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7:00 P.M.
Mr. Richards called to order a regular meeting of the Industrial
Development Board at 7:00 p.m., in the conference room of City
Hall, Thursday, September 7, 1989.
Members present were, Mr. McClain, Mr. Boyce, Mr Martin, Mr.
Baldwin, Ms. Rymsza, Mr. Hanson and Mr. Rich~rds, Chairman.
Also present were, Doris
City Attorney and Elly
Pengov, Secretary.
Massey, Councilman Fish, Jose Alvarez,
Johnson, City Manager and Sondra Meager-
Mr. Richards introduced and welcomed Agnes Rymsza as a new Board
The minutes of May 4, May 22 and June 13, 1989 were accepted as
Quitclaim Deed from Massey's Mr. Richards introduced Doris
Massey and she gave the background on the land she has donated ~o-~~'
to the City. Ms. Massey provided a map ShOWing~~the~land donated ~~ ~~
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1 n Ju I y 1986. She showed how 10th Street ~'Il&u r 15C'" C J{liEntle:d
through ~ the Community College and the ability' to develop an
industrial park in the area.
Ms. Massey's concern is the fact that the land was donated in
1986 and nothing has ever been done with the property. She feels
if a road went in, the tax base would pay for it over a period of
time, as the road would open up available land.
Ms. Massey thought funds were appropriated in the budget several
years ago, and negotiations with the Railroad would enable a road
to be put through.
Ms. Massey then read a letter by Massey Real Estate to the Mayor
and City Council.(see attached)
Mr. Johnson, City Manager
Massey. Mr. Johnson stated he
expire in 1991 if no action
the City has taken no action.
at this time to build a
signed with Florida East
understanding is the railroad
asked to address the Board and Ms.
thought the quitclaim deed would
were to be taken. This may be why
Also, there are no funds available
road. There was never an agreement
Coast Railroad. Mr. Johnson's
is interested in a different route.
Mr. Johnson suggested arranging a meeting to discuss future plans
for a road between N.W. 10th Street and Park Avenue. The City's
desire is to sit down as a group and see if the project can
feasibly be done to serve the several property owners in the
area. It is the City's position that this project would be very
viable with the growth and future need of industrial land in
Southeast Volusia.
A motion was made by Mr. Martin and
have the City Manager set up a meeting
for a road between N.W. 10th Street and
agreed 7 - O.
seconded by Mr. Hanson to
to discuss future plans
Park Avenue. Unanimously
Industrial Development Board
September 7, 1989
Page -2-
Mr. Johnson also discussed the C.I.P. program. He is actively
trying to get the water plant started out at 442 and 1-95.
Mr. Johnson also mentioned that Code Enforcement is being more
active trying to improve the City's image.
Blue Chip Proqram -
Mr. Baldwin discussed the
the Blue Chip Program. He
changes he made to the Committees for
broke the committees down to three
1) Sites and buildings
a) existing industry
b) economic development
2) Community assessment and improvements
3) Community information
For anyone considering industry in Edgewater this will provide an
accurate guideline to investigate what the City has to offer.
Mr. Richards stated this is a good program and possibly Mr.
Baldwin will be able to donate time in collecting information
and report findings to the Board.
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Proposed par l~ .5 u L L.i IILl Dd y Lu lid D~dch Cl3RH~IUn i tv Co 11 cqo - Mr.
Martin stated he spoke with Beverly Kinney of the Planning and
Zoning Department and she indicated this property was going to be
left P.I.D.
Industrial Appreciation Week - Mr. Hanson agreed to attend the
Industry Appreciation Seminar, September 19, 1989 in Mr. Richards
place as Mr. Richards has conflicting commitments.
Buffers for Industrial Zones Mr. Martin gave a brief
background. The land Development and Regulatory Agency is
requiring a twenty five (25) foot landscape noise buffer between
industrial and residential areas. The City Council would like
input from the Industrial Development Board before action is
taken on this requirement.
Mr. Hanson made a
information on the
Motion CARRIED 7-0.
motion that Board
required buffer.
more specific
by Mr. Martin.
Potential Industrial Park at Interstate 95 and State Road 442-
Mr. Martin, in a conversation with Councilwoman Bennington and
Councilman Hatfield, discussed additional land available. There
is a thirty eight (38) and a fifty eight (58) acre parcel that
abut the site for a new water treatment plant. Councilman
Hatfield implied this would be a good site for an industrial
park and possibly a good idea for the City to purchase the land.
Mrs. Rymsza had been to a meeting in Orlando about
ago and they made reference to a group looking for
and they were speaking about this area in general.
will get further information to report to the Board.
six months
hotel sites
t'lrs. Rymsza
Appointment for Aqnes Rymsza to Industrial Development Board-
Mr. Richards welcomed Mrs. Rymsza to the Board.
Memo from Elly Johnson, City Manaqer. concerninq Councilwoman
Benninqton's request The Board will provide all pertinent
background when sending a request to the Council.
Industrial Development Board Minutes
September 7, 1989
Page -3-
1989 Budqet - Mr. Richards spoke with Lynne Plaskett of the
Planning and Zoning Department as to the needs to the Industrial
Development Board. This year $250.00 was added to the budget.
Mr. Martin discussed the Economic Development Professionals
letter that had been received by mail to the Board. Mr. Martin
will contact Mr. Johnson on the mentioned Transportation issue.
There being no additional business to come before the Board, Mr.
Richards moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Hanson. Meeting
adjourned at 8:26 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary
Industrial Development Board