10-05-1989 ~it tl uf 1.EllgtlUattf <.) POST OFFICE BOX 100 EDGEWATER, FLORI DA 32032 dl2J~ . CITY OF EDGEWATER INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1989 CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL 7.00 P.M. Mr. Richards called to order a regular meeting of the Industrial Development Board at 7.00 p.m., in the conference room of City Hall, Thursday, October 5, 1989. ROLL CALL: Members present were, Mr. McClain, Mr. Boyce, Mr Martin, Mr. Baldwin, Ms. Rymsza, Mr. Hanson and Mr. Richards, Chairman. Also present were, Mark Karet, ,Planning Directo~ and Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of September 7, 1989 were approved as corrected. OLD BUSINESS. Proposed Draft Buffers In Industrial Zones - Mr. Boyce made a motion to recommend to the Land Development and Regulatory Agency to leave set backs as presently established and increase the number of plantings in the existing buffers. Seconded by Mr. Martin. Motion CARRIED 7-0. Discussion 'on future plans for a road between N.W. lOth Street and Pprk Avenue ~ There was a brief discussion of future plans. NEW BUSINESS: Report on Industrv Appreciation, Seminar - Mr. Hanson reported on the seminar,saying he thought it had improved since last year, although the turnout was poor. The speakers were also very good, holding the interest of most the audience. Mrs. Rymsza suggested possibly canvassing the industry to get a bettel- turnout. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Mr. Richards told the Board he will be attending a meeting to determine future plans for the road between N.W. 10th Street and Park'Avenue. Mr. Richards also asked for input from the Board to t,ake to the meet i ng . ADJOURNMENT: There bei ng no future busi ness to come before the Board Mr., Boyce moved to adjourn, se~onded by Mr. M~rtin. The meeting adjourned at 8: 20 p. m . , : Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sondra Meager-P~ngov, Secretary Industrial Deve'lopment Board ISMP