01-09-1985 ~ ~ CITY OF EDGEWATER Parks and Recreation Board January 9, 1985 Regular Meeting Minutes Chairman Jones called the regular meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Community Center. OOLLC~L Members present: Messrs. Jones, Sheridan, Montgomery and Mrs. Begel. Also present: Mrs. Taylor, Secretary. APPROV~ OF MINUTES The minutes of the December 12, 1984 meeting were unanimously approved as submitted. Mr. Garrett, Recreational Director, was excused due to illness. Mr. Jones asked the Board members if they would be willing to postpone the regular agenda to hear members of the German-American Club speak to them about a problem. The members agreed to do this. Mr. Frank Quesada, 2510 Evergreen Drive, talked to the Board about problems they have encountered every time they rent the Shuffleboard Clubhouse. He said that the last time they scheduled the dinner there he had to come to City Hall to get tables because the shuffleboard people had removed the other tables and stored them away. They had reserved the clubhouse weeks in advance. He mentioned one elderly gentleman who had sat down outside while the room was being decorated, and was chased away by the shuffleboard people. He left and did not return for the dinner. He pointed out that the shuffleboard people kept coming into the building interrupting their dinner. Mr. Quesada stated that this happens at each meeting they have had there. Mr. William Muller, 17 Wildwood Drive, spoke to the members, saying that he attended the meetings the four times they have rented the building. There have been problems each time, but the last time there was physical and verbal abuse. He went to the Police Station, but they didn't have a man to send down. Mr. Garrett came to talk to them, but couldn't convince them that the German-American Club had rented the hall. He explained that they had agreed that the shuffleboard people could get into their office, but six or seven people would come in at one time. He said that the meetings lasted from 2 p.m. to about 6 p.m. There are from 14 to 30 people attending the meetings. Mr. Jones and Mr. Sheridan said they would like to attend their next meeting. Mr. Jones referred to Resolution 178 concerning the lease with the Shuffleboard Club and he read a part from that resolution which states that the proposed buildings cannot be used in any way as to exclude the general public from its use. Mr. Jones thanked the members of the German-American Club for coming to the meeting and explained that the Board will try to resolve the problem and will let them know what is being done. Mr. Muller said tha~ when he rents the clubhouse, Mrs. Wadsworth marks it on her calendar, but the calendar at the shuffleboard clubhouse is not marked, so that they go ahead and schedule another meeting and mark it on the clubhouse calendar. This conflict is part of the problem. He felt that they should consult with Mrs. Wadsworth also, before scheduling. Mr. Sheridan said this could be handled by posting a notice that the hall has been rented. Mr. Jones he felt that they should recommend that when anyone rents the building they should have the sole rights to use the building for the time they are renting it, and should be treated courteously. There should be rules posted. Mr. Sheridan suggested that a workshop be held with Mr. Buell to find out his feelings. The resolution was reviewed further by the members. Mrs. Taylor was asked to make copies for each member. Q (.) The members asked the secretary to call Mr. Buell and set up a workshop to discuss the situation and to resolve the conflict. The secretary distributed copies of a letter sent out by Mr. Garrett requesting a meeting to discuss the acquisition of property in Pointer Subdivision, which it is understood is on the market. Mr. Jones also called to the attention of the members a letter which had been sent to Mary Helen Pointer concerning property in Raulerson Sub. He suggested that a letter be sent to her attorney concerning the avail- ability of this site. Copies of the City of Edgewater Zoning Map were distributed to the Board members for their use. A copy of the letter from Barbara Curry requesting to be considered for membership on the Board was distributed to the members. Mr. Jones suggested that the Board continue to accept applications until a couple of days before the next meeting, at which time all applications will be reviewed and their recommendation will be made to the Council. The secretary reported on the memo from Mr. Garrett in which he advised that he has checked on the 14 acres off Roberts Road and the land abutting it to the east. That property is owned by Mr. J. C. Carder and his asking price is $25,000 per acre. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN Mr. Montgomery moved that the Vice-Chairman remain as is and that the Chairman remain as is - Mr. Sheridan as Vice-Chairman and Mr. Jones as Chairman. Mrs. Begel seconded the motion which CARRIED 4-0. OLD BUSINESS Land for recreational purposes - Mr. Jones reported that he and Mr. Sheridan hadattended the City Council meeting on Monday night and that Council had approved the use, clearing and filling of the property on Umbrella Tree Drive. It was noted that the Rotary Club had agreed to put in a half-basketball court on a site chosen by the City, and the Board's letter to Council had requested that it be placed on this property. Mr. Sheridan offered the idea that the Garden Club be contacted to landscape the site. Mr. Montgomery reported to the members that he had been to the new park in Islesboro and was enthusiastic about what had been done there on a site which is about the same size as the land on Umbrella Tree Drive. The members were given directions so that they could go to see the park. Mr. Jones felt that the members should go to the site at Umbrella Tree Drive to mark any trees which they wished to be saved, before the crews go in to clear. Ball Field Update Mr. Jones said that nothing has been started at the Ball Field and the season starts in two months. The project was discussed at length and it was agreed to table discussion of this until the next meeting when Mr. Garrett would be present to provide more information. Mr. Sheridan suggested that the Recreational Department put some recrea- tional facilities in at the "Duck Lake" on Sixteenth Street, such as picnic tables, benches and perhaps a walkway. The memb~rs agreed with this idea. Mr. Sheridan moved that a request be sent to the City Council asking that the Parks and Recreation Department be given the privilege of putting in a few picnic tables, benches, walkways and required shrubbery to make it an attractive facility at "Duck Lake" on 16th Street and the small triangular site at the intersection of Mango Tree and Needle Palm Drives. Mrs. Begel seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 4-0. NEW BUSINESS - Negotiator for land purchases - Mr. Jones explained the reason for this item - stating that the City needs someone who can be the negotiator in land purchases, and he feels that Mr. Garrett would be the choice for this Parks and ~ecreation Department January 9, 1985 - 2 - ~ o job. He could report back to the City Clerk. Mr. Sheridan thought this was a good idea as long as you are discussing recreational land purchases. The members were in agreement with this idea and Mr. Sheridan moved that the City Council be requested to grant Parks and Recreational Director, David Garrett, the authority to negotiate the purchase and price of land to be acquired for open space, parks and recreational facilities for the City of Edgewater, subject to all negotiations being reported to the City Council for approval for purchase. Mr. Montgomery seconded the motion, which CARRIED 4-0. Mr. Jones noted that this is just a recommendation to the Council. Community Center Use - Request for Board recommendation reo fees Mr. Sheridan questioned how the dollar amount of these fees was arrived at. A number of things must be taken into considered, he noted: the use of the utilities, the number of people who are going to be using it, the type of use, the time it takes to clean up after the affair, and if damages were done. The members were provided with copies of the codes from New Smyrna Beach and Port Orange which covers their fees for recreational use of their facilities. At 8:30 p.m. Mr. Jones asked to be excused and turned the meeting over to the Vice-Chairman, Mr. Sheridan. The members continued the discussion on the Community Center use and the fees charged. Mr. Sheridan said that the number of people using the facilities must be approved by the Fire Marshall. Mrs. Begel said that you have to keep in mind that it is the citizens of Edgewater who are renting the facilities so you have to keep a balance. Mrs. Begel suggested that the Board advise Mrs. Kinsey that the matter is being investigated and is under con~ideration and she will be advised when something has been worked out. Board Comments Mrs. Taylor said that Mr. Garrett wanted the Board to know that the County permit for the bike path on Park Avenue will go to the City Council and he should have their authorization to go out for bids after the January 21 meeting. Mr. Sheridan said he felt the cost of the bike path is excessive. Mr. Montgomery pointed out that it will have a curb. This subject was discussed at length. The members also discussed the Recreation Impact Fee Ordinance, noting that the ordinance is to be corrected to indicate that the funds may be used for recreational equipment, facilities, and land improvements. Mrs. Begel questioned why bike paths were not included; she does not agree with it being just land acquisition and playground equipment. She feels that if playground equipment is included then bike paths should also be included. Bike paths for the City were discussed further. Mrs. Begel said that three months ago Mr. Garrett was asked to find out about Federal and County requirements for bicycle paths and asked if anything as been done on this. Mr. Sheridan reported that he has been advised that there are Federal grants available for bike paths. Mrs. Begel said it was her understanding that Mr. Garrett has the Federal manual. The members said that they would like a report back from Mr. Garrett if he has learned anything more about this. Mrs. Begel again stated that she would not like to see the bicycle paths excluded from the recreational impact fee. fund. Mr. Sheridan said he questioned using the impact fee funds for something which is needed for safety purposes, and noted that the request for the bike path on Park Avenue came up long before the impact fee went into effect. Mrs. Begel said that she is not suggesting that the impact fee be used for other than recreation. MISCELLANEOUS The members again discussed the new policy that the Board members review Parks and Recreation Board January 9, 1985 - 3 - ~ Q o applicants for the Board. The members wondered how the public would know that there is a vacancy on the Board. The secretary noted that the City Clerk had a notice put in the paper requesting interested parties to submit their letter of interest. Mr. Sheridan felt that the fact that there is a vacancy should be picked up from the Council minutes and this could be reported in the newspaper. Mr. Montgomery moved to send a letter to the City Clerk requesting that she make a public statement that there are vacancieson the Boardsand that applications are being taken for appoint- ment to the Board. Mrs. Begel seconded the motion, which CARRIED 3-0. Mr. Sheridan said that he would look further into getting information on filing for a Federal grant. Mrs. Begel said she thought Mr. Garrett had this information. Mr. Sheridan wondered if the City has ever considered hiring someone to file grant applications and Mrs. Begel said she thought there was someone on the County level. Mr. Sheridan moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Begel and the meeting was adjourned at 9:22 p.m. Minutes submitted by Joan Taylor Parks and Recreation Board January 9, 1985 - 4 -