide by certain D.E.R. regulations. ;
Mrs. GilChrist 'said her sister uses something on the lake by her that I
does not harm wildlife; you can not swim in the lake for 24 hours, but
no one swims in these lakes anyway. Mrs. GilChrist stated that they get
a rowboat with a compressor and go out and spray and it goes right down
and kills everything on the bottom, but does not hurt the fish, turtles,
ducks and wildlife; she would write and find out more about it.
Mr. Montgomery said possibly we could get the grass-eating carp in for
the lakes. Mrs. Gilchrist said she had checked into it before she be-
,'came a board member and the State will stock the lake for nothing if
you screen your lake so that they can not swim out into the canals and
that is all that they ask. _
Mrs. Gilchrist made a motion ta send a letter to the City Council requesting
information on cleaning the lakes by stocking it with the grass-eating
carp (weed- eaters) and checking with Fish and Wildlife who said they
will stock them for free if they are contained with screen in the lakes,
and also the E.P.A. , or whoever else is concerned. Mr. Montgomery
seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-1. Mr. Jones voted no.
New Business
David Garrett- Direc,l"~"s Report
Mr. Garrett said he wa~ :;tarting on the Park and Pier Project, the paving,
and the northeast portion of the seawall because this is Port Authority
money and has to go out for bids.
Mr. Garrett informed the board members that Menard-May Park has had very
little vandalism.
Mr. Montgomery made a motion for adjournment and Mrs. Gilchrist seconded
the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M.
Minutes submitted by. Barbara Kowall.
-3- Parks and Recreation Board
July 10, 1985, Minutes