10-13-1982 ....e -'f: o o CITY OF EVGEWATER Pa~k~ and Ree~eat~on Boa~d Regula~ Meet~ng Oetobe~ 13, i982 M~nute~ Cha~~man Wyatt ealled the meet~ng to o~de~ at 7:05 p.m. ~n the eon6e~enee a~ea 06 the Commun~ty Cente~. Membe~~ p~e~ent: Me~~~~. Stea~n~, He~~en, Woi6e and Wyatt. Al~o p~e~ent: M~. Ave~y, Supe~v~~o~ 06 Bu~id~ng~ and G~ound~, and M~~. Tayio~, See~eta~y. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by M~. Wol6e, ~eeonded by M~. He~~en, and CARRIEV 4-0 to app~ove the m~nute~ 06 the Septembe~ 23, i982 meet~ng. OLV BUSINESS Con~~de~at~on 06 G~ant Appi~eat~on 6d~ Mena~d-May Pa~k V~~eu~~~on on the appl~eat~on had been tabied at the Septembe~ 23, 1982 meet~ng to g~ve the membe~~ t~me to ~e~olve ~ome que~t~on~ ~a~~ed ~ega~d~ng deed ~e~t~~et~on~, neee~~~ty 60~ bath hou~e 6ae~lt~e~ and ~eeu~~ty at the pa~k. M~. He~~en ~a~d he had eontaeted the Health Vepa~tment and wa~ adv~~ed that the ~e~t~oom 6ae~l~t~e~ we~e only neee~~a~y ~6 a ~e~tau~ant wa~ planned. Upon w~~tten ~eque~t, M~. C~~tz, the San~tat~on Supe~v~~o~, adv~~ed that ~t wa~ dependent upon the u~e 06 the pa~k. We we~e adv~~ed by Coll~e~ Cla~k w~th the State 066~ee 06 Ree~eat~on Se~v~ee~ that po~tabie to~iet~ eouid be u~ed 60~ ~pee~al event~. Ch~e6 Baugh ~tated that the ~e~t~oom~ would be ~eeu~ed eaeh n~ght, ~6 they we~e bu~lt. The C~ty Atto~ney ~~ ~e~ea~eh~ng the ab~t~aet but the~e we~e no deed ~e~t~~et~on~ ~n the deed ~t~el6. Add~t~onal i~ght~ we~e ~eeommended by the Poi~ee Vepa~tment, b~~ng~ng the totai to 60u~. M~. He~~en moved that the Boa~d go ahead and 6~le 60~ the g~ant 60~ the whole plan. Seeonded by M~. Wol6e. M~. Woi6e a~ked ~6 the money wa~ ava~lable, ~~nee ~t wa~ a mateh~ng g~ant. M~. Wyatt expla~ned that the C~ty eQuid u~e the iand a~ the~~ ~ha~e ~6 the g~ant wa~ appi~ed 60~ w~th~n one yea~ 06 the iand be~ng deeded to the C~ty. The iand wa~ deeded to the C~ty ~n Veeembe~ 06 i98i. One membe~ ~n the aud~enee a~ked ~6 the Boa~d had eon~~de~ed the negat~ve a~peet~ 06 the p~ojeet. M~. He~~en ~epi~ed that one 06 the que~t~on~ wa~ that 06 vandai~~m; ~t wa~ dete~m~ned that the ~e~t~oom~ would be ~eeu~ed a~ n~gh~, ~o ~he~e would be no vandal~~m. The~e would be good pol~ee pat~oi. John Stea~n~ mentioned that ~n hi~ ~even yea~~ 06 ope~at~ng Aqua Pa~k he ha~ had oniy one ~ne~dent 06 b~eak~ng and ente~~ng. He ~a~d that the~e wa~ ea~y aeee~~ to ~t, but beeau~e 06 the good pol~ee eont~ol the~e ha~ been no vandal~~m. M~. Wol6e eommented that the bath~oom~ at the ballpa~k we~e now ~n exeellent ~hape. M~. Stea~n~ eompl~mented the exeellent job done by the e~ew he~e ~n th~~ ~mall e~ty. One woman ~n the aud~enee app~oved 06 the p~ojeet, but 6elt the ~e~t~oom~ we~e unneee~~a~y. M~. Hetu, al~o p~e~ent, ~a~d that ~t wa~ a bath~ng beaeh and he 6elt that ~an~tat~on wa~ ve~y ~mpo~tant; the~e ~hould be ~e~t~oom~, d~~nk~ng 60unta~n~ and ~howe~~. M~. Hamel ~poke and ~a~d he 6eit ~t would be a "Coney I~land" and wa~ oppo~ed to develop~ng the pa~k. Seve~al othe~ membe~~ 06 the aud~enee ~poke 6avo~ably about the p~ojeet and ~eeommended that the ~e~t ~oom~ be ~neluded. ~ Q o M~. Wolne eommented that the land wa~ g~ven to the C~ty 60~ a bath~ng beaeh; the goal On the Boa~d wa~ to p~ov~de eomno~t nO~ all the people ~n the C~ty who would l~Qe to u~e the beaeh, and maQe ~t an att~aet~ve beaeh. M~. Ave~y ~a~d he had met w~th the env~~onmental~~t people and ~a~d that the pa~Q~ng would be ~et up w~th ~wale~ and ~etent~on a~ea~; the~e w~ll be no veh~ele~ nea~ the beaeh; land~eap~ng would be ~equ~~ed wh~eh would not pe~m~t wate~ ~unn~ng ~nto the ~~ve~. M~. Ga~thwa~te ~a~d he would l~Qe to ~ee ~ome t~ee~ planted the~e, al~o. The mot~on wa~ ~e~tated to ~eeommend to the C~ty Coune~l that they maQe a G~ant appl~eat~on no~ $100,000 to the State On Flo~~da to maQe ~mp~ove- ment~ on Mena~d-May Beaeh. The mot~on pa~~ed UNANIMOUSLY 4-0. NEW BUSINESS Con~~de~at~on 06 add~t~onal ~t~eet l~ght~ 60~ Mena~d-May Pa~Q Ch~e6 Baugh ~tated that the Pol~ee Vepa~tment had ~eeommended to the Vepa~tment Head~ that two mo~e l~ght~ be ~n~talled at Mena~d-May Pa~Q; one on the no~th and one on the ~outh ~~de. M~. Wyatt ~a~d that the Flo~~da Powe~ and L~ght Company would plaee the pole~ at no eha~ge w~th unde~g~ound eable 60~ a total eo~t 06 $49.00 pe~ month 60~ the 60u~ l~ght~. M~. Stea~n~ moved to app~ove the add~t~on 06 two new l~ght~ at Mena~d-May Pa~Q; the mot~on wa~ ~eeonded by M~. Wol6e. The Mot~on pa~~ed UNANIMOUSLY 4-0. Bol~na Cou~t~ and ho~~e ~hoe p~t~ 60~ Pa~Q ae~o~~ 6~om C~ty Hall M~. Ave~y ~a~d he ha~ had ~eve~al ~nqu~~~e~ about putt~ng ~n the twp bol~na eou~t~ and ho~~e ~hoe p~t~. The eou~t~ w~ll be on elay and ~and; ~eo~e- boa~d and benehe~ w~ll be put ~n and next to that w~ll be two ho~~e ~hoe p~t~ w~th ~eo~eboa~d. Moved by M~. Wol6e, ~eeonded by M~. He~~en, and PASSEV 4-0, to put the eou~t~ ~n ae~o~~ the ~t~eet 6~om C~ty Hall 60~ boee~e and ho~~e ~hoe~. MISCELLANEOUS M~. Ave~y ment~oned that the ~eeommendat~on 06 the Boa~d 60~ b~Qe path~ wa~ not b~ought up at the la~t Coune~l meet~ng. Ch~e6 Baugh ~eealled that about a yea~ ago he had done a ~u~vey at the ~eque~t On M~. Pendleton ~n the a~ea 06 W~ldwood, ~ega~d~ng the t~a66~e 60~ two two-hou~ pe~~od~ - one at noon and one at n~ght when ~ehool let~ out. In a two-hou~ pe~~od they ave~aged about 850 ea~~ on Pa~Q Avenue. He ~a~d that they have had ~ome ve~y nea~ m~~~e~ w~th the eh~ld~en ~~d~ng the~~ b~Qe~ on Pa~Q Avenue. He 6elt the~e wa~ a need 60~ the b~Qe path. The que~t~on On the aet~on taQen on the ~eque~t 60~ a non-p~06~t eo~po~at~on to handle 6und~ 60~ pa~Q~ and ~ee~eat~on wa~ al~o b~ought up. A lengthy d~~eu~~~on wa~ held eonee~n~ng the need 60~ a b~Qe path both on Pa~Q Avenue and on R~ve~~~de V~~ve. The po~~~b~l~ty 06 ~ett~ng up a ~peeia~ 6und to aeeept money 604 ~peeial i~~ue~ wa~ a~~o talked about. A g~eat deal 06 di~eu~~~on wa~ eonee~ned with the EAA and the non-p~06it e04po4ation, and the need 604 the ~epa4ate o4ganizat~on~. M4. Wyatt a~Qed M4~. Taylo~ to eontaet the City Atto~ney to 6~nd out what ha~ been done to date in 604m~ng the non-p406~t eo~po4ation. M4. Wol6e ~eque~ted that the Boa~d See~eta~y ~end a Memo to the C~ty Manage~ ~eque~ting a budget be ~ent to the Boa~d ~how~ng them what they have to W04Q w~th. Th~~ would be 60~ ~tem~ the Boa~d may w~~h to ~pend on ~ee~eation, ~ueh a~ t~ophy~, 4ibbon~, ete. The membe~~ we~e ag4eeable to meet~ng w~th M~. Coll~e~ Cla~Q 6o~ a ~pee~al meet~ng ~6 he ean eome down next weeQ. The meet~ng wa~ adjou4ned at 8:30 p.m. Minute~ ~ubmitted by Joan Taylo~ Pa~Q~ and Ree~eat~on Boa4d Regula~ Meet~ng Oetobe~ 13, 198Z, Page Z o 0 Date C)~--hJ-r.7 /c3 /?.:L , '.: ~ I... ~ . Iij '~~ '" ~ \ ~ ~j, -- ~v~ tl~j,. J~ i I //1 /nA-rr- ,./ t-/' / /' ..,/ ~ } ./ / fff\ ./ v" Wc<J? ~ 'M ./ / '1- --- JIh v I' ~ ,Y z,. ./ ~ v .1.. v :\) .