02-22-1983 Workshop
Parks and Recreation Board Workshop Minutes
February 22, 1983
This meeting was called to order by Mr. Wyatt, Chairman, in the City Clerk's
office at 7:00 p.m.
Members present: Mr. Wyatt, Mr. Bidau~t, Mr. Jones, and Mr. Richards. Excused:
Mr. Wolfe. Also present: Mrs. Blazi, City Clerk, Mr. Avery, Superin-
tendent of Parks and Recreation, and Mrs. Taylor, Secretary.
The workshop is called to make plans for the Jim Hogan Recreational Park
dedication day scheduled for March 19, 1983.
Mr. Bob Wilson, owner of Fat Bob's Barbeque, was present to talk to the
members about food to be provided by him.
There was discussion about using the jazzercize platform for the speakers.
Mr. Wyatt suggested a flatbed truck, and Mr. Wyatt said he would talk to
Mr. McCallister about one. It was agreed that Gloria would make directional
signs for the school. Mrs. Blazi said she had signed the purchase order for
the monumentj we are to follow up on that to make sure it is ready in time.
The Southeast Bank had a popcorn machine which we could use. The ABWA Clowns
will be present. Discussion was general concerning parking, speakers~plat-
form location. Fat Bob agreed to do the food and it was decided to have
barbeque sandwiches, hotdogs and corn. He would also take care of the cold
drinks. It was agreed that the City would take care of the lunches for
the guests. The estimate of people to cook for was approximately 200.
Mr. Wilson asked if the Parks and Recreation Board was looking to make money
on the food. He said if he had to do it, he would have to bring in people
to help. If they do it themselves, they can make more money from it. He
asked what guarantee the City could give him, if no one showed up. After
some discussion he agreed to do the same kind of thing which he had planned
for the Images over the following weekend. Mrs. Blazi asked what kind of
a deal they could make with him on it. Bob said he was a community person-
he would see what they take in at the end of the day and go from there.
Mr. Avery said they were planning a cotton candy booth and a goldfish stand.
Mr. Wyatt said any money collected as their part of it from Bob Wilson, or
any of the booths, would go into E.A.A.
It was agreed to let Fat Bobls take care of all of the meat and corn. Bob
agreed to send them somethingj this would go to E.A.A. Bob also said he
could handle the soft drinks and ice.
Kirk Jones is working on the PA system.
Tom Wyatt said he was in touch with Ralph Settles, who has a cloggers group
of dancers. He will provide the music, PA system and dancers. They only
need a platform. It was agreed that the flatbed truck would be suitable.
Mrs. Blazi said she would contact the Fire Department to see if they would
let them use the dunking machin~.
Mr. Wyatt suggested the elementary schools be called the day before the
event to announce it over the public address system.
Mr. Wyatt also mentioned that the Southeast Bank has a popcorn which can
be used free of charge. He will take care of contacting them.
Mr. Wyatt said he would help set up the tables early Saturday morning. The
chairs and tabl.es would come from City Hall.
It was agreed that plans for the Dedication Day would be finalized at the
next regular meeting scheduled for March 9, 1983.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Joan Taylor