12-06-1990 Q 9 OQfb CITY OF EDGEWATER INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1990 7:00 P.M. CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL Chairman Joe D. Martin called to order a regular meeting of the Industrial Development Board at 7:06 p.m., Thursday, December 6, 1990, in the conference room of City Hall. \<\\ ~ Q. \c\U) \~ ~ ~f ~~ Koch, Mr. Martin, Mr. .Mr. D.J.lefuin a~ Mr. Kinney, Secretary. ROLL CALL: Members present were Mr. Hanson, Mrs. Rymsza, and Mr. williams. Gleason were absent. Also present Beverly APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of October 4, 1990, were presented for approval. Mr. Williams moved to approve, seconded by Mr. Hanson. Motion Carried 5-0. The minutes of November 14, 1990, were presented for approval. Mr. Williams moved to approve. Mr. Hanson stated he was not present at the meeting, and the minutes reflected that he was present. Mr. Hanson seconded. Motion Carried 5-0. CONTINUED BUSINESS: Pamphlet: The members discussed including New Smyrna Beach Regional Airport and Massey Airpark in the pamphlet, the low crime rate, and that there is a video available upon request (if a video is made). Mr. Williams stated that other industries that are in the Edgewater city limits or have an Edgewater address should also be included in the pamphlet ie: Waco Manufacturing, 1M-CO, Southern Instruments, Edgewater Machine and Fabrication, and Boston Whaler. He added that the industries depicted will be the city's best salesmen, so they should have some recognition. Mr. Baldwin explained that other industries had been considered but because of the space available there just wasn't enough room to represent everyone. Mr. Martin stated that since a draft of the pamphlet had been done by Brewer printing, there was more space and more firms could be represented. It was agreed that in the area depicting education available entrance signage should be used instead of buildings at the various campuses. Mr. Baldwin stated he would take photographs of Tropical Blossom Honey to depict local industry, a boating/fishing photo, and a photo of the Canaveral National Seashore to show the availability of recreation/leisure activities in the area. The members agreed to include Miami, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, and Tampa on the map shown in the pamphlet. Mr. Martin called a recess at 8:08 p.m.. 8 : 20 p. m . . The meeting resumed at By-Laws: The members agreed to carry this item over to the January meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Discussion-Joint Meetinq with City Council: After some discussion the members agreed that the meeting is a good idea, as it will make the Council aware of what the Board is doing, and the Board can get an idea of what the Council expects from them. It was also agreed that a joint meeting should be held after the new Councilmembers have been in office for a while. It was noted that a designee from the Board should attend Council o o meetings and give a quarterly update. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Chairman's Reports: Mr. Martin stated that according to Mr. Johnson, City Manager, DCA is objecting to the land designation given to the PID district. DCA wants the land to be designated conservation, because of the 100 year floodplain and the hardwood hammock in the PID district. Mr. Martin added that the Eagle's nest is also a factor. Mr. Martin stated there is going to be a meeting with Mr. Reichardt from the Volusia County Business Corporation, and a representative from Florida Railroad on January 9th to discuss the PID. city staff, Development East Coast Mr. Hanson discussed the fact that two of the property owners in the PID would like to get a quit claim deed off the spur in the PIO from FEC. Mr. Martin stated that a large industry may come in and need the spur for railroad access. Board Member Reports: Mr. Koch stated that Councilperson Gillespie had contacted him and gave him a list of places to contact r~garding the demographic information he is working on for the Board. The members agreed that Mr. Koch should get the statistics for skilled labor vs. unskilled labor, pay scales, age breakdown, etc.. There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Koch moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Hanson. The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 p.m.. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Beverly Kinney, Secretary Industrial Development Board Regular Meeting Thursday, December 6, 1990 2