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7: 00 P. 11 .
Chairman Joe D. Martin called to order a regular meeting of the
Industrial Development Board at 7:10 p.m., Thursday, November 14,
1990, in the conference room of City Hall.
ROLL CALL: Members present were Mr. Gleason, Mr. Koch, Mr.
t"lartin r. Hanson .and Mr. Williams. Mr. Baldwin and Mrs.
sza were dl.J::.-e6t. Also present IrJas Beverly Kinney, Secretary.
Pamphlet: Mr. Martin stated that Brewer Printing would bE ,~=Jy
be dOingatype-set this Friday. He added that photos of Tropical
Blossom and Edgewa ter Mach i ne.;- ~e~d -tv ba.. -Wc-"€-".f'
Mr. Gleason suggested that since the pamphlet mentions Orlando
International and Daytona Beach Regional Airports, the New Smyrna
Beach Municipal Airport could also be mentioned.
Mr. Gleason reported that approximately two hundred (200) to four
hundred (400) people from General Electric located in Huntsville
would be transferring to the Daytona Beach area. He added that
the Board may want to find out who their suppliers are and send
pamphlets to them to see if they would be interested in
relocating to the Daytona Beach area. Mr. Gleason stated that
once the basic target area has been selected for sending out
pamphlets the city can start making contacts with companies like
Burlington, since they do work for General Electric.
Mr. Williams stated that he works on spouse placement. When a
company relocates its employees, it is his job to find a position
for the spouse. He added that he also works on the relocation of
Mr. Gleason
level. Mr.
crime level
stated that he has discovered that people coming to
are under the impression that we have a high crime
Gleason added that in researching state and F.B.I.
he discovered that Edgewater has the second lowest
in Volusia County, and it is the tenth lowest in the
Mr. Martin read the Purpose and Intent section of the Board's
By-Laws for the benefit of the new members (Mr. Gleason and Mr.
Will i ams ) .
Mr. Koch stated the city needs more representation on the various
committees being formed by the Edgewater branch of the Chamber of
Mr. Martin pointed out that there is no economic development plan
for the city, and he believes there should be.
Discussion Items: Mr.
Economic Development
Business Administration
will be May 5th through
Martin noted there was
Through Youth Program,
which stated that Small
the 11th of next year.
mail from the
and the Small
Business Week
Mr. Martin informed the members of an amendment to the Florida
Statutes which provided for economic development ad valorem
exemptions, up to 100Y. for up to ten (10) years on a case by case
basis. Mr. Gleason believed that may benefit the city since the
new Council is pro-growth.
The members discussed the need to revise the Board's By-Laws
since there are areas that are out of date and don't apply
anymore ie: mention of a screening committee, approval of minutes
by the Secretary, and mention of the Planning and Zoning Board.
Mr. Martin noted that elections for
will be held at the January meeting.
chairman and vice-chairman
Mr. Martin stated that the Board did not have any
easily at hand regarding demographics and asked for
to compile the information. Mr. Koch volunteered.
a volunteer
The members discussed the need for an overall economic
development plan for the city to increase the industrial tax
base. Mr. Martin stated he had received a letter from Strategic
Planning Group offering to do this. After much discussion it
was agreed that an Ad Hoc Committee be created which will be
made up of developers, builders, etc. to find ways to open up the
PIO property for development. Mr. Koch moved to have a committee
develop an advertisement for the Ad Hoc Committee, seconded by
Mr. Gleason. Motion Carried 4-0. Mr. Martin appointed Mr.
Gleason and Mr. Williams to the task of drafting an advertisement
for newspaper publication.
Mr. Martin called a recess at 8:30 p.m..
at 8:40 p.m..
The meeting reconvened
Mr. Gleason showed the members a video tape which was prepared
for Unity Builders and used in his recent trip to the General
Electric employees in Huntsville. The a video tape is
inexpensive and up-to-date way to promote the city. The members
agreed this was a good idea, but should be placed on hold until
the pamphlet is completed.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr.
Williams moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Gleason. The meeting
adjourned at 9:05 p.m..
Industrial Development Board
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, November 14, 1990
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Beverly Kinney, Secretary