02-07-1991 " ' o o ~vJ( CITY OF EDGEWATER INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1991 7:00 P.M. CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL ~~ ~ {o CR? l Chairman Joe Martin called to order a regular meeting of the Industrial Development Board at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, February 7, 1991, in the conference room of City Hall. ROLL CALL: Members present were Mr. Gleason, Mr. Martin, Mr. Baldwin, Ms. Rymsza, and Mr. Hanson who arrived at 7:05 p.m.. Mr. Koch was excused and Mr. Williams was absent. Also present was Joe Hopkins of Charles Burkett and Associates, and Beverly Kinney, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of November 29, 1990, were presented for approval. Ms. Rymsza moved to approve, seconded by Mr. Gleason. Motion Carried 4-0. The minutes of December 6, 1990, were presented for approval. Ms. Rymsza moved to approve, seconded by Mr. Gleason. Mr. Baldwin stated he is shown as absent, but he was present at the meeting. Motion Carried 4-0 to approve the minutes with the correction as stated by Mr. Baldwin. The minutes of January 3, 1991, were presented for approval. Ms. Rymsza moved to approve, seconded by Mr. Gleason. Motion Carried 4-0. CONTINUED BUSINESS: Pamphlet: Mr. Martin presented photographs he had taken of Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Bethune Cookman College, and the University of Central Florida, Daytona Beach annex. Ms. Rymsza's photographs of Tropical Blossom Honey, and some recreational photo's were presented. Mr. Baldwin~s photographs of Edgewater Fabrication and Machine and Tropical Blossom were also presented. After some discussion photo's were selected for the pamphlet. Mr. Martin stated he would take the photo's and the language changes for the pamphlet to the printer for another draft. Ad Hoc Committee/Task Force: Mr. Martin stated he had called the applicants who had responded to the advertisement that was run in the newspaper. He stated that Mr. Culleton was contacted and asked the five (5) criteria that the Board had developed at their last meeting. Mr. Culleton stated he is still interested in serving, he is able to donate four to five (4-5) hours per week, his hours are flexible, he can offer experience, knowledge and expertise in the commercial/industrial building area, and he is currently a member of the Florida Chamber of Commerce, the Port Orange/South Daytona Chamber of Commerce, the New Smyrna Beach/Edgewater/Oak Hill Chamber of Commerce, VCARD, and he has served as President of the Harbor Oaks Home Owners Association. Joe Hopkins of Charles Burkett and Associates was present to discuss his company's interest in volunteering for the proposed task force. He stated that the funds will come from their Marketing Department. He stated that his company's expertise revolves around development. He added that he understands that being a part of the task force is not a promise of future billable work. Mr. Hopkins stated that staff members from Burkett and Associates will collectively volunteer their time. Mr. Hopkins stated the best place to start is to investigate and establish a floodplain elevation, which FEMA establishes with aerial photographs. He added that FEC can be petitioned to help share in the cost of a survey, and Mosquito Control can aid in 1 o o verifying their dams and whether they are man-made or natural, because they can affect the floodplain. Mr. Martin stated that Mr. Karet, Planning and Zoning Director, had contacted FEC to see if they would do a tree survey. FEC will send their silvaculture people out to check for hardwoods. He added that if the city is interested in purchasing property in the PID, the owner can be asked to provide the needed surveys. There was discussion as to the projected growth of southeast Volusia County. NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Martin suggested the members skip new business, 1991 Eunice Sullivan Economic Development Internship Program, and bring it up at the next meeting. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Chairman's Reports: Mr. Martin discussed a recent Task Force for Economic Development for Industrial Development meeting he attended. He stated the major discussion was the planned land use for industry. He added that there is not very much property available. Mr. Martin stated he had taken the PID overlay map to the meeting to explain what is happening to Edgewater. Mr. Martin stated he is also awaiting a call from Dr. Justice of Daytona Beach Community College regarding the status of the south campus. Mr. Gleason moved staffing an Ad handed a staff of Carried 5-0. to accept Mr. Hopkins' assistance in lieu of Hoc Committee/task force. because we are being professionals. Mr. Baldwin seconded. Motion Mr. Hopkins stated that the city can negotiate with the county regarding financial assistance for finding environmentally sensitive land in the PID. He added that the petition should come from the Mayor. Mr. Hopkins also discussed the substantial impact fees that can be gained from the PID property. He stated that some research should be done prior to scheduling a meeting between the county and the mayor. Mr. Martin stated a member of the Board must be appointed to the Task Force. Mr. Hopkins stated that his company helped to develop Ormond Beach's industrial property. He stated he would contact their planner to discuss the development of their industrial property. Mr. Gleason suggested that a joint meeting of the Council, city manager, and the Board should take place after Mr. Hopkins identifies the hurdles (ie: wetlands, state waters, etc.) Mr. Martin stated he had attended the last Council meeting, and he introduced himself to the Council. Mr. Martin stated the Council is aware of the Task Force and the problems the city is facing in the PIO. Mr. Gleason moved to have the chairman send a letter to the Mayor requesting a joint special meeting no less than two (2) weeks and no more than three (3) weeks from this date. Due to the lack of a second, the motion failed. After some discussion, the Board agreed that a joint meeting should not be held until Mr. Hopkins is prepared, and the Board has a meeting to discuss his findings. Industrial Development Board Regular Meeting Thursday, February 7, 1991 2 o o Mr. Gleason moved to have the Chairman call an emergency meeting upon notice from Burkett and Associates. Mr. Hanson seconded. Motion Carried 5-0. Chairman Martin passed the gavel to Vice-Chairman Agnes Rymsza. Mr. Martin moved to try to schedule a workshop meeting with the Council in four (4) weeks. Mr. Gleason seconded. The Motion Carried 5-0. The gavel was passed back to Chairman Martin. The members agreed to wait to appoint a Board member to the Task Force. Board Member Reports: There was some discussion regarding the January 9, 1991, meeting with Jim Reichardt, Volusia County Business Development Corporation, Gates Castle, City Engineer, Elly Johnson, City Manager, Joe Martin, Chairman of the Industrial Development Board, and Mark P. Karet, Planning and Zoning Director regarding FEC and the PID. There being no further business to Rymsza moved to adjourn, seconded by adjourned at approximately 8:20 p.m.. come before the Board, Ms. Mr. Hanson. The meeting Industrial Development Board Regular Meeting Thursday, February 7, 1991 Minutes Respectfully Submitted By: Beverly Kinney, Recording Secretary 3